You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny

You learned that your defective, obsessive, and diseased mind is bent on its own destruction: that is simply the nature of alcoholism, your newly diagnosed affliction.  Ruin is inevitable.

They exploited the desires, fears and sins you revealed during “Step Work” to exact obedience and stifle doubt.

Then they sent you out into the world to proselytize for them: to convince others they are similarly defective and obsessed even if they don’t realize it, insisting that their claim to drink just because they want to is a lie, even as you deny trying to convince anyone they are alcoholic.  And you do it, because it’s an essential part of the only known cure.

Now they sit back and laugh, waiting for you to self-destruct because one day you you wake up in a good mood and forget to beseech your Higher Power for protection from your own mind’s lethal obsessions and at the end of the day when you suddenly remember and reach for the phone to call your sponsor, it’s too late because the combination of vodka you picked up on the way home to commemorate a successful day (an old habit you assumed was long since broken), and a nearly full prescription of vicodin left over from a previous surgery (whose longevity you and your sponsor recently agreed was sure proof of progress even while you wondered why she didn’t demand that you flush it immediately), has already shut down the nerve signalling pathways controlling the muscles in your extremities, thereby rendering a maligned and abused but normal brain truly and hopelessly powerless, for the first time ever.

That’s the most common modus operandi of Alcoholics Anonymous, the brainwashing cult of powerlessness that doubles as a drinking club (oh you thought AA was a treatment for alcoholism? Gotcha haha!), and it happens many times every day in this country. They thirst for your blood because it makes them stronger; your expiration increments the obscene statistic that stands as this year’s testament to the fearsome power of the same affliction that now threatens the life of tonight’s featured speaker even as he stands here before us: a humble Christian, and at one time not so long ago another certain victim of the disease, were it not for his discovery of a simple but powerful program, which worked when nothing else did, and which not only rescued his poor and admittedly imperfect soul from certain death but offered it abundant life; the initiation of which requiring only a willingness to admit the power of an undeniably deadly disease; and for its maintenance his continuous vigilance lest it return. The disease withered as he advanced in the program in which he learned to exercise rigorous honesty in all his affairs; and finally the infernal malady receded, though it left behind in its wake a shameful trail of sin, which he regrets and for which he has made amends, as our program requires. He then proceeds to recount the harrowing details. We listen and much to our surprise he is laughing and we are laughing! The recovery from our condition has strengthened us and made us resilient, and we are able to find humor in the midst of the suffering and hardship it created for us and the ones we care about most. Indeed, we are not a glum lot.

You chuckle along with the group at the stories of mischief, unaware of the high cost the cult has incurred for them, or that this obligation can be satisfied only by the blood of its members. Who will die for this man’s sins? That question never occurs to you. For now you are focused on your recovery, while you relish the warm welcome of the fellowship.  Their eager hugs and knowing smiles suggest a genuine appreciation of your suffering, even if the repeated demands for ‘rigorous honesty’ about past mistakes left you demoralized.  They say you’re making progress.

You recommit yourself to the Steps as our speaker advised and wait your turn for the promised miracle, wondering if you really have admitted utter powerlessness to your disease as he did, and trying to remember what he even said about that.


The Real Alcoholics of AA pour their drinks and take their seats, laughing about their new disciples. Who will be first to attain true knowledge?  The bets are placed and the curtain is lifted.  The demons settle in to watch an eloquent apostle of our “cunning and baffling” condition start her day in a good mood and conclude it in silent vindication.   The curtain falls and the room erupts in raucous cheers: the old prank remains as young as the blood that affords it.  The winner of the pool soaks in the accolades and starts to plan her merry escapade, which will only wax more lurid in its retelling. Brew sloshes and spills from a goblet raised jubilantly in its own honor.


My advice is to get out now and don’t look back. Maybe stop by your local church on the way home and see if they have any openings for service work.

And for gosh sakes, don’t mix alcohol and drugs!

AddictionMyth gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Drew Pinsky for this article.

