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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 7:15)

Italy boasts one of the highest youth unemployment rates in Europe, at around 45%.  Worker ‘protections’, a high minimum wage, and centuries of encrusted regulations on business make hiring inexperienced young workers risky and unprofitable.  The more ambitious among them have abandoned their country of birth in search of greener pastures, including in the US, whose corresponding unemployment rate is under 20%.  Nevertheless, the Pope saw fit to come here and and lecture us on the dangers of unbridled capitalism, and to extol the memory of Thomas Merton, a psychic and mystic, and Dorothy Day, a socialist who fought for greater worker protections.   Continue reading Countercyclicals

Cooties for Grownups

Ye have been rebellious against the Lord from the day that I knew you.  (Deut. 9:24)

Cooties and alcoholism are two devastating scourges both characterized by denial, the persistence in which only ‘proves’ you are already afflicted.  Whereas cooties is more likely to infect children, alcoholism and addiction tend to affect adults, especially by middle age, when they recount a long sordid history of substance abuse and mischief in AA drunkalogs, before coming to acceptance after decades of denial: the 12 Steps saved them from the deathly disease, which will surely be your own undoing.  The strength of denial has a perfectly scientific explanation, as Nora Volkow of NIDA explains: ‘Addiction is a disease of free will’.  She would know, as her own grandfather died of it.  (As compared to say Bolshevism, which while just as deadly, has not yet been associated definitively with any dopaminergic pathways.)


Continue reading Cooties for Grownups

The Devil Made Me Do It

Most people go through life completely unaware of a small blind spot in their field of vision.  Here is a web site that helps you ‘see’ it.   The blind spot corresponds to the part of the retina where the optical nerve passes.  (Move closer to the screen if you don’t see it.)

devilSimilarly, the human mind is equipped with a moral blind spot.  We are sometimes completely unaware of the real reasons we behave and feel the way we do.  Perhaps there’s a good reason for that, even if it gets us into trouble sometimes.  It’s pretty funny when you think about it.

Latest Demon Drug Craze Everybody Panic!

Angel Dust from the 80’s was highly addictive and drove people to crime and insanity while imparting superhuman strength, making it especially demonic and a threat to civilization as we knew it.  The media was full of stories of people crashing through glass windows while high on PCP or flipping over cars and requiring 10 people to hold them down. (No I am not confusing these stories with “The Hulk”, which was a TV series from the 70’s, though it may have inspired such portrayals.) Continue reading Latest Demon Drug Craze Everybody Panic!

Silly Robots

It’s amusing to watch as you slowly awaken from the mass delusion known as ‘addiction’.  However many of you are confused and disoriented as you try to find your bearings.  Which normally in such a situation I would say to relax and take a long drag.  But in this case I figured it would be more helpful to plug in the holes in your knowledge, lest you panic again and lurch dangerously toward the self-destructive idiocy we silly robots seem to get so enamored with.  (Don’t let a good crisis go to waste, right?)


Mornin’ ! Wakey wakey !!

I’ve compiled a list of the old propaganda to help you understand how we’ve gone so terribly wrong in the past, followed by recommendations for accurate education which will prevent such disasters from happening again in the future.  These messages focus on medical professionals, the public at large, and finally what to teach the newcomers. Continue reading Silly Robots

US braces for July 4th 12 Step attacks

In an ominous warning issued jointly by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center, all US law enforcers have been instructed “to be vigilant and prepared” for homegrown terror threats by Alcoholics Anonymous ahead of the July 4th Independence Day holiday.

caliphHouse Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul also advised Americans not to dismiss the government’s warning. Speaking to “Fox News Sunday,” McCaul revealed that “there is a great deal of meeting making, a high volume” based on 12 Step terrorist network communications, which greatly increases the likelihood of ‘relapse’. Continue reading US braces for July 4th 12 Step attacks

The Debunking of Addiction Pseudoscience

Dr Quackenfraud explains addiction

A little over a year ago, if you dared challenge the prevailing claims of modern addiction science, such as “Addiction isn’t a real disease” or “Drugs don’t make you rob drugstores” or “Blackouts are just an excuse for not remembering traumatic episodes of anonsex” the Steppers (and secret steppers) were quick to rain down on you a stream of insults and accusations of ‘ignorance’ and say, “This is established science!  You need to educate yourself!”   Continue reading The Debunking of Addiction Pseudoscience

Someone Call the CDC!

The Nazis slaughtered people by the millions in concentration camps and yet most who were told of this didn’t believe it, or thought the claims were exaggerated, or thought the speaker was ignorant, insane, in denial, lying, crazy and/or stupid.  In the terms of modern times they might have been called ‘delusional paranoid schizo’.  (Or ‘cray cray’ in the technical lingo of NIAAA Chief Dr. George Koob.) Continue reading Someone Call the CDC!

The Devil’s Lament

Allow me please to introduce myself.   My name is Lucifer and I am known as the Great Deceiver but you can call me Satan.  I’ve been around for a long, long time, as you know.  I was the guy who sat on Eve’s shoulder and whispered into her ear, “Eat the apple and you will be like God.”  Then she ate the apple.  I did the same to Adam.  So he ate the apple too.  Then God found out and Adam blamed Eve.  LOL.

Lucas_Cranach_d.Ä._-_Adam_und_Eva_Magdeburg-722x1024I continued my mischief for many centuries.   Continue reading The Devil’s Lament

A Conversation with Lisa O’Neil Guerci: SMART facilitator extraordinaire

SMART Recovery stands for “Self-Management and Recovery Training” and was created by Marc Kern as another front group for AA.  The strategy is to provide a softer, less religious indoctrination into ‘addiction’: “one drink probably won’t kill you”, and then later suggest that you might be a real alcoholic after all (“one drink will surely kill you”) and you need complete abstinence as available only at AA.

Marc Kern also founded “Addiction Alternatives” in Beverly Hills with Dr Adi Jaffe.  Dr Jaffe is a UCLA addictions expert and self-proclaimed “master liar“. Continue reading A Conversation with Lisa O’Neil Guerci: SMART facilitator extraordinaire