You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny

You learned that your defective, obsessive, and diseased mind is bent on its own destruction: that is simply the nature of alcoholism, your newly diagnosed affliction.  Ruin is inevitable.

They exploited the desires, fears and sins you revealed during “Step Work” to exact obedience and stifle doubt.

Then they sent you out into the world to proselytize for them: to convince others they are similarly defective and obsessed even if they don’t realize it, insisting that their claim to drink just because they want to is a lie, even as you deny trying to convince anyone they are alcoholic.  And you do it, because it’s an essential part of the only known cure.

Now they sit back and laugh, waiting for you to self-destruct because one day you you wake up in a good mood and forget to beseech your Higher Power for protection from your own mind’s lethal obsessions and at the end of the day when you suddenly remember and reach for the phone to call your sponsor, it’s too late because the combination of vodka you picked up on the way home to commemorate a successful day (an old habit you assumed was long since broken), and a nearly full prescription of vicodin left over from a previous surgery (whose longevity you and your sponsor recently agreed was sure proof of progress even while you wondered why she didn’t demand that you flush it immediately), has already shut down the nerve signalling pathways controlling the muscles in your extremities, thereby rendering a maligned and abused but normal brain truly and hopelessly powerless, for the first time ever.

That’s the most common modus operandi of Alcoholics Anonymous, the brainwashing cult of powerlessness that doubles as a drinking club (oh you thought AA was a treatment for alcoholism? Gotcha haha!), and it happens many times every day in this country. They thirst for your blood because it makes them stronger; your expiration increments the obscene statistic that stands as this year’s testament to the fearsome power of the same affliction that now threatens the life of tonight’s featured speaker even as he stands here before us: a humble Christian, and at one time not so long ago another certain victim of the disease, were it not for his discovery of a simple but powerful program, which worked when nothing else did, and which not only rescued his poor and admittedly imperfect soul from certain death but offered it abundant life; the initiation of which requiring only a willingness to admit the power of an undeniably deadly disease; and for its maintenance his continuous vigilance lest it return. The disease withered as he advanced in the program in which he learned to exercise rigorous honesty in all his affairs; and finally the infernal malady receded, though it left behind in its wake a shameful trail of sin, which he regrets and for which he has made amends, as our program requires. He then proceeds to recount the harrowing details. We listen and much to our surprise he is laughing and we are laughing! The recovery from our condition has strengthened us and made us resilient, and we are able to find humor in the midst of the suffering and hardship it created for us and the ones we care about most. Indeed, we are not a glum lot.

You chuckle along with the group at the stories of mischief, unaware of the high cost the cult has incurred for them, or that this obligation can be satisfied only by the blood of its members. Who will die for this man’s sins? That question never occurs to you. For now you are focused on your recovery, while you relish the warm welcome of the fellowship.  Their eager hugs and knowing smiles suggest a genuine appreciation of your suffering, even if the repeated demands for ‘rigorous honesty’ about past mistakes left you demoralized.  They say you’re making progress.

You recommit yourself to the Steps as our speaker advised and wait your turn for the promised miracle, wondering if you really have admitted utter powerlessness to your disease as he did, and trying to remember what he even said about that.


The Real Alcoholics of AA pour their drinks and take their seats, laughing about their new disciples. Who will be first to attain true knowledge?  The bets are placed and the curtain is lifted.  The demons settle in to watch an eloquent apostle of our “cunning and baffling” condition start her day in a good mood and conclude it in silent vindication.   The curtain falls and the room erupts in raucous cheers: the old prank remains as young as the blood that affords it.  The winner of the pool soaks in the accolades and starts to plan her merry escapade, which will only wax more lurid in its retelling. Brew sloshes and spills from a goblet raised jubilantly in its own honor.


My advice is to get out now and don’t look back. Maybe stop by your local church on the way home and see if they have any openings for service work.

And for gosh sakes, don’t mix alcohol and drugs!

AddictionMyth gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Drew Pinsky for this article.

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1,168 thoughts on “You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny”

  1. I have to agree in many ways that AA is a cult. It’s mind-numbingly evil in many ways, and these people will stop at nothing to hurt others and get what they want. I’ve met many AA’s who try and control, manipulate, and who will stop at nothing to destroy others and get what they want. They talk about their past life of sleeping with over 300 women, how they destroy others, and they honestly don’t care about anyone but themselves.

    1. Gee Edna,
      I’m so sorry you had that experience. How many meetings did you attend?
      What city– or State, if that’s too much information? Were you attending meetings with Wilt Chamberlin? 300 sounds like a lot of partners. Maybe he (or she???) was in the wrong 12-step?
      I still don’t understand this “cult” definition. A cult is typically defined a a group with a central figure or small power base of individuals who benefits financially and sexually, have a chain of command that institutes ultimate authority over the followers movement, housing, job, religious practice, manner of dress, finances and controls interaction with any and all outsiders from the group.
      Last time I checked, I had full control of all of the above– My AA group has no leaders, no rules, no one is telling me how to act, where to go, live, who to, or not to sleep with, and the last time I checked, I am into AA financially for about a whole dollar per meeting at 3 different meetings across the city every week–Plus bonus (!) my HP can be anyone or anyTHING I choose…. Hmmm–might need to go back and check who you are actually dealing with at your meeting house, contact the central office in NYC and report them if things have spun that far out of control in your city. Unless of course, that isn’t REALLY happening and you only stuck around for 3 or 4 meetings before making discovering all this nefarious business. …Or you could simply make an honest reassessment of what you think is a cult, by checking out against all the reliable sources in that magic, information, cloud thingy called “the web” where real truth chooses to live.
      Go for it Edna, and remember– Don’t leave 5 minutes before the miracle happens!

      1. Cult: an organization that promises you a miracle if you stay just 5 more minutes, and threatens you with death if you leave. And then denies doing exactly that right after they just did it right in front of your face.

        How’s that for a definition?

      2. Your “definition” is moronic, childish and repetitious as usual…

        No surprises here!

      3. And then insult and belittle you if you dare disagree with them (and then accuse you of insulting and belittling them for having the sheer audacity to question their sacred drinking club).

        As they claim to be ‘happy joyous and free’ and have the answers to all of life’s questions. If only you would confess your powerlessness….

        Nah nothing culty about that….

      4. Once again with your lies and distortions…did not insult you, just your definition. It is way off base, as I am sure suits you. Take it personally if you wish, it was not a personal attack.

    2. How misguided you are. AA is open to the public, membership in informal and voluntary…you independently have the choice to go or not. Just as you wouldnt want to associate with something against your beliefs, i would similiarly choose to not associate myself with an idiot like you.