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1,168 thoughts on “You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny”

  1. The fact that I can read this and laugh. The fact that I can feel compassion for the writer, if he really thinks this way. The fact that I will not go through my day talking to anyone about this article or even giving it another thought proves the power of the program. My hope is one day you can let go of your own judgement and find peace in the world.

  2. It’s my understanding that AA is a free program that offers people who struggle w sobriety a place to go to try to start over. The rooms are full of supportive other people dealing w the same daily challenges. They say take what you need from the meetings and leave the rest. You can share your story or simply sit and listen. No one ever said this is a program of guaranteed success because addiction is a life time challenge. People can benefit from attending these meetings or not. That’s the beauty of it. I’ve known people in recovery who were helped by AA and people who stay clean on their own. I don’t know where the idea that this is a cult enters the picture. It’s an option that I’m grateful exists and I am not an alcoholic.

  3. Wow Addiction myth you sure know so much about AA and spend a lot of time downing a 12 step program that has saved thousands of lives. So glad someone Planted a seed in you! There is a seat with your name on it. Ha! This so called “cult” also brainwashed me into sobriety. Looks like your renting a space for free in that noodle of yours.

    I’ve got to stop wasting my time reading these comments.

    1. I am a firm believer in Alcoholics Anonymous. It is NOT a cult, and I am not brainwashed. Aa neither endorses or opposes any cause….AA is a program of attraction rather than promotion. Those following the program of AA do not seek to prostelize AA or any cause for that matter. It is a program of free choice. The 12 Steps are SUGGESTED as a program of recovery. Fear is not part of membership. Quite to the contrary, the elimination of fear, which is a primary cause for misery of any person, is offered by examination of self.
      L. Ron Hubbard’s movement is a cult. Members are required to behave in certain ways, or they are thrown out, chastised, etc. AA does not determine a person’s membership, nor does it take it away. A member is a member when he or she decides they are a member. Conversely members do leave the program, but usually return, because they have started to drink insanely again.

      I wonder if the physician (he does have an M.D., right?) is an alcoholic? Is he a member of AA, or read any of its materials? Does he understand how AA began? This is not Scientology, Hary Krishna, or the Manson gang. We hurt nobody. Even seeking a sponsor is a member, or potential member’s choice. We have found, however, from our own experience and from membership in AA, that it is a solution to an indescribable hell, including jails, institutions or the morgue. If there is a pill out there to treat it, let me know. After drinking for twenty years without the ability to stop, both my addiction psychiatrist, who has his M.D. In the study of the human brain, and my addiction therapist directed me to attend AA. After 9 years of trying AA, it finally stuck to this hard headed alcoholic’s mentality that if this could stop me from drinking, I didn’t care the method, I wanted what those in AA already had. Now I have it. It is called peace of mind, contentment, and an ability to carry forth my career. If there is no leadership in AA, and free choice, I ask those with logic: does this meet the definition of cult to you? I think not. He who judges without full know,edge and participation in an organization is no more than a Charleton. My opinion, but my experience, too.

      1. Anastasia,
        If you look at the recruiting tactics and practices of a cult, you will clearly see that AA fits within the definition of a cult. Cults have varying degrees of their practices. Scientology, which is considered a cult, does not condone murder like Jim Jones or Manson, and it doesn’t believe in killing ones self to join God as Heavens Gate did but it is still a cult by definition as is AA.

        As far as the attraction rather than promotion idea, that is a complete load of crap. Bill Wilson did in his time, as well as AA continuing until this day promote AA to the court system, jail system and medical community to get more members to be forced into the program. AA was instrumental in getting alcoholism labled as a disease (which it isn’t) to get peopled ordered into treatment which about 90+% of treatment facilities do nothing but teach the 12 steps and force AA attendance.
        In my experience, treatment and AA can prove helpful in the beginning when you are first trying to quit. But once you have become clean and are thinking more clearly it is time to realize that you are in control of your own destiny. Dwelling daily (one day at a time) on alcoholism or drug addiction is a recipe for disaster for many people.
        There was a study done over an eight year period by a professor (can’t remember his name) but he was a key player in the AA infrastructure. His findings proved AA had no effect on recovery and the death rate among people using AA as a means of recovery had the highest rate of relapse and death as opposed to other forms of abstinence including no treatment at all.
        Look into it further and you will find that What AA says and what is really going on are two different things. Anything Bill Wilson said (known as Billshit) should never be taken seriously. He was nothing but a liar out to make a name for himself at any cost whether it was factual or not.

