I would like to apologize for denying that Simon Astaire is the Anti-Christ. I am now quite convinced that he really is.
Here are pics of Sebastian de Souza and Elliot Rodger (and their father Peter).
According to Wikipedia, Sebastian’s parents are Elinor Kelly and Chris de Souza. Well I believe that Elinor Kelly is his mother. She’s a social researcher and played a community doctor in Gas Attack, in which right wing zealots plot to kill Turkish refugees in a Glasgow housing complex. The movie came out a month before 9/11. And of course Peter’s wife Soumaya Akaaboune played opposite Matt Damon in his anti-war film Green Zone (2010). And his first wife Ong Li Chin (Elliot’s mother) was an actress too. Coincidence? You should know Simon better than that.
Does Simon know de Souza? Of course he does! He follows him on twitter. And Simon’s son Milo tweets about it. Milo and Sebastian are bffs. Here the boys enjoy a cig and a couple beers:

Obviously Simon stoked Elliot’s insane jealousy of his gay younger brother. Nice work!
And of course de Souza plays a role as a drug addict on ABC of course. Wouldn’t have expected any less, Simon. How much time does the poor boy have left on this earth??
Read more:
- AA’s Satanic Roots
- And the Lesson Today is HOW TO DIE!
- How did Simon Astaire kill Peaches Geldof?
- Simon Astaire: Rise of the Anti-Christ
- Oh My Gods – A boy’s dream come true
- Undiagnosed Alcoholic? – A typical AA drunkalog
- Lie Like the Wind – How to know if AA is right for you
- How to Drink Like a Normal Man – Just keep it simple
- Powerlessness as Religion – Only the good die young
- You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny – Who will pay for their sins?
- The Problem of the Jews: a Lesson in Brainwashing Propaganda – How AA bamboozled a country
- The Drinking Club – Watch what they do, not what they say
- Cory Monteith: The Cult of Powerlessness Claims Another Victim
- I Call Blackout – I did what??
- Rat Addicts and the Science Of Addiction – The best of 60′s Science Fiction
- A Conversation with Dr. Drew Pinsky – 13% and proud
- School for Scoundrels – What you actually learn in the rooms
- AA is a Pagan Cult – Putting the ‘pagan’ in propaganda
- The Little Psychopath Could: How the Addiction Myth creates new Drug Addicts
I have read so much misinformation about AA on this site! Let me start with the cult business. AA is not a cult, it has zero to do with satanic anything. It is not a religious cult, a demonic cult or any other kind. It is not a cult. People who don’t want to get sober use “it’s a cult” as an excuse to stay away, but that is a bad choice for them. Second, AA does not have a list of any “Thou Shalts.” Everything we suggest is a suggestion….there are no, zero, nada, zippo rules. No rules. No Thou Shalts. Third, AA is not religious; you can get the AA message without ever believing in any God. Fourth, you are not forced to get a “Higher Power.” Basically the deal with AA is, it works if you want it to. When you go to the meetings, you take away what resonates with you and you leave the rest that doesn’t resonate. You’ll make friends. You’ll find your way to sobriety. You’ll get your self-respect back. Come on over, we’ve got a chair waiting for you.
No rules. Just admit you’re powerless and going to die. OK good luck with everything!
De Souza seems to be disintegrating on twitter. Not a single coherent post nor will the boy be seen sober or without a drink in his hand.
Also Elliot is the son of Peter and Soumaya. I guess Li Chin kinda adopted him. Would explain the psychotic envy (atypical of Chinese). Sorry I got that one wrong. Wow I’d love to know how Simon pulled that one off.
Is Peter going to speak out against this monster before he loses another son? What kind of hold does Simon have over him?