  2. only losers need help quitting or have encountered a situation where they need to quit. it is pretty simple really- if you want to stop then stop… if you think you cant and need to rely on others to do so then i am afraid that you are just weak and would rather divert responsibility. it is pathetic. stop crying about it and do something about it…

    the same people will send a heroin addict to a doctor and have them “ween” off of it over the span of months (sometimes years…) with drugs that are just as debilitating. GOD it sickens me that the lot of you are so god damned pathetic!!!!

    1. Oh, please…
      Can I be just like you when I grow up?

      Ummmm…wait a minute…

      Did I just really ask to become an angry, poorly spoken ignorant asshat?

      Second thought, cancel that!

    2. Drop me a line off this website. I will personally pay to fly and meet you, and show you pathetic….have a mirror? You can save me the trip. Look into it….yep. You. Selfish, ignorant, conceited, the usual masks for a coward and a true loser. Let me guess, daddy didnt love you, so hate on everyone else. Nice. I’m sure people really like being around you and your “kindness”. Wow, you remind me yet again why i’m above average….the competition is so pathetic.

  3. Ha—Good one Myth Addict!

    Count me among those who fell upon your website through a paid Google Ad, and thank my lucky starts I did!

    I was seeking help for a family member who is obviously eaten up with so much selfishness with their insatiable hunger for drugs, alcohol and attention from others that, in addition to feeling “high” from the substances, we can only conclude at this point, they get some sense of power over the saps in our family with the financial emotional and spiritual havoc they inflict upon us?

    I think rather than leaning on the excuse of “addiction”, surely they must be suffering from a mental defect? Obviously no one in his or her right mind would intentionally risk physical, emotional or financial trouble to feed the need to get high, just so they can cleverly cloak the real need of wanting to be the center of attention?

    Why can’t this person just drink “normally” like those who imbibe reasonably and responsibly at dinner or special occasions?

    After 3 trips to rehab and the final blow of dropping dead in a bar at 27 years old of alcohol poisoning, knowing full well they had a child to raise, how can we chalk this up to anything other than mental illness? 4 days in a medical detox ICU and the first stop after getting out? A bar. I’m purely outraged.

    You are correct when you say rehab is Bull Shit. I have spent nearly 100K with doctors and facilities that promised they had the cure, and the result was nil.

    You obviously spend real money to get people to your thoughtfully organized site by buying Google Ads, and I’m touched by your deep commitment to get the word out about addiction! (Or the lack-there-of, wink) you must spend hours every week poring over research to hand over to desperate people, like me, neglecting other important life events and the people you care about. Surely in your mission to help others see the truth about this addiction nonsense, you sneak a peek at your site while you should be studying, or while you’re at work, or while at dinner with family or friends? It’s just the uneducated and ignorant that don’t understand that your site has become the center of your universe and it’s all you can think about or talk about at parties or other social gatherings? With great enthusiasm you surely must whip out your smart phone and share with others how you have crafted a way to manipulate others in a completely anonymous way that brings you a feeling of power, courage, a sense of superiority by proselytizing others to your way of thinking. Or maybe, this site is something you keep hidden from those closest to you because it’s a private matter they “wouldn’t understand” and something you can handle on your own without anyone judging your actions.

    If I didn’t know any better, I would say you might have created a cult of “non-addiction” you alone are addicted to, friend.

    If no one else does, I get you. My name is Nancy, and I’m a manipulative, prideful, co-dependent, people pleasing, non-solicited advice-giving, liar, smart-ass, word ninja, grateful recovering, clean and sober today, AA-attending, alcoholic.

    Thanks for the private meeting this morning. You fucking rock!

    1. Wow, that sounded so gratuitously, self-flatulently auto-fellating I almost thought the twink running this site had a fraternal twin…or wrote it himself…
      That would make sense, given that he is a temple of over inflated ego.

      1. Or, Nancy has the driest, most droll command of the ironic I have encountered in some time, and I am in love…

      2. Alas I’m afraid it’s the later… although, it seems my HP was able to deliver my soul and liver from the blight of alcohol and drugs, in one fell-swoop, He has seen fit to work a more gradual process when it comes to my wicked ways of mercilessly using my storytelling ability and SAT vocabulary like a Spin-Art Gatling Gun when I’m in disagreement.

        The true irony lies in the conundrum that is this website. The originator somehow seems to feel a sense of duty to expose “Addiction” and AA as fraud. As I read through the published pages, there are subtle hints that the author is a white, middle age male who seems to have a strong resentment to those who are not the same. Perhaps he is an emasculated male with strong female influences who are alcoholics who have “wronged” him by not flowing through with a commitment to sobriety in AA leaving him exposed, bewildered, resentful and shamed.

        I noticed he also seems to be amused by subtly belittling other races and those who are not members of his brand of religious following, by way of childish commentary on his “Find a Rehab” page. It would seem he feels that flat-out openly picking on people who do not look or think like him in open commentary would be foolish in this day and age, (especially on the web) Perhaps he thinks his thinly veiled sarcasm will somehow allude those who might want to label him as a bigot, raciest, homophobic or xenophobic?

        It also seems ironic to me that he feels as a self-appointed “soldier of God” he is somehow been charged with single-handedly being the smartest guy in the room, and waging jihad on people he knows nothing about. In one breath he defends his religious beliefs by declaring “his God” as “thee God” but does little to query people about the “God or HP” respondents refer to in the blog. His defiance to honestly bringing people to his way of thinking through altruistic methods and offering legitimate solutions render him impotent in his arguments within moments of reading the home page.

        In my opinion: The author of this website seems to be a kindred thinker of the Westborough Church leader, Fred Phelps whose group protested the funerals of American soldiers, police officers KIA’d and other high profile people with messages of hate, anger and Gods rage, but whose same followers demanded respect to mourn privately from an outraged American public, when their leader died. WTF? Over.

        AdditionMyth seems to want to do all the telling and none of the listening—which is fine. As members of a 12-step our charge is to place principal over personality. I can certainly forgive ignorance, tolerate stupidity and narrow mindedness, but what I haven’t been able to master as far as my long list of character defects are concerned is the ability to keep my mouth shut or to keep my finger from pointing as the Emperor of this site, parades through his kingdom to show off his finery that is invisible to those that are in his influenced opinion, unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent.

        Word, children, you’re not seeing things, whether yore in a place of crisis and questioning your choice to remain clean and sober, or in a place of calling a truce with your absolute “addiction and true disease” this particular pudgy little tyrant, is indeed, naked. Get yourself a big bag of popcorn and a large soda, sit back, and enjoy the show.

      3. We agree that addiction is a religion not a disease. Therefore, I do not need to “bring you to my way of thinking” because you’re already there. Though I am impressed by your tenacious defense of your cult. Makes me wonder what you have to hide. How many of your ‘sponsees’ didn’t make it? You’ve already alluded to one potential victim of your self-professed manipulatory skillz. How many skeletons are hanging in your closet?

