Alastair Crowley chafed at the long and oppressive list of ‘Thou shalt nots’ in the bible, as well as the hypocrisy he saw in the church in which he followed his father who was a traveling preacher. So he dreamed up a new religion whose only law was “Do what thou wilt.” He named it Thelema and spent the rest of his life trying to justify it through a grand unified theory of science, magic, occult and drug use. He founded two churches in which to practice this religion: OTO (Order of Oriental Templars) and A∴A∴ (Argentium Astrum – Silver Star).
The primary purpose of the religion was of course to convince women to sleep with him or engage in various depraved activities and to not complain about it afterwards. Unfortunately he never achieved much success and died poor and alone, and highly reviled.
Bill Wilson also dabbled in the occult (and séances and LSD), and although he didn’t know Crowley personally, he was familiar with his work, primarily through their mutual friend Aldous Huxley. Wilson’s friend Dr Bob, co-founder of AA, was a member of a new charismatic organization called the Oxford Group, in which people found God and spiritual fulfillment by sharing their sins publicly and then making restitution and then recruiting new members. The group was founded by Frank Buchman, who later became infamous as a Nazi sympathizer: “I thank heaven for a man like Adolf Hitler, who built a front line of defense against the anti-Christ of Communism.” Buchman was also believed to have sexually exploited the young men in his groups. Whether the Oxford Group can be described as “Christian” is open to debate, although AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) members insist it is, and therefore that AA is based on Christianity even if most Christian-specific language was later stripped out, and even if Buchman himself was not a respectable individual if not a total hypocrite. After all, no one is perfect.

Wilson realized that Crowley’s dream of repealing the laws of sin was probably futile, despite (or because of) his own experience with the occult. In a flash of genius, Bill W envisioned another option: sin could be committed freely and then paid for later by uniting excessive drinking with the Oxford Group ‘programme’. In a frenzy of inspiration, he created the 12 Steps and the organization that practiced it: Alcoholics Anonymous. He gave Thelema to the drinker of alcohol:
- Thelema: Do what thou wilt is the whole of law
- AA: The alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot (Big Book p. 62)
The alcoholic commits sins freely while under the influence of an irresistible craving for alcohol, and then makes amends for them by late-middle age. The process of achieving ‘sobriety’ takes many years and is fraught with a cycle of bingeing and abstinence known as ‘relapsing’ during most of one’s adulthood. The group held immediate appeal for many people for many reasons. It was an acceptable form of occultism and satanism with an veneer of legitimacy, and its meetings were even welcome in Church basements. The group quickly infiltrated the alcohol industry, medicine, and government to transform a pagan religion into a new disease which they called ‘alcoholism’.
Wilson spent the last 30 years of his life “13th Stepping” the newcomers, and though his behavior at meetings had to be monitored due to complaints, he certainly came closer than Crowley to fulfilling the dream.
Satan Gets Mainstreamed
Of course, most AA members deny that AA is satanic (although some do not). Certainly, it is pagan in its requirement that the new member choose a Higher Power that can be anything, such as a coffee pot, or the group itself, as compared to the First Commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The job of the HP is to remove the character defects like greed, jealousy and pride that create the resentments that power the cravings that lead to the drinking that ends in sin (or attempt thereof). Some claim that AA is “spiritual not religious” because you can choose your own HP. But that just makes it pagan. One must believe in their chosen HP: “Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us or we perish.” (Big Book p. 16) Some members claim that AA is Christian due to the recital of the “Lord’s Prayer” at the end of each meeting. However, I have been to hundreds of meetings and never once heard a Christian prayer. Of course, one can choose Jesus Christ as their Higher Power. But that is extremely rare, even if most member say, “I’m not Christian but most members in my group are.” The claim of Christianity is typically used by younger members as an avoidance strategy: “I wanted to stop drinking, but AA felt too Christian and moralistic. It triggered the same feelings that drove me to drink in the first place!” And then they’ll go out for a few drinks.