    2. I think it is all good. From A M point of view and the passionate program folks. I wish I had the ability to spark this sort of feedback. Hang in there A M.

    3. The Big Book says there are those who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. They are not at fault, they are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty. There are those too who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, much like this so-called author does.

  4. The only thing I don’t like about AA meetings is the insistence that you give all the credit for recovery to a higher power. If you try to take any credit for your efforts you are seen as arrogant and ungrateful. I am of the belief that God kept me safe until I accepted my alcolism then got me to AA.. After that He expected me to do the work to stay sober. I just celebrated 2 years sober.

    1. Congrats on your two years and thank you for the breath of sanity and humility. One does not need to believe in God even. Just another part of AA lore.

    2. Actually, you don’t have to do this. It is suggested, as are all of the guidance written in The Big Book of AA, and other AA approved lit. Worry not. Your program is YOUR program. If someone in the program tells you otherwise, they are quite wrong. The Universe is a power greater than yourself, for example. There is likely no denial among any of us how infinite the universe is, and that it operates on a grander scale than a human. But you don’t. Have to do this. This part is meant to get the alcoholic to stop focusing inward, which we do so well. We like to think we control everything. Most of us have a perverted sense for a need to control, and belief in a power greater than myself just means I admit I don’t control the universe and many other things. You don’t have to admit to a higher power! Just try to think of it as I have suggested as one alternative. Many alternatives exist. It is part of the process of discovering that we cannot control our alcoholism or we would have done it. So if we focus on something else, something other than ourselves (we tend to be self-centered in the extreme when we are steeped in our drinking) we can focus on a cure/recovery. Hope that is helpful.

      1. Yahoo! That is so well stated. Yeah, if this is brainwashing, and it keeps me not only sober, but peaceful, happy, joyous and free, and able to deal with my life on its terms, so be it.

    1. AA didn’t save your life, you did. Just because you happened to be attending AA at the point in your life where you decided enough is enough doesn’t mean AA had anything to do with it. Listening to the 12 steppers who say you will fail and die if you leave is just one of the cult recruitment tools they use to attract and keep people ” coming back”. You would be a lot better off getting away from a program with such a miserable record and realizing it is the power within yourself that is keeping you sober, not religious cult fanatics.

      1. If it were the power within any of us, we wouldn’t consider ourselves insane. Insane people do not cure themselves. AA is a support group. Drinking to the point of killing yourself, or seriously injure ones body is insanity. That can be removed by being within a fellowship of other alcoholics. I was sane when I began drinking, but ready to die when I figured out I just couldn’t kick this myself. BUT, you are right on one level: it was my complete willingness to be in recovery that got me there.

  5. Sounds like someone who doesn’t want to put down the bottle yet.

    What, did the court make you go & get some papers signed & suddenly attending a few meetings you have no interest in being at make you an expert on the inner workings of a support group millions of people worldwide attend to find some comfort in dealing with the harmful effects that alcohol and drugs have introduced into their lives?

    AA is hardly a cure, either. It is & only claims to be a daily reprieve from the unmanageability of a life dictated by the harsh demands of alcohol.

    & If you are truly so informed as to the true nature of the conspiracy behind AA please demystify us as to who this all-pervasive “they” is that laugh & chuckle & slosh their glasses about merrily as they watch you suffer the drudgery of another day without your beloved drink or drug of choice? Please name names as to who is profiting from the $1 members chuck into a basket they are misled into believing pays for coffee, literature & to support the churches & other institutions that allow an AA group to use their facilities.

    Nothing I resent more than an ill-informed conspiracy theory nut in a boat full of holes.