      4. Wow, my bad. Nice web side, dude. Sorry about your dick.
        Question: How much money are the tax payers of this Country spending subsidizing your Pell-Grant Psychology 101 summer school re-do, homework assignment?

      5. Well why didn’t you say so earlier!! I guess I better make sure I keep working hard to pay my part to keep your Medicare ( I think you meant Medicaid unless you are over 61?) disability and alcoholism in tact. What is that pesky disability you are cursed with anyway? Permanent brain damage? I take back everything I said. My mom told me not to make fun of the mentally disabled and handicapped.
        Be careful to not be too harsh in your judgements of us poor alcoholics, You never know, your words could cause some poor uninformed to your superior methods, drunk to lose hope and drive into a bridge abutment and then you would have skeletons in your closet too. Peace brother, I gotta go. I’ve grown tired of your circle talk games. It reminds me of the drug addicts on the corner doin’ it your way outside my AA meeting house.

      6. Yes please think of me ridiculing AAs while you’re working, and I’ll think of you working as I’m ridiculing AAs. 🙂

        As for drunks, they’ve already lost hope, which is why they drink (not the other way around). I’m just here to tell them to avoid confessing powerlessness to a self-described “manipulator” who is proud of her “wicked ways” and who will try to convince them that they have a disease that makes them drink and get drunk and puts them behind the wheel and makes them drive too fast and crash into a bridge abutment and who refuses to state how many of her sponsees are still alive.

    2. Hi Nancy, you friggin rock too! Well if my web site can keep someone from blowing their life savings to ‘help’ someone with ‘alcoholism’ then I would be satisfied. If only you had seen this earlier! But of course the real purpose is to prevent people from falling victim to master manipulators like you who are happy to see others waste money on rehab (misery loves company) and better yet waste money then die on their discharge date because you demanded their confession of powerlessness and for one moment that seemed like a better option than spending years raising a ‘child of alcohol’ they never really wanted. And that one moment is all you need.

      Yes, selfishness. Just like you were, once. When you were young. Before you ‘discovered’ AA. Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself. Well you kinda already did.

    3. I do not believe there could have been a better response to this person/doctor/myth buster. Thank you for a bit of entertainment before bed 🙂

      I will have to ask some old timers what my bet was.

      Have a lovely night!

      1. Oh, Nancy, definitely in love now.

        You got right to the meat of the matter…and the meatlessness of this purveyor of fertilizer…
        He never has anything new to say, just the same tired out circular arguments…
        And he even snipes at the folks who mostly agree with him. All two of them…

  4. All of us that are sober in AA and living productive, happy lives as a result of the AA program’s step and traditions need to offer a prayer for this AddictionMyth guy as his disease of denial goes very deep. Clearly a very unhappy person weather his substance is liquor, weed, food, sex or whatever he is dangerous to himself.

    1. At my last meeting someone told a story of a guy who kept saying he was ‘happy, joyous, and free’ and then suddenly killed himself. Turns out he was really a ‘dry drunk’. Don’t be a ‘dry drunk’. Remember to pray to your HP every day and remember your ‘disease’ is cunning and baffling.

  5. Why so angry? If you can stay sober without it, good for you. But it sounds to me like you have a tremendous amount of resentment and bitterness. Steps Six and Seven may help you be rid of them. Keep coming back!

    1. Congrats on your serenity. I heard about a guy who kept repeating ‘serenity now’ and then suddenly killed himself. Well good look with ‘the program’, and don’t forget to pray to your HP every day. Remember you have a cunning and baffling disease.

  6. I have seen a lot of people to change their life for the better when they join AA or any other twelve step program. Probably the organization has flaws as any other human organization. But to call them brainwashed is ridiculous to say the least.
    I guess you had to write about something destructive instead of something productive to other people.

  7. This is sad and untrue. when our friends go back out we pray for them, for some sick and suffering alcoholics do not return as they end up dead as the drink has almost killed us as well. This is not a game this for us all is life and death.
    The 12 steps of aa helped me replace the alcohol with a spiritual connection and gives me tools I need to handle life without booze.
    We don’t laugh we don’t judge. We support we understand because we were there we love and we are always here when a soul has had enough.

  8. Moderate drinkers have little trouble in giving up liquor entirely if they have good reason for it. They can take it or leave it alone.
    Then there is a certain type of hard drinker. They may have the habit badly enough to gradually impair them physically and mentally. It may cause them to die a few years before their time. If a sufficiently strong reason—ill health, falling in love, change of environment, or the warning of a doctor—becomes operative, this person can stop or moderate, although they may find it difficult and troublesome and may even need medical attention.
    But what about the real alcoholic? They may start off as a moderate drinker; they may or may not become a continuous hard drinker; but at some stage of their drinking career they begin to lose all control of their liquor consumption, once they start to drink.

    1. many of them were sent to aa by the courts when they were young which planted the seeds of brainwashing. Otherwise they’d probably just stop on their own.

  9. AddictionMyth sounds like someone who is butthurt AA didn’t work for them.

    Sounds like your mad at God. AA is not a cure. It’s a program that works to recover from Alcoholism.

    Is it a cult? In some ways. Not in a bad way. Crossfit is just as much a cult as AA is and you don’t see idiots making sites bashing it and paying google Adwords for traffic like this one.

    Is it a religion? Yes. A religion is simply a group of people with similar ideas and principles they live by. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    But for you to plainly make up lies about AA is laughable, almost everyone knows at least one person who got sober and stayed sober in AA.

    Saying it might work for middle age people who are tired of the bar scene is a lie too. I was 19 when I got sober (27 now) . I never had a legal drink of alcohol. And when I got here my life was where some alcoholics get in there 40s. Open your comments to be able to reply to more of your lies so I can further prove you wrong 🙂

    1. Alcoholism is a religion, not a disease. Seems like we agree on that so you can go on your merry way. Just a friendly reminder not to forget to beg your HP for relief from your own lethal obsessions, every morning, or you might accidentally mix up your meds and your brother’s ‘sodas’ and then rob a liquor store or choke on your own vomit. That’s always how it happens — right when you least expect it. Cunning and baffling it is. What’s the HP’s name by the way? I’ll be happy to put in a kind word for you. They can get pretty busy this time of year, and you seem like someone who needs extra attention.

      You are so brainwashed it’s ridiculous. OR you’re just a liar who likes going to AA meetings high on meth. Lines are open….

      1. Just the tone and the way you conduct yourself in you posts is very telling. AA aside, you appear to be a very critical and sarcastic. It makes it hard to take your posts serious.

      2. I needed a good brainwashing!!!!!

        Love you and have a great day! Thanks for the laugh

      3. addiction myth person.

        AA said keep coming back. Don’t give up!
        You can come back we still love you.

  10. I’m in AA. I was a mess. Want the truth? I feel great for the first time in as long as I can remember. That’s all. I go to meetings. I sit there. And I am trying not to die a drunk.