Most members willing to name the god of their understanding choose various Eastern religions and philosophies that purport to eliminate earthly cravings. Buddhism and Taoism are popular, along with various deities of Greek and Nordic mythology. Of all the research on alcoholism, none indicates what percent of members have chosen Satan himself as their HP, although many members are quick to assert that such a choice is perfectly fine as long as it helps you stop drinking. However, the claim that AA is evil because it’s satanic is met with a furious spewage of insults and abuse characterized by atrocious spelling and grammar as demonstrated in the comments below.
Of course, our country is founded on Freedom of Religion, and people are free to believe whatever they want. Thank God! The purpose of this article is not to claim that one religion is superior to another, even if many of the comments here blame Christianity for various atrocities and genocide, not to mention drinking itself. The purpose here is simply to show that alcoholism is a religion with Satanic roots, and its church is AA.
In this way, AA transformed the religion of ‘drink, sin, amend’ into a disease called ‘alcoholism’. Of course, compulsive and excessive drinking and drug use existed before AA, and the cause of this behavior was often mysterious to the casual observer, especially since the drinker would not openly admit the real reason, even if they didn’t claim not to have one. AA gave credence to the Craving Lie:
I wanted to stop drinking but couldn’t no matter how hard I tried.
This is the cult’s central teaching. They claim their substance abuse was a battle against their own willpower, neglecting to mention the mischief while drunk (often with the claim of ‘blackout’). The same lie is used by drug addicts to justify an endless parade of reprehensible behavior under cover of a ‘disease’. In reality, the drug use is only to provide cover for the sin and mischief, and the user can stop any time (withdrawal from all substances, under medical supervision, is universally reported as ‘comfortable’). They drink because they want to, even though they claim otherwise. When a AA member says they ‘get it’, this means not that they have been cured of alcoholism (they are likely to relapse many times), but that they learned how to explain away their sins by calling it a ‘disease’. Often this is followed by the claim: “AA worked for me and it’s the only thing that ever worked. I was going to die before I discovered AA.” Anyone who says this simple but powerful lie likely has a few sponsees who they’ve inducted into the religion, and more than a few stories of sponsee abuse and exploitation, like their hero Bill Wilson. And we are relieved that at least there is a treatment for such unfortunates, having fallen for the Craving Lie ourselves: Why does it matter if AA is religious, as long as it helps them stop drinking?
Step One: “We admitted we were powerless to alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.” Alcohol is simply a god/demon idolized by the alcoholic during their drinking career. The 12 Step program essentially is a process of exorcism: replacing one god/demon for another less destructive. Despite the craving lie, most alcoholics claim they didn’t realize how destructive their drinking was, or that their lives had gotten ‘out of control’. Thus it was not so much a matter of willpower as of realization and honesty, as most members are quick to admit. Cravings are rarely mentioned at AA meetings. Go to your local meeting and see for yourself!
Addiction Fiction
Each AA member has his own pet theory of the neurological basis of addiction, generally positing a rube-goldberg contraption consisting of: dopamine, seratonin, mesolimbic neocortex, amygdala, and ‘hypocampus’. They claim that drug use ‘rewires neural pathways’ to mess up the ‘reward center’ in the brain, which they back up with various Wikipedia articles whose footnotes reference each other, and anyone who challenges this ‘proven scientific fact’ is displaying ‘ignorance’. Government researchers produce completely bogus fiction about addiction which they pass off as ‘science’; the rehab industry promotes sham ‘evidence based’ treatments; and public policy experts repeat the same old canards about ‘the unimaginable suffering of the addict and their loved ones’ while complaining that the lack of good science about addiction justifies maintenance of the status quo: addiction is a disease not a crime although we should continue to punish people for drug use and refer people who got in trouble while drinking/drugging to AA because it’s free and the only treatment available in most places anyway. And they refuse even to consider the possibility that treatment actually creates addicts.
