Alastair Crowley chafed at the long and oppressive list of ‘Thou shalt nots’ in the bible, as well as the hypocrisy he saw in the church in which he followed his father who was a traveling preacher. So he dreamed up a new religion whose only law was “Do what thou wilt.” He named it Thelema and spent the rest of his life trying to justify it through a grand unified theory of science, magic, occult and drug use. He founded two churches in which to practice this religion: OTO (Order of Oriental Templars) and A∴A∴ (Argentium Astrum – Silver Star).
The primary purpose of the religion was of course to convince women to sleep with him or engage in various depraved activities and to not complain about it afterwards. Unfortunately he never achieved much success and died poor and alone, and highly reviled.
Bill Wilson also dabbled in the occult (and séances and LSD), and although he didn’t know Crowley personally, he was familiar with his work, primarily through their mutual friend Aldous Huxley. Wilson’s friend Dr Bob, co-founder of AA, was a member of a new charismatic organization called the Oxford Group, in which people found God and spiritual fulfillment by sharing their sins publicly and then making restitution and then recruiting new members. The group was founded by Frank Buchman, who later became infamous as a Nazi sympathizer: “I thank heaven for a man like Adolf Hitler, who built a front line of defense against the anti-Christ of Communism.” Buchman was also believed to have sexually exploited the young men in his groups. Whether the Oxford Group can be described as “Christian” is open to debate, although AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) members insist it is, and therefore that AA is based on Christianity even if most Christian-specific language was later stripped out, and even if Buchman himself was not a respectable individual if not a total hypocrite. After all, no one is perfect.

Wilson realized that Crowley’s dream of repealing the laws of sin was probably futile, despite (or because of) his own experience with the occult. In a flash of genius, Bill W envisioned another option: sin could be committed freely and then paid for later by uniting excessive drinking with the Oxford Group ‘programme’. In a frenzy of inspiration, he created the 12 Steps and the organization that practiced it: Alcoholics Anonymous. He gave Thelema to the drinker of alcohol:
- Thelema: Do what thou wilt is the whole of law
- AA: The alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot (Big Book p. 62)
The alcoholic commits sins freely while under the influence of an irresistible craving for alcohol, and then makes amends for them by late-middle age. The process of achieving ‘sobriety’ takes many years and is fraught with a cycle of bingeing and abstinence known as ‘relapsing’ during most of one’s adulthood. The group held immediate appeal for many people for many reasons. It was an acceptable form of occultism and satanism with an veneer of legitimacy, and its meetings were even welcome in Church basements. The group quickly infiltrated the alcohol industry, medicine, and government to transform a pagan religion into a new disease which they called ‘alcoholism’.
Wilson spent the last 30 years of his life “13th Stepping” the newcomers, and though his behavior at meetings had to be monitored due to complaints, he certainly came closer than Crowley to fulfilling the dream.
Satan Gets Mainstreamed
Of course, most AA members deny that AA is satanic (although some do not). Certainly, it is pagan in its requirement that the new member choose a Higher Power that can be anything, such as a coffee pot, or the group itself, as compared to the First Commandment: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The job of the HP is to remove the character defects like greed, jealousy and pride that create the resentments that power the cravings that lead to the drinking that ends in sin (or attempt thereof). Some claim that AA is “spiritual not religious” because you can choose your own HP. But that just makes it pagan. One must believe in their chosen HP: “Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us or we perish.” (Big Book p. 16) Some members claim that AA is Christian due to the recital of the “Lord’s Prayer” at the end of each meeting. However, I have been to hundreds of meetings and never once heard a Christian prayer. Of course, one can choose Jesus Christ as their Higher Power. But that is extremely rare, even if most member say, “I’m not Christian but most members in my group are.” The claim of Christianity is typically used by younger members as an avoidance strategy: “I wanted to stop drinking, but AA felt too Christian and moralistic. It triggered the same feelings that drove me to drink in the first place!” And then they’ll go out for a few drinks.