    Oh…and my family is starting to take me back. They wanted nothing to do with me for the last 20 years. They all drink, but not like me.

    1. @ AddictionMyth:I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of AA. I simply assumed you wanted facts. You asked, quite vehemently I might add, for someone to produce facts. Scientific American is a respected research publication. You shoot down everything everyone responds on this page. You either had a bad experience with AA or someone you cared for deeply could no longer be in your life because they tried to kick their dependence on alcohol. You say it is not a disease because it does not meet the scientific criteria you have laid out in your rebuttal comments. Delirium tremors are very common amongst long time alcohol abusers when they quit cold turkey and many require hospitalization or medication in order to survive the ordeal. You also need to look up the definition of disease, not to put to fine a point on it, and it would be great if you could provide proof of your doctorate or degree. Here is the definition according to the

      “A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.”

      I would say that alcohol dependency fits that definition, as it affects structure and function of the human body especially the liver and the brain(mentally).

      1. Well thank you for producing a fact and not launching a personal attack! How refreshing. DTs are serious but are easily controlled under medical supervision. Most people report the detox experience as ‘surprisingly comfortable’, after which time they are completely cured and can drink normally if they so choose (and many do). It’s obviously not a disease. (Or are you now going to tack on some more ‘symptoms’ of this ‘disease’ that strangely enough have absolutely no biological manifestation and can be alleviated only by a ‘spiritual awakening’? Why yes, that’s exactly what you’ll do. Except that you already ran away. Run pagan run.)

        Like I said, AA works great for late-middle age people who are tired of the bar scene. If you are under 30 you should stay away, unless you are ready to Lie Like the Wind.

        And if you didn’t already know, most doctors despise drug addicts and alcoholics. They dread having to treat them. I wouldn’t exactly be running to them for support, if I were you.

        Anyway, of course you are suddenly not a member. You are like rats jumping off a sinking ship. Swim pagan, swim.

      2. Have I said at any point I was a member? I have posted three times on this thread, including this one. You pick one thing that I stated to try to support your opinion. I have, twice now, posted facts. A study published by a reputable magazine and the definition of disease. Prove your credentials and quit posting satire and claiming they are interviews with the people who are experts in their fields. Alas, you will not. You will probably just attack again, like all successful charlatans, and latch on to one item in a post to cover the fact that you are exactly the person you claim all persons involved in AA are. How about spewing some conspiracies about the government? That is exactly what this rant sounds like. This will be my last post on your site. You are not a doctor or a scientest. You are not interested in proof through the scientific method. You are only interested in publishing your manifesto and attacking anyone who disagrees with you or shows flaw in your logic. Thank you, however. Your bantering and responses have been entertaining at least.

  11. I have to finally write a comment about all this. For all of you who have written in defense of AA, this man knows he has hit pay dirt by presenting a site that touches on a sensitive issue in which he can then get a large number of responses to it. If someone creates a site that says “SEX IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH”, obviously they’re going to get a lot of people responding and countering, right? I had posted another time, but will again say; I am a recover-ING alcoholic and have over 5 years sobriety. My greatest clue in realizing I had a problem that wasn’t normal and might be unmanageable…. was when I was choosing to drink mouthwash, perfumes and most especially hand sanitizer instead of the Vodka I could easily afford? Ya, that’s when I considered I might actually have a disease! I had Pancreatitis 17 times, liver failure 3 times and ketoacidosis several times as well. Hospitalized 22 times in a 21 month period. Those substances created a more toxic and quick intoxication I was trying for. That does not sound like a person who is managing their life or their own brain well. AA is not a cult or religion. There is an entire chapter for anyone who is agnostic in the AA “Big Book”. Some people continue to attend and then there are some like myself who attend in the beginning and then after a good amount of sobriety they feel they’ve achieved what they needed. I think it’s nearly impossible for anyone to understand that addiction is a true disease, unless they’ve had the disease themselves. The stuff I felt compelled to drink is proof of how much of a disease it really is! DR. BRENE’ BROWN has studied and written extensively on the power of vulnerability. We are raised in a society that teaches us that vulnerability is a weakness, when in reality it is a strength. For anyone who feels very threatened by allowing themselves to be vulnerable or even admit to any type of vulnerable openness, I’m sure AA would seem quite intimidating to them. I’m sure that’s why this man or people who agree with him, feel so adamantly opposed to AA and the 12 steps. AA and the steps involved are very much about removing certain barriers and allowing oneself to be vulnerable and open. There is no certain theology and as I said, it is for agnostics or evolutionists as well. But, kudos to this person for creating a site name and hot topic that they knew would peak peoples curiosity. It got me on here. Bottom line is, AA is an amazing organization that does not allow for self promotion, isn’t about making money or getting funding and most importantly, saves lives. It saved mine. And although I don’t attend meetings anymore, I know if I walked into a meeting somewhere tonight, I would be welcomed and feel welcome and leave feeling better than when I walked in. And I already feel pretty damn good, so that’s saying something! AA is not perfect, because it’s put in place and run by people, and people aren’t perfect. But, if you or someone you care about has a real problem that has become unmanageable, AA and the 12 steps will most likely be the best choice for some REAL help!

    1. OK then don’t forget to beg your HP every day for relief from your own mind’s lethal cravings. And let’s hope it doesn’t ever take a smoke break. Which might be funny if not for the fact that you sacrificed your own son to your narcissistic idiocy.

      1. Nevertheless, the results of one well-designed investigation called Project Match, published in 1997, suggest that AA can facilitate the transition to sobriety for many alcoholics. In this study, a group of prominent alcoholism researchers randomly assigned more than 900 problem drinkers to receive one of three treatments over 12 weeks. One was an AA-based treatment called 12-step facilitation therapy that includes contact with a professional who helps patients work the first few of the 12 steps and encourages them to attend AA meetings. The other treatments were cognitive-behavioral therapy, which teaches skills for coping better with situations that commonly trigger relapse, and motivational enhancement therapy, which is designed to boost motivation to cease problem drinking.
        The AA-based approach seemed to work and compared favorably with the other therapies. In all three groups, participants were abstinent on roughly 20 percent of days, on average, before treatment began, and the fraction of alcohol-free days rose to about 80 percent a year after treatment ended. What is more, 19 percent of these subjects were teetotalers during the entire 12-month follow-up. Because the study lacked a group of people who received no treatment, however, it does not reveal whether any of the methods are superior to leaving people to try to stop drinking on their own. -Scientific American-

      2. AA works great for middle age drinkers who are tired of the bar scene. What a relief it is to stop drinking. You don’t have to waste money on booze, and no annoying hangovers. And the best part is you can now hit on the chicks at the meetings instead of at the bars. Claim to have 10 years sobriety and offer to demonstrate your special techniques to ‘stay sober’ with the newcomers – who must confess powerlessness or die (like you almost did). Don’t worry, you can still drink whenever you want. Just call it a ‘relapse’ if anyone sees you. Remember you have a disease!