AA propaganda is continually imposed on us from Hollywood as well. For example, in a recent episode of the sci-fi series Extant, grandfather Quinn ‘relapses’ with a shot of whiskey and then immediately makes a double-or-nothing bet on the bar game skills of his robot grandson. Of course, the wager didn’t turn out well. If he had taken a moment to ask his HP to remove his ‘greed’, he might have been able to resist the unbearable craving to drink, and walked out while he was ahead. Portrayals like this inextricably connect drinking with sin, while deferring the penalty.
But the simple and obvious truth is that we are sinners who enjoy sinning, and the religion of alcoholism can provide a convenient cover for those so inclined. As long as you are willing to tell the Craving Lie and make amends at some future date (typically 40’s / 50’s).
Unfortunately the same principles are used as brainwashing techniques against vulnerable newcomers, often sent by the courts or in search of companionship, who must first confess powerlessness to alcohol (i.e. admit they have a deadly disease) and then to cure it, must confess their sins and insecurities with “rigorous honesty”. The newcomer is instructed not to date in the first year and is subjected to sexual and financial exploitation. The lucky ones will eventually escape the group with unexplained bitterness and paranoia. The less fortunate will be among the thousands each year who succumb to their learned powerlessness in a time of crisis, and thereby contribute to the statistic that testifies to the deadly power of the satanic religion that is considered by most to be a medical disease despite its striking resemblance to old-fashioned demon possession.
Darren Aronofsky: Satan’s Propagandist
As a child, Darren Aronofsky was deeply troubled by the story of Noah, in which God destroyed the wicked in a great flood. What if God considered him to be among the wicked? Would he be destroyed too? He addresses his lifelong despair in his movie Noah (2014), a parody of the bible story. In Aronofsky’s version, God destroys the world as punishment for man destroying the world. Noah, who is described as ‘righteous’ in the bible, is represented as angry and capricious in the movie: he chastises his son for plucking a flower then kills a man for killing an animal for meat and calls it ‘justice’. In the bible story he is instructed directly by God to build an ark. In the movie, he has vague dreams and frightening visions and questions God’s purpose for him, visiting his grandfather Methusaleh played by Anthony Hopkins who suggests that he should surmise God’s will ‘as best you can understand it’. He later threatens to kill his grandchildren because he incorrectly infers that God’s will for him is to ensure the extinction of mankind after the flood. The message of the movie is that it’s not safe to trust your will to God. (Even though the Christian God expects you to use your own willpower — only in AA must you entrust it to a higher power. But if you find yourself at AA, evidently God is not a safe bet – perhaps that was Grampa Quinn’s mistake.)
It never occurred to the young Darren that he simply didn’t have to be wicked. Though it didn’t help that he was no doubt troubled by Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden for the innocent sin of eating the forbidden fruit. After all, God created them with strong desire. What right had he to punish them for experiencing it, especially as it was manipulated by Satan, another of God’s creations? He should have created a will that could overcome temptation. But as a result of this ‘design flaw’, man was punished: expelled from paradise and condemned to a lifetime of work and suffering. Aronofsky explores the injustice of this ‘mistake’ in his movie Requiem for a Dream (2000), which contains the iconic scene in which a drug addict tearfully unplugs the TV while his mother is watching it, for the purpose of selling it for drugs, apologizing for his behavior and his unbearable cravings but unable to resist. His will is useless against his desires, just like with Adam and Eve. This scene, which was completely absurd before it was created, and never actually happened ever in the history of drug abuse, is now acted out on a daily basis by drug users around the world, to the astonishment of their parents who insist that if it’s not real addiction then their child deserves an Oscar for their performance. (Of course, every parent thinks their child is very talented, especially if they have no TV with which to view the competition.)