    May your higher power help you find what you are seeking. May she grant me the patience & pereseverance to endure the ignorance you spread.

  6. I went to AA after drinking a fifth of whiskey every day for around 12 years. In my first 6 months I witnessed a shooting and a gang rape both after a meeting within weeks of each incident. I had to go to court as a witness in both cases.
    Needless to say, I left AA. I went to church around 8 months sober and never went back to AA. The first time I took communion I told the pastor I couldn’t because I was an alcoholic. He laughed when I said that and told me I would be fine. He forbid me from saying that I was an alcoholic.
    When I left AA I was told I would die. I didn’t. I’m still sober 22 years later. I still take communion once a month.
    I work in our prayer room and have helped a couple hundred people stop drinking with Christian disciplines ( prayer, stewardship, meditating on scripture, and Bible study).
    I’m really glad I had a bad time in AA right from the beginning. The horror stories that reformed members of my congregation share with me are absolutely disgusting.

    1. Well, you realize that if you do your research, before The Big Book was written, the group sat around with a Bible. Religion is not discussed, because it could alienate a person with a bad experience with organized religion to turn away. AA is one method. Christianity is another. Frankly, I find the two work in conjunction with me. The Bible does discuss alcoholism. So if a priest forbade you to call yourself an alcoholic, this seems odd. I just spoke to my pastor who knows AA backwards and forwards, and he highly recommends the program. If you want to believe what you want about yourself, that’s called free will in Christianity. AA does not tell you whether you are or are not an alcoholic. That is for you to decide. Most normal drinkers don’t down a fifth though at one sitting and not die from alcohol poisoning, their bodies aren’t used to alcohol as ours become. Believe what you like, but don’t down something. THAT is not righteous living.

  7. First time commenter, first time reader. This is all quite interesting. How exactly do you arrive at these conclusions? Seem a bit far-fetched. “Cult” is one of those vastly overused terms that get thrown around a lot, so it immediately made me skeptical. From what I know, 12 step programs require next to nothing from participants, even participation isn’t really required. I’m no expert on that, or cults, but I think I know enough to know that sounds like an exaggeration. I guess my real question is, why so serious? Seems like a lot of bluster over something that doesn’t really concern you, and you even paid to advertise this post. Smells suspect. Maybe you’ve got beef with these people that you’re not addressing? I don’t know, not a psychologist. But that might be a thought to follow. Anyways, best of luck.

    1. Thank you Bob, twas a breath of fresh air. I have been following the Addiction Myth for about a year. I was hoping for comments like yours but instead there has been ongoing hostility from both sides. I think Addiction Myth was victimized by some rather strong personalities in the program. Some people in AA can be rather opinionated in the “My way or the Highway” sense. There was a guru like this in L A area who rules with an iron fist. Hosts the largest meeting in the world approximately 1,000 People every Wednesday night. And travels all over the country and the world speaking to different AA groups telling them how to do it “right” I think he is more vicious and toxic than anyone Addiction Myth came in contact with. I spent a short time with him and found that despite the sound and fury he really did not walk his talk and moved away from his group in 1990. He has a right to his opinions but I have an equal right not to share them and found groups a bit more democratic. Anyway sorry to run on so long but I was moved by your sincere and intelligent post. Thank you again.

  8. Do not stand on a slippery soapbox. You just might fall and break your god damned neck. How dare you put a support group of individuals down. A group all around the world ! ! In the millions, for gods sake. Shame on you, you fricken IDIOT. When “your way” reaches the millions then maybe you have a leg to stand on. Then you can get back up on your soapy soap box and I hope you DO fall off. …………….shameless degenerate !

      1. Only a moron would even put in a his half baked article claiming AA is a” cure” for anything. What a stupid statement

    1. great the way these AA’s take criticism. With expletives not deleted and rage and anger aplenty. Really supports the case Addiction Myth is trying to make, I think. Talk about contempt prior to investigation. Nut cases. Keep scrumming back!

      1. So your ok with the expletives in the authors original
        Post? Is it just you don’t like expletives used if you don’t agree with the point?