        If you always wondered why you don’t see normal, long-term committed young people at meetings, well now you know!

    2. Denise B,
      Thank You, -AA was the last house on the block for me. I didn’t want to be there, but… tried everything else. Saved my life in spite of me. And, yes- the individual(s) responsible for this site would be welcome at our meeting too. I would be particularly interested in the fate of these individuals – only casually, but I will pray for them anyway. “thine will be done”….there, that was easy. Of course it would be easy to excuse myself from the fellowship for as long as it would take to hunt down and kick some ass… but my eighth step list is supposed to get shorter, not longer lol. I feel a great deal of pain is going to be suffered by somebody – but one day at a time, not me!

      1. Oh I would LOVE to see that 8th step list. (Please g.o.d save me from my own unbearable craving to get drunk and beat people up and run away like the coward that i am. Cuz I’m old now and can’t run as fast as I used to!)

      2. I realize I said my last post was it, but seriously? I have remained calm in all my posts but this takes the prize for jackass of the year.

        AddictionMyth, if you are really trying to “help” people see the “evil cult” that AA is alleged to be by you, why do you continue to be negative? Why do you continue to attack? Talk about a coward? You hide behind this bogus website and FB page and spew your bullshit and call it science. You post fraudulent interview with experts, its almost laughable. You are a sad little person. You sit behind your curtain and claim you are all knowing. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN! Lmao. Addicts and alcoholics, please quit giving this site the satisfaction of sharing your stories and how AA worked for you. People who want recovery will find it. The ones who are still out in the world and don’t want to change, like AddictionMyth, will find reasons not to anyway. Go ahead, brother, attack me again after this post. Show me your brilliance, you charlatan.

      3. I never attacked you. I just said you were going to deny being a member of AA and run away like a crybaby cowardly pagan and then return because you are addicted to AddictionMyth! Thy will be mine! Admit it!!

  12. I guess your enjoying your drinking. Keep drinking you will come to AA. How’s that working for you.

  13. Along with the other deluge of stupidities in your little tirade against AA is your atrocious grammar and punctuation. You really need to get a grip.

  14. Stumbled upon this one when searching for some info for an AA speaking committment. Lots of emotion here. And tons of “facts” which are just a matter of opinion. I can tell my story and my story only. Hey, if someone can quit drinking and also make themselves a significantly better person as well without AA, rock on. Good for you. Me? I love AA. It is not a cult by the definition of cult. Even if it were, I am a happier, healthier, more loving, kind, giving, caring person than I was before I walked into the rooms. That’s my fact. Period. I have less conflict, more serenity, better relationships, a feeling of usefulness, an ability to find compassion and am less judgemental than I was before I began working the steps. Bottom line for me-I’m a believer. I also think EVERYONE could use the 12 steps as a code for living. Most people I know spend a great deal of their lives “searching” for some type of spiritual connection-not an organized religion connection-but a personal relationship with something greater than themselves. Call it the Universe, Great Spirit, Nature, or Hey You; it doesn’t matter. Just an abiding feeling that there has to be something “more.” I found that personal relationship with something greater through AA. “Powerless” is just the idea that I can’t control anything or anybody. I can only do MY part, without trying to manipulate or control others, and then accept how things turn out. And if someone else is interested in having what I have I feely give what’s been given to me. A more modern twist on this has come to be called “paying it forward.” Thus far, my experience has been that when I do this, life gets better. Life still shows up. People I love die, my car still needs new tires, I drop stuff on the floor and it breaks, my computer goes on the fritz, my boss isn’t nice to me, etc. Fact is, today I don’t get nearly as jammed up about it as I used to. Thats called serenity, or peace of mind, if you prefer. Hey, work the program. Don’t work the program. You’ve got fee will. So do I. Me? I’m sticking with AA. At least for today.

    1. Well thanks for admitting that your problem was unhappiness and stress and not just “drugs and alcohol”. It’s a religion and not a disease, and that’s my point. I’m glad you believe in free will and you don’t believe in powerlessness and that you found serenity in the rooms.

      But I am not concerned about you. I’m concerned about the young people you brainwash into powerlessness to drugs and alcohol via your ‘speaking commitments’ and then insist they develop an abiding belief in something ‘more’ (oh they must be thrilled by that prospect) and then demand they confess to you their deepest sins and insecurities so that you can use them against them for fun and profit. And if not to you, at least to others and you will settle for a hearty pat on the back for now.

      Thank you for another vivid demonstration of the workings of the demons. I think it’s cute how you turned to the internet for inspiration for your talk. But it already sounds like it’s gonna go gangbusters based on what you just wrote here. Sign me up!

      1. Fact: alcoholism is a disease. The AMA has already determined that, in 1952. Prolonged use of drugs and alcohol change neuropathology of the brain which has been proven by science, look at PET Scans. Until science can provide a medical method of repairing this damage it can only be done through cognitive behavioral change to create new neuro pathways. AA provides many people a way to do this. Got a better way? If so, put it out there and let people use it, hell make money from it. If not, shut up already. I’ve been to many AA meetings, I’ve seen the good the bad and the ugly, but never what you describe here. I am an alcoholic and I do attend AA. I am not part of a cult, nor do I recruit, make bets or revel in the struggle of young people. I am not a religious fanatic nor do I have a dogmatic approach. Help people, don’t hurt them. “If you seek to change the world, begin by changing yourself.”-Dali Lama

      2. Fact: alcoholism is not a disease. Fact: The APA de-listed homosexuality as a disease in 1973. Alcoholism/addiction will be delisted as well.

        Fact: lots of things change and damage brain neurology but don’t create ‘addiction’. It’s a leap to conclude that the changes are exactly of the type that create an irresistible compulsion and can lurk in our brains despite years of abstinence. In fact it’s wishful thinking and even prominent scientists like Nora Volkow and George Koob are starting to realize they’ve been hoodwinked by people like you and are now backing off such claims.

    2. Me too….im staying in the rooms….giving back, what was givin to me….all I know is when I drink …I want more , I want it every day…it consumes my thoughts, when can I relax / drink my problems away ,, even tho its a temporary fix….and that’s when I finally got tired of, everyday I had to drink to relax every single day I got drunk…I had to change. Or die before my time. Im 48…
      and I do believe in the program, with everything thers good and bad I leave the people who aren’t serious alone…and hope someday they see something in the rooms .. they want…. try to help the next person who walks in the room….I am an alcoholic. .I need help…and I can help others like myself. ..