Aronofsky seems to follow a Gnostic philosophy, in which God is actually an evil demiurge (aka “The Creator”) who created the material world, which is evil and painful and full of temptations and restrictions and rules and punishments. And then there is a higher god of the universe, whose only law is “Do what thou wilt,” sometimes represented by Satan for that reason. Perhaps his movies are an offering to that higher god, in the hopes of being rescued from his brutal subsistence of dating models and toiling on movie sets in exotic locales.
Indulging in sin consciously or otherwise is one thing. But convincing others to indulge in it too? Or to teach sin isn’t sin? That’s just evil. Though I try not to worry too much about man’s wickedness, even if I haven’t seen any rainbows lately. Unless you count the movie’s circular rainbows. But for some reason they provide little consolation.
Nevertheless I enjoyed the movie.
Read more:
- And the Lesson Today is HOW TO DIE!
- How did Simon Astaire kill Peaches Geldof?
- Simon Astaire: Rise of the Anti-Christ
- Oh My Gods – A boy’s dream come true
- Undiagnosed Alcoholic? – A typical AA drunkalog
- Lie Like the Wind – How to know if AA is right for you
- How to Drink Like a Normal Man – Just keep it simple
- Powerlessness as Religion – Only the good die young
- You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny – Who will pay for their sins?
- The Problem of the Jews: a Lesson in Brainwashing Propaganda – How AA bamboozled a country
- The Drinking Club – Watch what they do, not what they say
- Cory Monteith: The Cult of Powerlessness Claims Another Victim
- I Call Blackout – I did what??
- Rat Addicts and the Science Of Addiction – The best of 60′s Science Fiction
- A Conversation with Dr. Drew Pinsky – 13% and proud
- School for Scoundrels – What you actually learn in the rooms
- AA is a Pagan Cult – Putting the ‘pagan’ in propaganda
- The Little Psychopath Could: How the Addiction Myth creates new Drug Addicts
This is almost certainly an experiment to verify the veracity of Poe’s Law. If you are not familiar, Poe’s Law states that barring an admission of sarcasm via an emoji or such, a website espousing extreme fundamentalist views is indistinguishable from satire. This website is a textbook example of the truth of that statement. Perhaps this blogger truly feels Alcoholics Anonymous has deep roots in Satanism. Or perhaps this blogger is an online troll. You and I will never be able to determine the distinction barring an admission from the original author. So it’s best to not lose any sleep over it.
Love this! Love every single word. Truth! Loving the robotic AA members too…. Cognitive dissonance all ovet the place. Keep those rose tinted glasses on up there on ypur bullshit pedestals …. drunks lol….. All of a sudden get sober and they have a phd in medicine… cult freaks.
Just curious? Have you ever really read The A.A. Literature? Watered down scripture. Everything you say bad about A.A. can be said about the church. What about those who prayed for deliverance of such a horrible condition and it didn’t happen. The church blames the Alcoholic By saying it just wasn’t in your heart. Why does society accept and sympathetically treat the cancer victim, the diabetic, the rape victim. After all don’t we all have a role in all those scenarios?? That statement is based of of the things I have just read. Read the medical information available today on Addiction . I know they are all weak minded people and the solution is to Self-empower by proper decision making. After all isn’t that what Roman’s 7:14 Says. OOPS I guess not. Step 1 by the way and yes I could continue but you get the point. What does the literature really say???? The C0-FOUNDERS REALIZED EARLY ON THAT THERE JOB WAS TO HELP PEOPLE QUIT DRINKING AND ALLOW GOD TO WORK ON THE MAN’S SOUL AND CONSCIENCE !! We could debate the purity of Christianity but only if we discuss The Holy Inquisition, Heavens Gate etc,etc,etc….. By the way what are the real numbers of those that get sober through AA, Through the church, Through rehabs??? Maybe we should just say but for the Grace of God I don’t have to suffer from something I know nothing about. Hence, I shouldn’t talk out of the side of my neck either. Oops look there that”s what I’m doing. Just imagine all the productive worthwhile things we could be accomplishing towards a solution instead of critically damning those that suffer. What’s the Bible say about that??? Good luck on your Spiritual Hill Top !!