Most members willing to name the god of their understanding choose various Eastern religions and philosophies that purport to eliminate earthly cravings. Buddhism and Taoism are popular, along with various deities of Greek and Nordic mythology. Of all the research on alcoholism, none indicates what percent of members have chosen Satan himself as their HP, although many members are quick to assert that such a choice is perfectly fine as long as it helps you stop drinking. However, the claim that AA is evil because it’s satanic is met with a furious spewage of insults and abuse characterized by atrocious spelling and grammar as demonstrated in the comments below.
Of course, our country is founded on Freedom of Religion, and people are free to believe whatever they want. Thank God! The purpose of this article is not to claim that one religion is superior to another, even if many of the comments here blame Christianity for various atrocities and genocide, not to mention drinking itself. The purpose here is simply to show that alcoholism is a religion with Satanic roots, and its church is AA.
In this way, AA transformed the religion of ‘drink, sin, amend’ into a disease called ‘alcoholism’. Of course, compulsive and excessive drinking and drug use existed before AA, and the cause of this behavior was often mysterious to the casual observer, especially since the drinker would not openly admit the real reason, even if they didn’t claim not to have one. AA gave credence to the Craving Lie:
I wanted to stop drinking but couldn’t no matter how hard I tried.
This is the cult’s central teaching. They claim their substance abuse was a battle against their own willpower, neglecting to mention the mischief while drunk (often with the claim of ‘blackout’). The same lie is used by drug addicts to justify an endless parade of reprehensible behavior under cover of a ‘disease’. In reality, the drug use is only to provide cover for the sin and mischief, and the user can stop any time (withdrawal from all substances, under medical supervision, is universally reported as ‘comfortable’). They drink because they want to, even though they claim otherwise. When a AA member says they ‘get it’, this means not that they have been cured of alcoholism (they are likely to relapse many times), but that they learned how to explain away their sins by calling it a ‘disease’. Often this is followed by the claim: “AA worked for me and it’s the only thing that ever worked. I was going to die before I discovered AA.” Anyone who says this simple but powerful lie likely has a few sponsees who they’ve inducted into the religion, and more than a few stories of sponsee abuse and exploitation, like their hero Bill Wilson. And we are relieved that at least there is a treatment for such unfortunates, having fallen for the Craving Lie ourselves: Why does it matter if AA is religious, as long as it helps them stop drinking?
Step One: “We admitted we were powerless to alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.” Alcohol is simply a god/demon idolized by the alcoholic during their drinking career. The 12 Step program essentially is a process of exorcism: replacing one god/demon for another less destructive. Despite the craving lie, most alcoholics claim they didn’t realize how destructive their drinking was, or that their lives had gotten ‘out of control’. Thus it was not so much a matter of willpower as of realization and honesty, as most members are quick to admit. Cravings are rarely mentioned at AA meetings. Go to your local meeting and see for yourself!
Addiction Fiction
Each AA member has his own pet theory of the neurological basis of addiction, generally positing a rube-goldberg contraption consisting of: dopamine, seratonin, mesolimbic neocortex, amygdala, and ‘hypocampus’. They claim that drug use ‘rewires neural pathways’ to mess up the ‘reward center’ in the brain, which they back up with various Wikipedia articles whose footnotes reference each other, and anyone who challenges this ‘proven scientific fact’ is displaying ‘ignorance’. Government researchers produce completely bogus fiction about addiction which they pass off as ‘science’; the rehab industry promotes sham ‘evidence based’ treatments; and public policy experts repeat the same old canards about ‘the unimaginable suffering of the addict and their loved ones’ while complaining that the lack of good science about addiction justifies maintenance of the status quo: addiction is a disease not a crime although we should continue to punish people for drug use and refer people who got in trouble while drinking/drugging to AA because it’s free and the only treatment available in most places anyway. And they refuse even to consider the possibility that treatment actually creates addicts.
AA propaganda is continually imposed on us from Hollywood as well. For example, in a recent episode of the sci-fi series Extant, grandfather Quinn ‘relapses’ with a shot of whiskey and then immediately makes a double-or-nothing bet on the bar game skills of his robot grandson. Of course, the wager didn’t turn out well. If he had taken a moment to ask his HP to remove his ‘greed’, he might have been able to resist the unbearable craving to drink, and walked out while he was ahead. Portrayals like this inextricably connect drinking with sin, while deferring the penalty.