    3. i loved your astute answer to the a.h. who wrote the opinion piece,”You are so brainwashed………..”. It is obvious this individual has either never been to AA, or has failed to stay sober and hence, blames AA. You and I are on the same journey, Jean. It’s amazing how we find each other everywhere, which proves this thing works. I have been sober for 21+ and living a life beyond my wildest dreams. Never heard of a cult who wants NOTHING from the drunk, just their sobriety for themselves. Peggy Y.

  15. Sounds like you have a resentment against the program. This is the only thing that has saved my life and brought me inner piece. We can never TELL someone that they are an alcoholic or an addict, only reach out a helping hand when they have nowhere else to turn. I am not angry with your ludacris words, only pity you and hope that you open your eyes and your heart to a word out side of your box. If you are a true addict or alcoholic, you would understand.


    1. Sounds like this “addiction myth” guy has his own addiction: crazy ravings trying to discredit a Program that works if not for everyone, for many. Crazy guy, even if you truly believe yourself, you sound like a lunatic…not too credible. I would say you are a good advertisement for AA. No one wants to sound like you!

      1. Anonymous is right. You sound like a nut case. It seems funny at first, but actually, you are a little scary. People are probably knocking each other over to get to the serenity of the rooms of AA and away from the likes of you.

      2. People like him are not worth time or effort. I think he wants to here himself talk. Lots of people like that in this world. Have a great 4th of July.

    2. I’m not laughing. I think this person is Right On and AA is a destructive, anti-social, anti-family cult.

      1. Trish, I’m so sorry you feel that way about AA or any part of it. It saved my life years ago and gave all three of my kids their mom back. It taught my siblings, parents and whole family; tolerance, compassion and that there is never a lost cause. For me and my family, AA is all about family!

  17. I have previously heard of people calling AA a cult, or a religion. I don’t see that at all. It IS spiritual, but there is no indoctrination whatsoever. The lord’s prayer said at the end of many meetings is strictly optional; some choose not to participate in it. Many people in the AA program I have talked to aren’t even Christian. As someone with an addiction and the need to find other addicts for support, i have found AA to be immeasurably helpful. The vitriol and spite coming from this website seems rather misdirected to me. I don’t understand why the owner of this website feels the need to rant so hard against something that truly is benign. Surely that energy could be turned into something positive for their own community. And how is it that the owner of this site knows so much about AA when clearly they don’t attend? Where’s the PROOF?!? you offer no proof, no corroboration of any of your claims; just presenting your very angry opinions in the form of unsubstantiated “facts”. I will not “pray” for you, I don’t feel sorry for you, I am just kind of perplexed as to what you are trying to achieve with this website.

    1. AA is blatantly religious. First you must confess powerlessness to the demonic idols of drugs and alcohol, and then you must turn your will over completely to a god of your own choosing. If you fail to do so you will die, and if you lose faith for just a minute you will die. This ‘theology’ is directly from the Big Book of Lies. Please don’t claim it’s not religious. It’s ultra religious, moreso than most religions!

      1. A higher power as you understand him. I have friends who used the tables in the room as their higher powers! STFU! Religion is not a requirement. You are an asshole!


      3. It really isn’t religious. I’ve been in AA for over 11 years, and I haven’t experienced what you’re describing. I have a scientific background (not a made up one), too. The steps have taught me how to live a full, happy life. Your “facts” are greatly exaggerated, and the tone is definitely rooted in resentment and fear, which tells me that the content can’t be reliable. To be honest, and no offense intended, you sound like every kid in detox I’ve worked with, angry and full of fear. And the Ghandi statement. You’ve quoted it out of context. He was talking about facing an occupying government through a form of passive warfare that many thought was “crazy”. You are not Ghandi, nor is your “fight” anything like his. Even though no one here should be calling you “crazy”, I think that their conclusion derives from your anger-filled statements lacking any facts, logic or rationale.

      4. No offense taken. If the article can staunch the flow of new kids for you to indoctrinate into your cult of powerlessness so you can “work with” them, I would be satisfied.

      5. Where did you get the idea that if you lose faith for one minute you die!? Curious.

      6. Are you simply curious or are you denying the claim? I will gladly relieve you of your ignorance about your own religion if you will first answer that question, and also state whether you are indeed powerless to alcohol as you repeatedly claim.

        Already ran away? Ah, that’s what I thought.

      7. Where in the world can you meet a bunch of people willing to talk to you and help you out for FREE (or the $1 you optionally put in the basket?)

        If it helps you go, if it doesn’t lead your life and don’t worry about it.
        You have some mental health problems that lead you to write on this site wasting your time when you could be doing something else for yourself or society.

        Are you narcassitic believing it’s your way or the high way?
        If it works for people leave it alone, don’t you have anything else to do with your life?

        Ph. D. Psychologist, 23 years
        AA member 30 years

        I am happy and content in the program, why does that bother you?

      8. I think the program is fine as long as you understand it’s a brainwashing cult. Just beware the ‘psychologist’ with the plastered-on smile who claims he has a PhD and anyone who disagrees with him is mentally ill and then demands you admit you are powerless to alcohol and drugs like he once was. And beyond that, remember to Lie like the wind! You could have a PhD too! Hey why not just make it a MD?? Invite the impressionable new girl back to your place so you can demonstrate some ‘medically approved’ techniques to ‘stay sober’. And if she balks… perfect opportunity for a ‘relapse’. Remember you have a disease!

      1. That’s because to quit drinking is the “easy” part. It’s staying quit that is the challenge. God is used as a general term. Your assumption is that God is the Christian God. It’s just the belief and faith that there is SOMETHING, ANYTHING greater than yourself.

      2. The 12 steps are not designed nor intended to help to stop one from drinking – they are a methodology to stay stopped. One has to actually do (live) the steps to understand that – just reading them misses that all important perspective. Similarly, opinions about AA are just that; they belong to those who have not experienced the subject of the opinion. Instead of proselytizing opinions, LISTEN to the experience of those who have recovered (not everyone does) to learn the truth – its a behavioral/existential paradigm that is intensely personal and communal at the same time, that only talks of “god” in terms of one’s own non-dogmatic understanding of “god” (i.e. the antithesis of an organized religion).

  18. Well Mr. Myth short and sweet,
    What are you afraid of?
    Are you following Ron Howard ideas?
    He was exposed to the program, just like you.
    Do you want to start your own CULT?

  19. Millions of aa members would be dead if not for aa. Opinions and motives are like armpits everyone has them and some stink.

    Mybe my brain needed washing. Now i have 13 years sober with the help off AA, fellowship, 12 steps, and aa meetings. I am very sober, happy, and a productive person.

    You pay to spew your ignorance and hate on AA using Google Adwords. You must make your Mom very proud.

    Get a life!

    1. AA Board Member George Valliant decided to do a study to prove that AA saves lives. He found that not only did AA not help people quit drinking, but those who attended AA were 9x more likely to die than those who didn’t attend AA and just made an effort to control their drinking.