Alastair Crowley, is simply seeing his/her own character defects in others. This is done to take blame away from oneself. Truly, it is too bad that at the time, it is not noticed.
Wouldn’t it be a better world if one could actually see the damage done while verbally tossing their thoughtless garbage onto the society.
Very nice- I like your perspective- Truly one of ” The Psychic Change”
Resesrch alistair crowley…. You have no idea …
Lol if you find a church were even 1/4 of the people hold themselves accountable for their actions and strive for self improvement let me know and I’ll switch from AA to that. p.s. the kingdom of God is in no building, it is within; Christ was meant to be emulated not worhispped
Then why did Christ accept worship in the Bible?
I am so sad for the “person” who wrote this. Alot of anti AA propaganda out here now a days from people who clearly don’t have any idea what they are talking about.
I know what they are talking about, I have been to many meetings. Now the 12 steps make me cringe every time I look back . They pound you with the message ‘ You are and always will be a lowly alcoholic. They tell you it’s not your fault, ‘you can’t help it’ but if you are not having success they tell you it’s your fault because you are not following the steps. Your told ‘ even-if You quit drinking you will still always remain a hopeless, helpless Alcoholic no matter what.’ I found out some people were still going after being sober for 10 years and they would say ‘I have to come for the rest of my life because I will always be an alcoholic.’ How depressing. Some traveled around to find a meeting to go to every night of the week. Now that’s commitment! Maybe not! Ifelt they were extroverts getting their social needs met. As an introvert I could not relate. My thoughts in the beginning were get this meeting over so I can pick up my vodka at the liquor store and head home. I decided to give it an honest attempt though applied the 12 steps how simple I thought. But nothing changed, I am still drinking. I thought eventually something will just click and this 12 step program will start to work for me. Sometimes I would read those 12 steps over and over again thinking why won’t this work, what am I doing wrong. I applied them over and over again, they seem easy to apply in fact so easy I applied them the first week., every week all week long with all the sincerity i could muster up. Just keep working those steps they’d say or ‘you must not be working those steps.’ One day it finally occurred to me they are not working because THEY DON’T WORK! ‘You missed a step’a lady said no I assured them I didn’t. Another, ‘people come to these meetings for years before it works’. ‘More depressing words. Ok I will keep coming’. They will eventually work for me. They mention a higher power as selecting one is part of the steps it’s an unspoken rule not to share who your ‘higher power is because someone is going bound to get offended. My last go of it I asked around if someone would want to sponsor me after no one offered a women spoke up and said ‘I will sponsor you’ I never heard from her, after 3 attempts to reach her I gave up and stopped going. I came to realize that I had to take some personal responsibility, I would have to be the one that says I am sick of this, I don’t want to do this anymore and ask God for his strength, but I wasn’t quite ready yet. About 2 years passed when I was ready to give up alcohol for good. The abuse started to take a toll on my health , . I was tired of it and was ready. Now 10 years have went by and my body has healed I have not had any desire or cravings and I realize that God intervened on my behalf and I will always be thankful for that. My opinion of AA is it keeps the afflicted in bondage into thinking the 12 steps are the only answer or way out. Some swear by it, but the ultimate reason they quit is because they put their foot down and said I’am done. God is often the reason for bringing people to this point.
Obviously you have never experienced addiction. Addiction is hell itself. There were many times where I was enslaved in my addiction, it isolated me it controlled me and it consumed me. That’s the truth, it was in control. Anyone that has gone through dark addiction will read this article and will know it’s a complete joke.