But the simple and obvious truth is that we are sinners who enjoy sinning, and the religion of alcoholism can provide a convenient cover for those so inclined. As long as you are willing to tell the Craving Lie and make amends at some future date (typically 40’s / 50’s).
Unfortunately the same principles are used as brainwashing techniques against vulnerable newcomers, often sent by the courts or in search of companionship, who must first confess powerlessness to alcohol (i.e. admit they have a deadly disease) and then to cure it, must confess their sins and insecurities with “rigorous honesty”. The newcomer is instructed not to date in the first year and is subjected to sexual and financial exploitation. The lucky ones will eventually escape the group with unexplained bitterness and paranoia. The less fortunate will be among the thousands each year who succumb to their learned powerlessness in a time of crisis, and thereby contribute to the statistic that testifies to the deadly power of the satanic religion that is considered by most to be a medical disease despite its striking resemblance to old-fashioned demon possession.
Darren Aronofsky: Satan’s Propagandist
As a child, Darren Aronofsky was deeply troubled by the story of Noah, in which God destroyed the wicked in a great flood. What if God considered him to be among the wicked? Would he be destroyed too? He addresses his lifelong despair in his movie Noah (2014), a parody of the bible story. In Aronofsky’s version, God destroys the world as punishment for man destroying the world. Noah, who is described as ‘righteous’ in the bible, is represented as angry and capricious in the movie: he chastises his son for plucking a flower then kills a man for killing an animal for meat and calls it ‘justice’. In the bible story he is instructed directly by God to build an ark. In the movie, he has vague dreams and frightening visions and questions God’s purpose for him, visiting his grandfather Methusaleh played by Anthony Hopkins who suggests that he should surmise God’s will ‘as best you can understand it’. He later threatens to kill his grandchildren because he incorrectly infers that God’s will for him is to ensure the extinction of mankind after the flood. The message of the movie is that it’s not safe to trust your will to God. (Even though the Christian God expects you to use your own willpower — only in AA must you entrust it to a higher power. But if you find yourself at AA, evidently God is not a safe bet – perhaps that was Grampa Quinn’s mistake.)
It never occurred to the young Darren that he simply didn’t have to be wicked. Though it didn’t help that he was no doubt troubled by Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden for the innocent sin of eating the forbidden fruit. After all, God created them with strong desire. What right had he to punish them for experiencing it, especially as it was manipulated by Satan, another of God’s creations? He should have created a will that could overcome temptation. But as a result of this ‘design flaw’, man was punished: expelled from paradise and condemned to a lifetime of work and suffering. Aronofsky explores the injustice of this ‘mistake’ in his movie Requiem for a Dream (2000), which contains the iconic scene in which a drug addict tearfully unplugs the TV while his mother is watching it, for the purpose of selling it for drugs, apologizing for his behavior and his unbearable cravings but unable to resist. His will is useless against his desires, just like with Adam and Eve. This scene, which was completely absurd before it was created, and never actually happened ever in the history of drug abuse, is now acted out on a daily basis by drug users around the world, to the astonishment of their parents who insist that if it’s not real addiction then their child deserves an Oscar for their performance. (Of course, every parent thinks their child is very talented, especially if they have no TV with which to view the competition.)
Aronofsky seems to follow a Gnostic philosophy, in which God is actually an evil demiurge (aka “The Creator”) who created the material world, which is evil and painful and full of temptations and restrictions and rules and punishments. And then there is a higher god of the universe, whose only law is “Do what thou wilt,” sometimes represented by Satan for that reason. Perhaps his movies are an offering to that higher god, in the hopes of being rescued from his brutal subsistence of dating models and toiling on movie sets in exotic locales.
Indulging in sin consciously or otherwise is one thing. But convincing others to indulge in it too? Or to teach sin isn’t sin? That’s just evil. Though I try not to worry too much about man’s wickedness, even if I haven’t seen any rainbows lately. Unless you count the movie’s circular rainbows. But for some reason they provide little consolation.