      1. Objective: To discuss the mechanism of action, the efficacy and the safety of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the treatment of alcoholism.
        Method: The published works on effective treatments for alcoholism is briefly reviewed and a prospective multidisciplinary follow up of recovery from alcoholism in two community
        Q1 cohorts of adolescent males followed from 1940 until the present day is reviewed. Conclusions: The suggested mechanism of action of AA is that it employs four factors widely shown to be effective in relapse prevention in addictions: external supervision, substitute dependency, new caring relationships and increased spirituality. In addition, AA
        Q2 serendipitously follows the principles of CBT in relapse prevention. Alcoholics Anonymous appears equal to or superior to conventional treatments for alcoholism, and the skepticism of some professionals regarding AA as a first rank treatment for alcoholism would appear to be unwarranted.

      2. This is not factual. You swiped this from a blogger who admittedly made it up. I have yet to actually see any facts from the angry side of this room.

      3. Trish: You have Dr. Valliant’s research confused. He never reached those conclusions. What research paper are you citing?

        R. Springel, MD

  20. So I suppose that Alcoholism isn’t really a disease either, that drinking is just a choice. Well then, you completely uninformed and totally ignorant idiot.!! For some (non alcoholics) it may be, but the real alcoholic has lost that “choice”.!! I’m going to go out on a limb here & place a bet..The bet is that your a drinker that does not wish to quit because you’ve never really suffered any, or very little,
    consequences from your drinking, or a religious fanatic that thinks that any other way to find “God”, or a so called “Higher Power”, besides church (which you suggested, by the way, to stop by for service work) is a cult. Well then listen to this, I was a drinker, and am a alcoholic, who lost that “choice” somewhere along the line. I drank for approx. 30 yrs and suffered many, many consequences for my drinking ranging from light to severe, from getting a lecture about my drinking to car & motorcycle accidents that nearly took my life more than several times to extended stays in jails, rehabs, & state penitentiary’s and through all that I must tell anyone who reads your uninformed and totally opinionated page that THE ONLY THING that has been able to keep me sober is the program of Alcoholics Anonymous..!! Furthermore, there is no “cure for alcoholism” genius. All I have is a daily reprieve from it based upon my spiritual condition, my relationship with God.!! For you see it does say God in the Big Book of AA. read step 3, “Made a decision to turn our will & our life over to the care of GOD, as I understand him. I haven’t had so much as a drop of booze in 4 yrs and AA & God, as I understand him, are the soul reasons for that.!! So before you go and put a lot of peoples life’s in jeopardy again, & possibly kill as many also, by filling them full of COMPLETE & UTTER BULLSHIT, why don’t you do your homework next time before opening your mouth..!!

    Signed: A sober & Grateful member of the program that literally saved my life, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS

    1. Please tell me more about how alcohol made you buy a motorcycle and commit crimes that landed you in state prison. For what crimes by the way? (And I’m the one putting people’s lives in jeopardy??) And please tell me all the things you tried to stop drinking when you realized it was creating all these problems for you for 30 years. Wow I bet your drunkalog gets some good laughs. And please divulge the name of this “GOD” that saved your life. Let me guess — does it rhyme with “Thayton”?

      Wow you really make me want to confess my powerlessness and choose a god and help me understand his will for me. Hopefully he can relieve me of my colossal ignorance about your ‘disease’, which seems to be a favorite of bad boys who like to drink and fight and spend years in jail (as if they had anything better to do with their lives).

      1. I don’t except mr myth is even a Christian. He will not believe even AA is run by good and honest people. So when I say I agree. I agree with the gentlemen that was delievered from alcohol. Thank you JESUS….

    2. So alcoholism is a “disease”, with no way to physically separate the people who suffer the disease from those who don’t. There’s no way to disprove the claim – or accusation – that one is “addicted”.

      No infectious bacteria, virus, prion, no deformed or damaged organ, no hormone out of normal range that can be detected to demonstrate that the supposedly afflicted individual has a disease, just people running around claiming that it’s a disease and getting really pissy with anyone who points out that there is no science to back up the claim. This is not how medical science (the branch of human knowledge that studies diseases) operates. This is how brainwashing cults operate, pairing the claim of disease with the magic faith-healing cure that enough people buy to keep the cult in business.

      1. Actually, I’m in the medical field, and addiction is considered a disease. Please stop falsifying facts.

  21. This person clearly has a lonely and miserable life.

    To create a site like this and keep it going as a hobby.
    He has put together a poisonous experiment. With the goal being attack the healthy. It’s obviously designed to upset people who live in recovery.
    I applaud the June 6th comment from an A.A. The clever puns about “Busting this myth tool.” cracked me up. Great content by the way. You’re 100% correct!
    This person attempts to plant seeds of doubt in others’ minds. Of course he would not ever succeed with AA. We are strongly, securely convicted in our truth. Perhaps he’s tried the program and found he is among the unfortunates who’s mental state prevents him from succeeding. That is why, so scorned this tiny, demented mind is lashing out against AA.

    God bless our wonderful fellowship. What an excellent Founder’s Day weekend we celebrated!!

    1. The “June 6” comment was not a pun but a veiled physical threat: “SOMEONE WILL BUST YOUR MORONIC MYTH ASS YOU SHIT BAG FROM HELL.” A perfect example of AA ‘peace’. And your praise for it is a perfect example of AA ‘serenity’. Thank you for another vivid demonstration of AA’s demonic nature.

      You are just whistling past the graveyard. Your cherished drinking club is going to crumble.

      1. It appears you are crumbling little rage filled wind bag. Wannabe bullies with poison in there veins always do. Your hate will make you burst. Its happening already. The June 6th comment was indeed a pun and a warning. Are you scared, little guy? It’s time to tuck your little tail between your legs and cower away Junior.

      2. Scared of what? Douchebag satanists practicing spells in mommy’s basement to win the lotto and score on the fat chicks they see at meetings? Oh yeah I’m really shakin’!

      3. Wow. I’m so glad that you cared. And that you shared. The only thing that causes reactions like that is fear. I think you are afraid, I think you are a coward.

      4. Myth, I’m not taking either side here, and please do not take this as a jab at you, because I have no dogs in this fight: It seems that you really need to talk with a professional. After reading through all this, I’m concerned for your mental state. Again, this is not intended to put you down. But it may be beneficial to see a therapist and let this professional read through your blog ( not so the professional can approve/or disapprove of it, but rather can have a better idea where you are in your head). Hope this helps you.

      1. I guess your enjoying your drinking. Keep drinking you will come to AA. How’s that working for you.

    1. Don’t panic! Just tell your son that drinking is a choice and he is responsible for his behavior whether drunk or sober. And get him involved in school, community, or church activities. Feel free to contact me to discuss further.