Who in the hell WANTS to experience addiction…the one stupid enough to try that drink or drug…YOU GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR…FOR REBELLING AGAINST WISDOM AND THE LORD ALMIGHTY…so suck it up, it’s a choice in sin that wrecks the life of humans. People just can’t wait to try it or grow up so no one can tell them they can’t…well…thats what ya get addicted!
It’s satanic. People choose to put things in their mouth and body every day. Like Adam and Eve, and look what happened to ALL of us as a result…WE CANT STOP…We Love it and it sucks… It’s the truth…some need more help than others turn it around and quit killing ourselves. We should help each other quit and see Wisdom and seek the Lord for His mercy and help, but a person has to want to and believe He will help us if we really want and ask for the help and seek Him to provide ways and open doors to escape the hell of addiction and darkness
LOL have a drink it will help you relax.
I was hoping for some interesting insight in this blog post. Unfortunately, just another terrible Op-Ed without any factual references or even an understandable thesis. The author is entitled to (I’m assuming “his”) opinion, but I don’t agree at all. 2 years sober in AA has gotten me more contact with God than a lifetime of Christianity. I find the former to be welcoming, kind and inspiring and the latter to be judgmental and myopic…just like this article.
You’re an ostrich
If you find Christianity to be judgmental and myopic, then maybe you haven’t been hanging out with the right people or at the right church…or maybe you don’t handle rebuking well. Not sure how true followers of Christ are judgmental or myopic. However, as Christians, we are to judge but to judge wisely and correctly, not hypocritically.
I am sure that somewhere on that “good book” of yours it says judge not lest ye be judged. So your very statement is hypocrisy.
There is also celebrate recovery which is Christian based, and has a book to help aid in the recovery process similar to AA. I agree that there are kids and adults dying out there of drug addiction and alchoholism and some refuse to believe in God or church after such a rough go of it…. so AA is a good alternative for them. Heard someone say take what you need from AA and leave the rest, there are so many meeting everywhere and it’s really just a place to connect with others who are struggling with addiction, there are no rules…in my opinion ultimately we realize eventually one way or another that God is who we needed to get closer too and that faith and right living are not just things to do on Sundays.
But compromise breeds corruption
You were brought to their backroom bedroom and they made you sit on the dill do sewn into the bed and you went up and down for hours and enjoyed every moment.then all the guys raped and sodomized you all at once,then one by one for hours and hours and you enjoyed it bitch.
You were brought to their backroom bedroom and they made you sit on the dill do sewn into the bed and you went up and down for hours and enjoyed every moment.then all the guys raped and sodomized you all at once,then one by one for hours and hours and you enjoyed it bitch.
Take a cock up your ass.
you can’t write an article with these claims and not have references cited.
Just go read “Pass It On”, “Bill W. A Biography of Alcholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson”, “My Name Is Bill” etc. The article is true. AA doesn’t deny it. AA has caused controversy despite whatever AA claims.
Interesting that the writer of this diatribe impugns not only AA but very effective treatment for addictions. Not only that he impugns actual science. What the hell? I suppose his so called Christian teachings, you know the myth about an all seeing, loving guy in the sky, provide more “fact” than actual science? He is obviously of the westboro Baptist church, people who only believe in their version of things. Hate filled people to say the least. To him and his ilk, everything that does not conform to their indoctrination is a lie and evil.
You ever hear of free will of choice db
Check out
Book: Dick B – Cured
There is are demons in every human organization unfortunately.
“Alastair Crowley”… You’re even unable to spell his name properly… What a fucking moron…
What did the steps tell you about reacting? Overreacting,. Ect. You need to get back to them asap or you might start drinking again. Quickly. Prey for forgiveness.
You gives a fuck you grammar nazi
Anyone or anything that does not share my idea is satanic😛😇
Hail Satan! \,,/ 😀
DAMM Satan
Stick satan up your ass with the clocks already up your ass.
I typed wrong.i meant to say the cocks up your ass.
Yep you’re a hypocrite and one of the very reasons I left the Christian cult. Oh holier than this piece of shit.
