Bing, Bang, Bongo

I’m not sure why I’ve never written an article on the causes of terrorism, as I’m the world’s foremost expert on the subject.  But I haven’t.  I’ve written a million and a half comments on internet articles, though never extensively as a blog post.  Perhaps because I could go on forever.  I’ve written about Omar Mateen and Elliot Rodger in my blog, so maybe that’s why I didn’t feel the pressing need. Continue reading Bing, Bang, Bongo

The Convergence is Nigh

  Socia lism Putin Bibi Assad Trump Terr ism Addi ction Free
Adx Myth bad bad bad bad bad fake fake yes
Oz bad bad bad bad real  no
Eli Lake bad bad good good real  ?
Prop OrNot bad bad ?  bad bad no
ENB bad bad bad ? yes
Charles good bad  ? bad bad
High-Minded good bad bad bad ?
Antony good bad ?
Max good good bad good ? fake
Eli Valley good bad bad  bad bad yes
Adx Myth bad bad bad bad bad fake fake yes

I was hoping to do a complete circle with only one degree of separation between each person.  I don’t think that’s possible, but hey it was worth a try!