    2. I am celebrating another year of recovery from alcohol and over the course of these last twelve years I have met some of the most influential people that I have ever had the courtesy of meeting. Early on”quick side note the Dr that published the original post had no reply actions, soo I hitched a ride with a fellow email” in recovery I did the usual from coffee, to trash, to offering lift to and from. But through this service I learned to get out of my selfish behavior and put other first which by the way is our souls purpose in this life. During my drinking career I broke over60 bones totaled five vehicles and had a lung removed and three days out of the hospital I was back in full effect. In my case which I’m pretty sure most of the fellow whinos, was my inability to stop the carousel and get off. I’m a hopeless Drunk but thanks to Bill Wilson and alcoholic anonymous I’m hopefully looking forward to each day and what I can do to serve theM an that took that obsession away. All things are possible through Christ ..

    3. I will say anything I darn well please. AA if full of nut cases and big book zealots. If you don’t think so you have never been to The Golden State.

    4. I get your reaction. This is a visceral thing for we in AA, and it cannot be described. But Lorrie M. Seems on the mark to me. Why down something, anything? Isn’t that anti-social personality behavior as described by L.Ron Hubbard. That means you have to disconnect from that person, so if I were in HIS cult, I would be forced to disassociate with you. Period. I went to a treatment center for three and one half months that based recovery on Scientology Principles, but didn’t tell any of us—there’s a cult for you. If you are well read, Mr. blogger, you know about this cult. It is one of the most widely known, ongoing cult out there. Tom Cruise, and others, must surrender a proportionate portion of their assets. AA has no dues or fees for membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. Aa does not accept gifts of large sums of money, or estates. You are a silly man.

  9. In A A since 12-30-09. And A A works , not a cult. Well, goto a meeting and see for yourself. God and A A saved my life. My opinion, go and see for yourself. Take a chance. Church is church, A A is a support group to stop drinking. Find the truth yourself.

    1. Andre,
      AA is not a support group to stop drinking. It is a group of people who want to get as many people into AA, NA, or any other of the dozens of 12 groups. Read the 12 steps carefully. It is all about debasing yourself, joining the flock and dragging in as many vulnerable saps to keep the machine going.

      1. Stupid comment Jack. You obviously know nothing about AA. We do not try and get anyone in. We let the alcoholic determine his or her direction and lovingly guide them. If it were up to you AddictionMyth, you would have all the “vulnerable saps” die. Thank the gods that I don’t listen to uneducated rubes like you.


      1. Of it saves someone from killing themselves from substance abuse , who cares what it sounds like to a moron like you?

    1. The meat of AA is in the 12 Steps of Recovery. Those steps were borrowed from Religion, psychology and philosophy that covers most of the alcoholics issues. “Don’t drink,go to meetings and grow up ” Some folks say that you don’t have to change however the very first change we make is by putting the plug in the jug ……I have almost 39 years of sobriety and have learned a lot in AA but there is always room for improvement.

    2. Deborah,
      I don’t know about you, but I have studied about cults. Jim Jones, Heavens Gate, Branch Davidians and such. And what it means to be a cult.
      AA and its 12 step program are exactly what the definition of a cult is. Read the 12 steps, compare that to the definition of a cult and you will see that it is what it is.
      Most (if not all) people in cults don’t realize they are in a cult for quite awhile, if ever. And some may not even care.
      I for one am all for people getting their lives together. I just don’t see how giving your life over to an organization whose sole purpose is to get others to abide by the 12 steps and follow some imaginary being or door knob is of any benefit.
      AA is not about alcohol. It is about AA and keeping AA alive. AA and all it’s spinoffs such as NA, CA and such just want the whole world to live life on the twelve step premise, regardless if that person has ever used drugs, alcohol , over eats, beats their wife etc.
      It seems you would benefit greatly by educating yourself on cults and their workings before saying others don’t know what they are talking about. You are in denial (AA’s favorite slogan) of what is really going on in those hallowed halls of AA.

