The Torah does not prohibit slavery, though it provides many laws regarding the procurement and treatment of slaves, and requires their release every 7 years. Slavery was of course common in the ancient world, and only in the last few hundred years has it been mostly abolished. Similarly the Torah contains many laws on crime and justice, such as murder, rape, theft and drunkenness. However there is one glaring exception about which the Torah is silent: child abuse. While man may not lie with man as with a woman, there is no similar prohibition when it comes to children. Whether this is an oversight or loophole, the ultra-orthodox have exploited it to great effect. Child sex abuse is rampant in these communities. This is why they love the Torah and cleave to it for dear life.
The key to instigating a genocide against one group in a society is to stoke resentments in all the other groups so that they are polarized against the target and align with each other to destroy the ’cause of all their troubles’. This was of course, how the Nazis killed the Jews in the Holocaust. Beyond that, fomenting division and infighting within the target group weakens it so that it cannot defend itself. The Jews were significantly divided into many factions, such as Zionists, bolsheviks, haredi, and liberal, and thus were unable to ally to protect themselves. In fact they despised each other much as they do today.
Just got suspended again on Facebook. This might be a permanent suspension.
White goblins harass a little Asian girl, and then cry when she calls them white goblins? Sorry I have no sympathy. This happened years ago and if you didn’t speak out at the time then you need to just stfu. #sickofwhinywhitegoblins #sickofwhinyjewishgoblins
I was just suspended again (for 3 days) on Facebook, for the third time. They claim it was a violation of ‘Community Standards’ but they don’t specify the violation. I recently posted a screenshot of an alleged violation. You can tell me what you think it is. Antisemitism? Homophobia? Anti-Zionism? I don’t think it is any of those things, nor have any of them been alleged. Today’s violation was a 12 minute video I posted a few days ago. Of course I can’t upload it to youtube lest the same thing happen. Please download and watch and let me know if you can figure out the problem. And tell facebook what you think of my suspension. If this happens again I will be banned permanently.
This Thursday (Aug 2), thousands of gay Jews and their allies will gather in Jerusalem for the annual Gay Pride parade. I went last year and it was a exuberant celebration by a flourishing and essential faction of modern Israeli society. However there were 2 big differences between this and other similar parades. First of all, the entire route is lined with soldiers toting machine guns to ‘protect’ us not from the Muslims but from the ultra orthodox Jews. A few years ago a girl was stabbed and killed during the parade. You can hear the extremists screaming angrily through megaphones in the distance but you cannot see them. Continue reading Pinkwashing Genocide→