Is there a demonic possession problem at some of the mtgs?
Lol,I have 10 years sober,meetings are a joke
Big book thumpers r hypocrite
No, I have not met a nicer bunch of people. They are dependable.
If I need help, they are available 24 hours a day.
Not if they go out again
They have in backroom on bed naked with dill do sewn inside mattress for you to sit on and go up and down and enjoy.that is what happened to you.
Got about 1/4th of the way down the article and can tell you are not qualified to be writing it to begin with. You know nothing about AA or alcoholism to begin with, on the other hand AA is a pagan religion where one can have the god of their own imagination. (or not). However, if one is to go in there and promote Christ , at least to the meetings I go to, it would be met with hostility or a blank stare that says: “whatever works for you is fine with me; we just agree to disagree’. To educate you, blackouts are for real. A person can black out for hours, having no idea where they have been, what they have said, or what they have done.
i was in AA for 15 years before i got saved and this guy is 100% correct get out of that satanic cult now..Any organization that tells you you can make up your own god is of the devil.
Glad AA showed you a way out of death so you could, later, have the privilege to lie about it.
I am just happy that AA allows for my pagan beliefs. If what you spew is Christian then I am happy to not be one. Thank the gods.
I think you’re the one I’m the satanic cult of Christ buddy boy.
perhaps this “author” was in a black out when he wrote this shit.
Maybe you were in a “spiritual” blackout when you wrote your comment
Good points (I think) but ironically slid in are contradictions..such as that yes, I can see how ‘AA” is just a satanic sect that uses some ‘Christian’ (so called principles) and mixes them together with having a faith in whatever ‘god’ one chooses, but to turn around and then say most members are ‘christian’ but just don’ say so? That makes no sense at all. I have not found the most if very many at all are ‘Christian’s at all…as you might also note, if you even mention The Name ‘Jesus” it’s not very well welcomed…but then again, he wasn’t much welcomed by ‘demon’s in the bible either…and the world hated Him then, so too today. It’s a crying shame because AA is tied to the court system so it becomes a catch 20.20. If one is willing to play the game you can get out of even greater legal demands of the System..because they are as equally ignorant as the people being ignorantly victimized by the court system because neither of them know the worse for wear, just as along as A. someone the person might be helped no matter what kind of help is actually being administered ; and B. it might help keep crime and hospitalizations at a least a bit more reasonable level…in the end, neither is true. Just tonight I heard Jesus being ‘mocked’ twice in one meeting but people, One woman went so far as to say she hated least ‘the ‘God of the Roman Catholic Belief system.
I am a student of the Bible as well as a friend of Bill and and what you have complied is utter trash and distortion of what the Bible and the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says one main one is there is nowhere in the 12 steps that says a god of your understanding is States God as we understand him which is very little for who can understand a loving father a creator of the universe I would venture to say that you probably run a rehab and feel you have a better way but from experience there is no better way for someone like me who was sticking a needle in my arm 78 times a day to get rid of my selfish actions and come to a greater understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ then through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
Amen brother. This guy has obviously never loved an addict, much less been one.
While I agree, Bills background and sketchy past connections to SATANISM, it’s very possible, considering the words he used and the intentions involved in creating the program of AA, that he was a born again Christian or at least acknowledged Jesus in his inspired writings.
I’m still Leary of AA based on my knowledge of the occult and it’s tendency to lead people away from faith in Jesus. But, if one uses the program while being a Christian, they should be able to honor their faith in Christ and work a program and stay sober.