      1. Again Jack, you know nothing. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. No one in the rooms of AA ask anything of anyone that they are not willing to give. Unlike Christianity which does. I suppose you think Christianity is a cult also?

    1. Yea but if it aint a cult then bow the hell can aa idiots choose a dam door knob as their higher power mpst of u idiots dont even know the defenition of a cult there is only one god and his name is jesus christ he is god u dam wackos get a life and become teachable what the spirit of god is saying u better bec there aint much time left i know more then u educated morons bec ive experienced the dark side of life u u u go to school to learn i go to god to lern get a dam life all u idiots posting these messages

      1. You go to school and learn some grammar. And punctuation. Sad, because I think English is your native language. Door knob is just a metaphor, you Christian idiot. Hatered doesn’t attract people, & AA accepts all people, as long as they believe in something bigger then themselves.

      2. So this “Jesus Christ” guy is a “god?” Hmm, how does your religion actually work? Let’s see the 10 commandments, the indoctrination of the sheep by your pastor or priest. Sounds like a cult to me Anonymous. Speaking of anonymous, are you such a coward that you cannot use your name?

  11. This is the silliest blog I have ever read… First of all, AA does not force, or require anything from you but your own will and desire to stop drinking… it has saved my life and countless others… I have to wonder why someone is so angry about it? It’s truly not your business or concern what those of us in AA do or believe. Hopefully you find something more important and relevant to concern yourself with… Lol all the way back to my meeting! Have a great day!

    1. This is the silliest comment I have ever read… First of all, this blog does not force, or require anything from you, you don’t even have to read it… it has saved countless lives… I have to wonder why someone is so angry about it? It’s truly not your business or concern what those of us who read this blog do or believe. Hopefully you find something more important and relevant to concern yourself with… Lol all the way back to my blog! Have a great day!

      1. You are a very pathetic being. You must have to much time on your hands. Do something
        Useful for a change

      2. LOL says the person who spends half their days at meetings, riding the bus to meetings and walking home from meetings and the other half of the day ranting against anti-AA blogs and calling the writers ‘pathetic’. Thanks for that classic display of AA hypocrisy. Please proceed with your demonstration of signature AA ‘peace and serenity’ and display the newfound purpose you found in your life:

      3. I. Was. TryIng. To. Be. Nice. But. Some. People. Use. Other. People. To just. Can. Want. They. Want. I. Learn. You. Have. To. Be. Careful. Who. You share. Whit. Human. Nature. I. Am. Still. Sober. Today. Thanks.

      4. Why are you so angry about AA that you felt compelled to write your original diatribe? Why are you son angry?

    2. Then why does the courts force people to go to aa the sickest thing i find is that a oldtimer tells a nw commer u can choose a dam door knob as ur higher power u people in aa are very sick who say that u need meds alrite i go to aa i got 2 years but how can a house stsnd when there are gods not god gods aa will fall in the last days before his coming aa is written in the bible u dont know bec u dont listen to what the spirit is saying revelations talks about these people who worship a false god there is a bar against all ignoranse and that is contempt prior to investagation foplish blind souls u will have to answer one day to the one and only god jesus christ get a life people he is coming but u better not have vodka on ur breath lol

      1. It is illegal for any court to force participation in any 12 step program. AA and the 12 steps have been proven to be at least religious in nature. The
        fact that by all definition AA and all their 12 step associates fall into the cult category has never been addressed in court that I know of. Doesn’t have to be, the fact is, AA is a religion and thus forced participation is a violation of a persons constitutional rights. Look it up. Many cases listed of people who fought this and won. Not one court has ever said AA was not religious.

      2. I thank the gods that there are more than your sick, hateful “god.” If you are a shining light of Christianity then I am damned happy I left that a long time ago. Go back to your westboro brethren.

    3. Featherg, all of these so called Christians on here complaining about things that are none of their business, are merely of the Westboro Baptist Cult.

  12. I have the longest period of continuous sobriety since I was 17; I am now 46. I am grateful that AA lit the path, but God led me on it. I enjoy the fellowship, the meetings, and even the tales, however, I use the brain God has given me. When it comes to my recovery, I take what I need from the program and leave the rest. That being said – God bless Alcoholics Anonymous.

