Nukies for North Africa

OPEC oil overproduction suppresses worldwide energy prices.  It is the bane of Exxon Mobil and BP.  How to fix this problem?  Easy: incite violence in the middle east, blame it on ‘terrorism’, and then lob in the nukies.  This is the overall strategy of Trump and the Generals.  Trump complains that ‘nation building is a disaster’ while at the same time he says, “I would bomb the hell out of them.”  And the Trumpkins cheer. Continue reading Nukies for North Africa

Anti-Semitic Jews

Recently NY and CA passed bills to ban companies from dealing with BDS organizations (Boycott/Divest/Sanction Israel).  Well regardless of what you think about BDS, they were successful in forcing G4S to divest their holdings in abusive Israel prisons and youth detention facilities in Florida.  Also, G4S gave Omar Mateen a gun permit despite knowledge that the FBI was radicalizing him.  They are bad guys, and they were held to account (somewhat) by BDS.  Yet, if you are a company in CA working for the state, it is a criminal offense to have ties with BDS.  Scary stuff.  Of course, the law will get overturned by the courts (we hope), but until then, how much damage can it cause? Continue reading Anti-Semitic Jews

Twitter Shadow Ban

Help I’ve been shadow banned on twitter!  Search for “AddictionMyth” on twitter and my account doesn’t appear.  Also when I reply to others they don’t get my tweets.  If you care about free speech, please contact twitter and tell them to restore my account immediately!

“The world is too dangerous to live in – not because of the people who do evil, but because of the people who sit and let it happen.”
– Albert Einstein

Update 8 hours later: I think I’ve been un-banned.  Thanks to anyone who might have helped!

The Modern Man’s Manifesto for Everlasting Peace

“I googled ‘black on white crime’ and couldn’t believe what I seen!” – Dylan Storm Roof

Many people think Donald Trump is a modern day Hitler because he wanted to deport 12 million people and start a war in the middle east with his secret plan to ‘bomb the hell out of ISIS’ arm-in-arm with Putin and because of his contemptuous attitude towards the black community, e.g. “What the hell do you have to lose?” They say that he is appealing to the lowest common denominator in society, the low educated, middle age white men, who have lost status in this country and now want to persecute vulnerable minorities. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Continue reading The Modern Man’s Manifesto for Everlasting Peace

FBI Issues Fatwah Against Dajjal – Hasbara Trolls Pile On

FBI troll John:

You have no right to threaten and harass people, be that in person or online, and you and your poor misunderstood jihadists never will. better get used to it.

Hasbara troll Ariel piles on:

Dajjal hunt is better.

These are blatant threats.  They were issued in the comments in the article Europe Under Siege on The Atlantic.

The FBI and Israeli intelligence have banded together to create the “ISIS” hysteria: Israel instigates violence in the middle east while the FBI incites violence in the USA.   It is nothing more than a modern day witch hunt, complete with a fatwah against Dajjal for pointing this out.  Read the whole transcript: Continue reading FBI Issues Fatwah Against Dajjal – Hasbara Trolls Pile On

Twitter Death Threat

Twitter makes a big deal about death threats by tweet on their platform, and rightly so.  So why haven’t they removed this tweet:


Please notify twitter by flagging the tweet as ‘death threat’.

I’ve also notified the following people who this guys supports, but so far they have not responded to me.

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In what universe is this fatwah acceptable? I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone here.  What bothers me is not so much that Twitter won’t remove it, but that the ‘respectable’ people that this guy would listen to are silent.  Speak up!

“The world is too dangerous to live in – not because of the people who do evil, but because of the people who sit and let it happen.”
– Albert Einstein 

I will update this post if any changes.

Simon Cobbs’s threat against JVP

Selected Mantras of Radical Bombisism

“We must kill them or they will kill each other!”

“ISIS is selling themselves into international sex trafficking rings according to FBI sources, based on the testimony of developmentally delayed but otherwise perfectly credible alleged victims in the Minnetonka Somalian community who seen it happen. That’s why we gotta bomb the hell out of ’em!” Continue reading Selected Mantras of Radical Bombisism