Nevertheless I enjoyed the movie.
Read more:
- And the Lesson Today is HOW TO DIE!
- How did Simon Astaire kill Peaches Geldof?
- Simon Astaire: Rise of the Anti-Christ
- Oh My Gods – A boy’s dream come true
- Undiagnosed Alcoholic? – A typical AA drunkalog
- Lie Like the Wind – How to know if AA is right for you
- How to Drink Like a Normal Man – Just keep it simple
- Powerlessness as Religion – Only the good die young
- You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny – Who will pay for their sins?
- The Problem of the Jews: a Lesson in Brainwashing Propaganda – How AA bamboozled a country
- The Drinking Club – Watch what they do, not what they say
- Cory Monteith: The Cult of Powerlessness Claims Another Victim
- I Call Blackout – I did what??
- Rat Addicts and the Science Of Addiction – The best of 60′s Science Fiction
- A Conversation with Dr. Drew Pinsky – 13% and proud
- School for Scoundrels – What you actually learn in the rooms
- AA is a Pagan Cult – Putting the ‘pagan’ in propaganda
- The Little Psychopath Could: How the Addiction Myth creates new Drug Addicts
Ive had a problem with addiction for most of my life been in rehab 6× there theory of my problem I must have been molested by my father of course hes been dead for 4 years that theory has made my life a living hellI Know my father never touched me they actually had me trying to remember because it happened we had a family meeting and they told my mother what they thought my life with my mother has never been the same im 53 years old married to a wonderful man ive tride to go to meetings but everyone seemed to have different issues I would never recommend any women to go to a rehab unless the people know what the hell there talking about
This has been a mighty successful troll. I’m not sure if you’re joking, or batshit insane. About the only bit in there that’s genuine is Bill Wilson being a shitbag towards women. Fucker died begging for a drink. Also true that the spontaneous recoveries from alcoholicism are as common as 12-step recoveries. People find God many ways. Christ stated clearly he doesn’t care what name is ascribed to him, only that he be known. “They will cry my name and I will turn them away, saying ‘I knew you not.'” Follow the commandments of Christ, whether you know his name or not, and you will know the Lord.
God bless you all,
Just because someone has a view that doesn’t align with yours doesn’t make that person a troll – especially when the person who holds that view posts research to support the view that doesn’t align with yours.
If as many people spontaneously quit drinking as quit thru AA, that would be evidence that the people who are claimed to have recovered thru AA would have done so anyway – that would be what’s called a spontaneous rate of remission.
If alcoholism is a “disease” what does that have to do with “finding Christ”? Antibiotics work whether the person believes in God or not, whether they think antibiotics will work or not (or even if the person is unaware that they’ve been given antibiotics – say because the person is in a coma)
Just the fact that AA is a mash-up of claims that people have a disease that makes them not responsible for their behavior, that followers must name something as a “Higher Power”, followers must publicly tell sin-and-redemption stories that have been formulated to maximize how bad the before and how perfect the after – and meetings close with a prayer – demonstrates that AA is a faith healing cult that “heals” a fake disease.
The symptoms of “alcoholism” are indistinguishable from bad behavior. There is no disease of “alcoholism”, therefore there’s no need for a treatment. As long as American society continues to allow the alcoholism/addiction-recovery charade to be covered by health insurance, “addiction professionals” will continue to get paid thru health insurance to keep convincing people that they have a lifelong, incurable, relapsing disease – which will coincidentally, keep those “addiction professionals” employed in jobs that require no heavy lifting (and no results – if the “patient” keeps drinking, it’s the patient’s fault).
Hmmm….soooo I guess we do nothing about people who self-destruct with substances because according to you (ahem) there is no such thing as addiction? I guess then I am out of a job as are all of the probation officers who deal with shitsticks like you.
Probation officers know better than to call the people who pay their salaries ‘shitsticks’.
Since you seem to be aligned to the author of this blog I make the statements to you personally
My mother was a showgirl in the 30s and 40s she works for an entertainer called Sally rand who did burlesque and my mother was a burlesque dancer.