      Children are smart and resilient. “Teach them well and let them lead the way.”

    2. Susan,

      Here’s your help; Give your child’s father much more room to educated your son. Stop being so weak minded as to seek guidance regarding the well being of your child from some on line psycho.

  22. LOL. Angry little bugger, aren’t you myth? AA works for me, has for years. AA isn’t about “stopping.” It’s about “living.” By the way, I’m not sticking around her long enough to see what you’re selling because 100’s before you have tried selling the same snake oil. Oh, and I clicked your PPC ad about 10 times. I hope you didn’t bid too high. LOL

    1. Another “certain victim” I’m sure. And now you convince the newcomers they are powerless just like you were. How many of them survived? I bet your record is the envy of all the demons in your home group.

      I paid a pretty penny for your eyeball. But planting a bug in your brain: priceless.

  23. Committing to saving yourself from an addiction that will destroy your health sounds good to me. I like being healthy instead of being intoxicated. Why would someone be against a group saying the Lords Prayer? We do still have freedom of speech in our country.

    1. Yes, but state and federal courts now MANDATE that people attend these meetins, which as you’ve just said, are overtly religious. Seems like a violation of church and state to me.

      1. You are So Right. Why is it that Prayer is outlawed in school, but people who get DUIs are sentenced to AA meetings where people prayer?

      2. States don’t mandate anything. They say “we can go forward with your sentencing, x days in jail, or you can go to AA”. They’ve increased your options by 1 and you’re free to turn it down.
        Second, it isn’t religious. Any member is free to believe/not believe and say anything they want. Some people pray, some meditate, some volunteer to get better. No one cares whether you pray. God doesn’t exist so prayer is a neurological exercise.

      3. This scares me – all the talk of taking drug infractions and treating them as “medical” issues and sending people to rehab. Am I the only person to whom this sounds suspiciously like the USSR sending political dissidents to psychiatric “hospitals” for disagreeing with the government?

    2. well the first amendment is is pretty silly thing to bring up; I’m legally free to call my mother a cunt but it isn’t a good idea. Saying the lord’s prayer in AA is divisive. More than just protestants come to AA.
      That said I’ve never been happier in my life, following some of the suggestions. I stopped drinking 2 years ago and my life is filled with love and laughter now. I’m sorry the blogger is in so much pain.

      1. I agree…I have seen people come into the meetings homeless and sick and after just a few months most are back to work. After a few years many own their own homes. Many reunite with family and are happy now. A few have committed suicide.
        Some people cannot be helped but the majority are much better off after they work the 12 steps.. this blogger seems to have a problem with people being happy…some people cant stand to see a happy person because they are miserable.

      2. Lies lies lies. Half the ‘homeless’ people at meetings have a home, and the other half never worked an honest day in their life. Well fine by me if they want to join AA, which is just a drinking and lying club. It’s perfect for them. I’d just encourage everyone else to stay away. Or at least beware the guy who demands you declare you’re powerless, which he was once too. And homeless. And whose idea of ‘happiness’ is brainwashing people into powerlessness and then waiting for them to commit suicide.

        Don’t believe me? Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself. Here let me get you started: “I was a born liar.”

  24. Nice try A.M. But my motto translates to Live And Let Live..which basically means you do what’s best for you and I will do likewise. Oh, and if you’re ever in the NYC area I would gladly invite you to a meeting and share with you my experience, strength and hope. God bless you.

      1. I think addiction myth is an embattled drunk who is quite possibly drunk right now. As I see it it is okay for one to post an opinion but not attempt to force that opinion on others. Okay so A.M you disagree with AA, good for you. Maybe some that read this post will agree with you and some won’t. Problem is that it sounds as if your not educating people but shaming them with their choice of recovery, frankly that is none of your business and maybe you should check out areas in your local community to commit to help others because it sounds like you may be a bit bored to pick shit with those who find recovery in the AA methodology. Its just none of your business!! You sound like an intelligent person I hope you can find a way to quit spewing negativity on those who are healing or attempting to heal, surely there must be somewhere more positive to use your wisdom and gifts. Good Luck!!

  25. Hey Anonymous..while I understand your sentiment..I also believe that this a classic first step situation. Not only am I powerless over drugs and alcohol but people and their attitudes and behaviors. I won’t be consumed by them. When I was looking to get clean I certainly didn’t turn to the internet. I sought help from other recovering addicts who I saw were achieving success in the rooms. That’s when I learned that abstinence doesn’t equal recovery. If I had held on to any reservations then I would have punched holes in the program either way. Anybody who gives any merit to anything this person has to say may just be looking for an excuse not to surrender. And like I was told surrender is not a sign of weakness but a show of strength. I was willing to take the suggestions of my predecessors because I knew it was real and totally honest. But first I had to get honest with myself. This person could have never influenced my choice, not even on my first or my worst day. I would never debate with him or her because it is futile and a complete waste of time and energy. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I just choose life. My Higher Power and my program of recovery. and bottom motto is ..if it don’t apply let it fly!

    1. Obviously the story hits a little too close to home for you. But what really bothers you is that it might scare away your next victim, or as you describe them: “anybody looking for an excuse not to surrender.” Of course, you will deny trying to convince anyone they are an alcoholic, even as you insist that you once lied to yourself that you weren’t either. And of course your history of lying now makes you an expert, complete with his own motto, which basically just means “ignore any evidence to the contrary”. Which basically just means to get obsessed with it while telling everyone else to ignore it.

      Thank you for showing the demons in the story are very real. Like I said, the only thing you are powerless to is the truth. To which you are drawn like a moth to the flame. To equally disastrous (if not spectacular) results. Please, please post your drunkalog. I bet it gets some good laughs.

      1. What is your point? Do you want to help addicts? If so, you should be happy with what works for the individual, not create a smear campaign.

  26. I don’t think I have ever seen an unhappier and rude bunch of folks in my life. Keep up the good work “addiction is a myth” and remember nothing was ever changed by those in who agree.

    1. Thank GOD I had somewhat of a Brain left to wash it needed by the grace of god and AA I sober oh and the article said stop by your church for service work um that sound very AAish as we are all encouraged to do service work for recovery I glad the article although bashes AA support our way of recovery

      1. When I first arrived in AA I thought it was a brain washing cult also. Really, who cares if it is or not? The only thing that matters is if it works or not. I’ve been clean and sober for 31 years thanks to AA. For countless amounts of people AA does work and for others it may not. Why do you have to go to such an extreme and bash it? Leave it alone.
        I’m curious however to know the statistics on your program, how many lives has your way saved?

      2. My program has saved countless lives by inoculating people against your brainwashing. Speaking of which, how many people have you brainwashed and how many of them survived the lethal power of their own craving to mix and consume large quantities of alcohol and drugs?

  27. One cult dynamic is controlling information and isn’t “don’t read this” controlling information ?

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