Compromise breeds corruption
The steps discribe how a group, the “we” first completed the steps. It’s a discribtion of their actions. As you say it does say “a God as we understood Him”, not, “a god of your understanding”, as you point out. But this is more slight of hand. Are you suggesting the use of “your” instead of “we” somehow changes the meaning? Or is it the use of understanding instead of understood. If so your argument is based on tense, which is redickuless so I hope that’s not your point. Reguardless, of why you make such a statement a thinking person will question your assertion after reading the A.A. text. It clearly states you can chose any god you want. Not one member of A.A. can honestly denie this. But I might be wrong in my assumtion and you may be suggesting that there are deeper meaning to the A.A. text and the uninitiated don’t get. If so then your right back to being satanic or what ever term you wish to use for a religous body that follows any god they wish. The A.A. program and it’s children promote picking any god you want, to claim otherwise is disingenuous
In the end one can not contiue to live in the truth of Jesus The Christ and attend a pagen religous service that promotes any other god at that point one is no longer a follower of the truth.
Perfect. 10.5 years Sober myself. I thank my God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ for saving me through the program of Alcoholics Anonymous!!!
Just read this for the first time. I noticed that there are no references in relation to where you get your or statisitcs….such as “in the history of drug use no one had ever taken their parents TV to sell for drugs”. Yes, I am a member of AA. I will pray for you.
Practitioners do not believe that Satan literally exists and do not worship him. Instead, Satan is viewed as a positive archetype embracing the Hebrew root of the word “Satan” as “adversary”, who represents pride , carnality , and enlightenment , and of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be motivated by a ” dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things”.
In other words – get drunk and have sex. That’s my point, thanks. (And then if the baby has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, just blame it on ‘alcoholism’.)
I agree, entirely. At the root of all 12-step recovery programs is Beelzebub himself. But having already walked the 12 steps with His flaming hand in mine, totally ignorant of what I was getting myself into, I feel stuck. I now live under the thumb of Bill Wilson’s pagan and Vodka-reeking deity. Can anyone help me?
You are interesting lol. WOW
What’s funny about that. he/she is using discernment and doing his/her due diligence.
Yes. get to your nearest pub and drink yourself back to Christ. I am sure he and his daddy will welcome you with open arms even if you are all fucked up.
Just the fact , that they use the lords prayer “wich are instructions on how to Pray” repeating it is like reading out loud instructions on building a childs tricycle and expecting it to build itself. praying in this manner while teaching that anything can be your higher power is utterly nonsense. why quote the bible and not give credit to the author of the bible , yeah i can see where it is kinda hypocritical. believing that being a drunk or an addict, or a glutton is a sickness is in itself a sickness . its a ,moral issue and as long as you see it as a sickness you will not be cured , sincerly ……an ex drunk addict . who now can enjoy a few brews without worrying about showing my ass afterwards , because i put my principals above my pleasures. always. god bless.
really?.. just asking here…why would any one who has ever gone through what WE drunks & addicts …ever want a second run at IT?
just asking?
“Gone through” you made the choice to do what you did.
By author of the bible, which one do you mean? Mathew, Mark, Luke, John or some other? The bible was written be man.
I’m a member and Jesus is my higher power. I will state it when you are there Mr. Author of article
I sinned before I knew about AA, and AA requires me to take ownership for my wrongs and learn to do right. To treat other people with respect and not to lie. My Christian church does not do that. I’m fairly new in recovery and therefore desperately fighting the urge to curse you out — kids are dying and this article denies them life. If I was a newcomer and I read this I would literally commit suicide. This article is more than dangerous it’s murderous. Alcohol is Satans solution to our problems , human connection, repenting and kindness are Gods solution. Even if this was just a history lesson, if you were a good person you would not have written this. For that alone, you seem to be a sociopath. I will pray for you and I hope many others so. Sociopaths are never able to recover. They die sick. Pray for this person please.
You better find a new church then preferably a Bible believing one.
Idk what this is but it is definitely not Christian the Bible says to not warship False gods Jesus Christ is the only God we need so whatever this is stop
This article is a bunch of rubbage.
Ignorance and lies are the truth to this writer.
What a wack job .some one get this asshole a drink!
Get me one, too, while you’re at the bar. I’ll have a pint of Guinness.