Catherine’s father Xi Luo was a Red Army propagandist famous for such bromides as “Confucius say: He who fights and runs away will be dropped in tiger pit wearing only skivvies.” And “The great Chairman knows Communism better than Lenin and Stalin put together.” After a falling out with Mao, he escaped China with his wife and lived in a refugee camp in Laos for 4 years before immigrating to San Francisco where they had their one child Catherine. The father taught the girl everything he knew about effective propaganda. Dr Hwang now lives out her father’s dream as a master propagandist for the 12 Step Caliphate’s ‘Chronic Progressive Relapsing Brain Disease Theory’ of drug addiction which although long since discredited is still being actively promoted by NIDA and their friends at Phoenix House and at AA meetings across the country. Continue reading Catherine S Hwang: Upholding A Proud Legacy of Government Propaganda
Category Archives: > Main Blog
Here’s a list of the main blog entries.
The Rape Agenda
President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act on March 7, 2013. Among the new provisions of the Act is a requirement that universities provide prevention and awareness programs that educate students about prohibitions against sexual violence, including dating violence and stalking. Many campuses chose the online course from Agent of Change, including Princeton and Northwestern (click the Campus button for the complete list). Students must complete the course to register for classes.
The course is blatant brainwashing. Continue reading The Rape Agenda
How It Works
AA is a haven for liars psychopaths and criminals to prey on vulnerable people and make them confess powerlessness and then bully them into suicide. Of course, they pretend to be pious and ‘reformed’ but they are just as dangerous ‘sober‘ as they were drunk not to mention they lie like the wind and their ‘sobriety date’ is meaningless. Just because someone says “I was a born liar and master manipulator” doesn’t mean they are now the pope of england. More likely they are a bully who will distract you with talk of ‘god this‘ and ‘god that‘ and ‘dopomine’ and ‘seritonin‘ and meanwhile assure you that your resentments will surely kill you because “that is the nature of our disease” and counter any claim you make with the accusation of ‘ignorance‘, ‘arrogance‘, ‘crazy‘, ‘need professional help’, ‘liar‘, and ‘in denial‘ and ‘Your words may kill the still suffering alcoholic‘. Well if that sounds like fun to you then go ahead and sign up. Otherwise I suggest you stay the hell away from that psycho cult.
Whose members will now demonstrate their despicable tactics for all to see:
What NIDA Really Wants
NIDA is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a Pseudoscience group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming Recovery. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.
What is NIDA?
Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? Continue reading What NIDA Really Wants
God and Evil
And Aaron said, “Let not the anger of my lord grow hot: you know the people, that they are set on mischief.” Exodus 32:22
As Americans we grow up with a strong sense of truth, justice and fairness. To a great extent this can be attributed to popular culture, and of course to our education system. We also believe our government will produce fair outcomes, and that when it doesn’t we can fight for our rights and receive redress and even correct the underlying problems. Other cultures do not have such a strong sense of justice or faith in government. As well, morality is more relativistic in other countries, and is often determined based on what’s best for one’s family or community than the country as a whole. For example, a traditional Islamic profession of loyalty is, “I would lie for you.” Of course, we suffered from our ignorance of this cultural difference in the Iraq War, due to blindly believing claims of one faction against another – typically tribal feuds of little relevance to our strategic interest. Continue reading God and Evil
Please, Stop Lying
We’re used to the extensive whopping lies of AA cult members such as: “the addict’s brain is different from a normal brain”, “I almost died from my addiction”, and “AA has saved the lives of millions.” In fact, there is absolutely no evidence of any neurological, chemical, functional or physiological difference between the brain of an addict and a ‘normie’, and they never ‘almost died’ even if they try to convince the newcomer they surely will. Due to the tenacious work of the AAntis, 12 Step cult members have been forced to back off such claims. Humorously, they’ve started to say “AA has saved the lives of thousands”, and they’ve actually been forced to defend their cult against accusations of bullying into suicide by the millions. Continue reading Please, Stop Lying
Modern Love
In the beginning was one rule: “Do not partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.” We lived happily and peacefully in the Garden of Eden despite this restriction. But what a strange commandment — why can we not eat the apple? Continue reading Modern Love
Soros vs Sembler
George Soros is a multibillionaire and anti-Drug War crusader. He is the primary funder of the Drug Policy Alliance and various pro-Marijuana Policy initiatives across the country. More than anyone, he can take credit for the progress made in drug decriminalization. At the same time he promotes expanding treatment for addicts: “Addiction is a disease. Let’s treat it that way.” Sounds pretty good, right? Continue reading Soros vs Sembler
Moderation Management – Another AA Front Group
Moderation Management (MM) was founded by Audrey Kishline in 1994 as an ‘alternative’ to AA for those who had a ‘drinking problem’ but weren’t interested in complete abstinence. Kishline believed that there was a difference between ‘problem drinkers’ and ‘true alcoholics’ and that MM could fill a void in substance abuse treatment. Kishline later decided she was a ‘true alcoholic’ after all and rejoined AA in 2000. Two weeks later she killed a father and his daughter while “driving a hundred miles an hour in a total blackout” when going to visit her father. Continue reading Moderation Management – Another AA Front Group
I am completely baffled
How do people not see that addiction is completely fake, and is created by AA brainwashing and perpetuated by government pseudo science propaganda? I’ve been writing this crap for over 3 years now and still nothing, not a single god dam person out there (other than Trish – hi Trish!!) will agree with me. Lots of people will agree that AA is a cult, AA is evil, etc etc but no one will say, “AA creates addiction.” I don’t get it. We live in a world with 6 BILLION people. Surely there is ONE other person out there as crazy as me??? (Well, me and Trish — no offense Trish.)
I’m completely baffled. Continue reading I am completely baffled
Warning: Campus Rape Epidemic!
A Rolling Stone article last month described the brutal gang rape of a U-Va freshman. It was strewn with cynical descriptions of a campus rape culture fueled by alcohol and privilege and the implicit threat of permanent social banishment for anyone who might object. For the past few years, scientists and psychologists have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of binge drinking and the potential for alcoholism in teenagers both of which can lead to risky behavior including rape, and stressing the importance of delaying ‘first use’ until the legal age of 21. Researchers propose early detection and intervention for problem drinking behavior, especially for young women.
The Rolling Stones article caused a national furor over the rape crisis including fraternity protests, but was retracted when not a single fact of the young woman’s account could be corroborated. Continue reading Warning: Campus Rape Epidemic!
AA Has Killed Millions!
Steppers are starting to back off the absurd claim that “AA has saved the lives of millions.” Soon they’re going to have to defend their brainwashing suicide cult of powerlessness (and drinking club) against the claim that AA has killed millions. Continue reading AA Has Killed Millions!