    1. No one is a drug addict or alcoholic at age 17. Unless of course they’ve had 30 years to refine their drunkalog. “Looking back, it seems I kept drinking long past my bedtime.” LOL

      1. It’s good to have a sense of humor – I am glad to exercise mine as well – that trait has been strained many times in my recovery, but hey – it’s still here. Unlike the mainstay premises of AA, I am also aware of the behavioral, environmental, and genetic factors which contribute to addiction. As one of four brothers who have suffered, only myself and youngest brother have made it. One brother was dead at 19 and the other decided to end his suffering with a noose just five years ago. I’m not trying to debate you or pull you over to my side of the premise – but there may be someone else here which may need encouragement and be reached through this forum. One great aspect to AA is that each can decide for themselves and make an informed decision on their own. AA didn’t work for me the first few years, and I almost met my own untimely demise – however, after reaching several lower ‘bottoms,’. I finally was given the desperation of a drowning man and got off my tail and worked the program. It’s the only thing that worked for me. This is just my personal take…

      2. Yes, I think this is closer to the truth. You and your brothers are not ‘addicts’. You have existential angst, something we all struggle with. Thank you for your honesty. I hope that others who need encouragement find it, but without having to admit powerlessness to alcohol (i.e. declare “Booze was my hp”). Because that belief is also very dangerous.

      3. Hello. While I won’t content on the pros/cons of AA, please try to understand that there ARE such things as 17 yr. old alcoholics and drug addicts. I was one of them. My drug and alcohol use started when I was 13. By 17 I had an alcohol addiction that caused physical withdrawal symptoms. I also had a heroin habit by the age of 15.

      4. Yes they are if they decide they are. You can’t diagnose anyone’s addiction, thinking you can makes you more stupid than I realized in the beginning.
        If you don’t want to do drugs and alcohol and you through your own experience decide for yourself that you are an addicted person, and that leads to the recovery that you seek. Who the hell are you to tell them they are not an addict? Thankfully they probably laugh at you and dismiss your unsolicited opinion.

      5. Oh yes miss addictionmyth, of course with your PHD in psychology you know everything there is to know about addicts don’t you?

    2. Thank you Kenny being the voice of reason in all this. Not about drunkalogs or myths or existential angst. All about Mental Illness which is the big elephant in the room nobody wants to admit to.

    1. It is all Okay I’ve not heard from A M better known as addiction Myth in weeks. I think he has given up the ghost and gone on to haunt elsewhere. I do applaud his sparking some response to all this though. A A does need a swift kick in the ass from time to time and never doubt that. No offense.

  13. Brainwashed? Yes. Cult? Yes.
    Thanks to this cult brainwashing me i haven’t wanted to drink nor had to since September 8, 2006.
    I can sadly report I have never been happier nor this content with myself and my life.

    1. Who cares what an angry outsider calls it. If you got the results you whereooking for , let the naysayers bark all they want

  14. Wow, before the cult forced me to change, my teeth were rotten, my kidneys had begun to fail, my fingernails peeled off my fingers, most of my hair fell out and my pee was brown.

    After brainwashing? I graduated college three separate times (all paid for by me), I have a nice job and I don’t smell bad anymore.

    It is worth 1.00 a week for the serenity I recieve.

    I will leave a white chip on the table, in case you’re shy……..

  15. This site sounds a lot like the hate churches who target the LGBT community. Are they representing some sort of religious body? What is the payoff for them?

    Sigh. Like other opinions I’ve seen on the Internet this site makes me sad for whoever spent the time creating this AND those who may believe this stuff without spending the time to go to AA and see what it’s about.

    And the fact that they’re promoting this stuff by buyimg ads targeting AA search engine queries makes this all very suspicious.

    1. Thank you for checking in. sounds like the old “contempt prior to investigation routine” I was soundly put off the other day when someone wrote Dough for Duh! Makes ya wonder?

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