She came from the southside of Chicago and yet she was raised by a Christian science minister and before she was 13 he had cross the line and made her feel very very uncomfortable about her beauty which others later on in my life when tell me my motherlooked like Vargas painting.. I have to agree
But the thing about my mother was the way she treated other women and how she helped other women in our home stop using alcohol as a way of covering up and coping with their own loneliness
My mother was in AA sponsor I have her 50 year chip!
On the day of her 40th year of variety she gave a very powerful talk in Leamington Ontario Canada…I have that talk and I listen to it sometimes to remember who my mother was as an AA sponsor telling her story.
One of the things she reveals in her talk was her personal relationship with Dr. Bob and Bill Wilson. She was the first woman in Detroit Michigan that took a meetings two presents for my mother new women came from the wrong side of the tracks that had been her destiny after leaving the Christian science ministers home at 15.
She became open available and willing to recover in 1946 when she took her first step. One month later my father also became a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and took his first step.
I was born in 1944 and I did not see or feel the effects of the out-of-control alcoholic unrecovered doing damage to the people they love.
I watched my mother sit on the edge of the couch many times with weeping women…what I had to travel with her to go over to a lady’s house because she was in trouble and there usually was another child involved who I would take away and play after pouring the drink in the sink. My mom just like my dad would be with the women but she wouldn’t hold her hands and talk to them she let them cry but she would not let them indulge bring them back to the point …what do you want to do ?….very difficult question to receive the morning after a very bad night before.
When she got to her attention and their eyes were raised she asked him what do you want to do and then would always say that they wanted to get sober so my mother when asked them the first step…darling are you powerless over alcohol and has your life become unmanageable.
So we are all interested in the recovery of sanity even if it’s the foolishness of following others blindly into a place of recovery only for them.
I remain
Bruce … a recorvED human
An AA anonymous child
I don’t have a probation officer, since I am a law-abiding citizen.
I’m not “aligned” with the person who writes this blog – I stumbled upon it after it had been existing for several years, and liked what I read.
As for your mom who was a show girl, Christian Scientist, AA sponsor, public speaker. I don’t doubt she ran around Chicago trying to convince people, particularly women, that their problems could be fixed with her favorite cult. But if you were sent to play with the kids so the mommies could talk, there’s not a lot you could really know about what was going on and whether it actually helped these women.
I’m sure you loved your mom. That doesn’t mean she can’t have been wrong about whether drinking a lot is a “disease” and whether recycled elements of Oxford Group/MoralReArmament is a treatment for such a “disease”.
there is scientific research on how addiction affects the brain and on how it re wires the pleasure centers in it to seek reward at all cost. There are so many studies I won’t even post a specific one citing my point. I challenge you to simply Google it and choose one on your own and try to disprove me.
alcoholism and addiction are classified ad a disease because it is progressive, fatal, and primary.
That means, it gets worse over time.
It will kill you.
And it has to be treated first before other issues can be treated. An example of this is simple. If you have depression, 99% of the time the medication will not work if the patient is constantly drinking or using other substances.
It is a mental disease not a physical disease and it is very hard to combat with medication because of how it effects the brain. You cannot shut down the pleasure center of the brain affected by addiction without shutting down the same part of the brain that tells you to eat sleep fuck and get out of hot or cold weather because they all come from the same place. drugs like naltrexone have been known to block cravings by blocking opiate receptors in the brain but in doing so also blocks your brain from receiving natural opiates and endorphins. This is very bad and can cause a state of severe unwarranted depression. I have seen this happen.
What anonymous programs offer is not a life long cure but a daily reprieve and wash out mental poison caused by this disease in the same way a person with failing kidneys needs constant dialysis.
To recap. Look it up. You’ll see everything I said was correct. I don’t care if you don’t answer me. I just pray you learn something and stop being so ignorant.
Everything you said is wrong or an outright lie. Don’t believe it? Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself. Here, let me get you started: “Hi my name is John an I’m an alcoholic. The program taught me to be honest for the first time in my life. In fact, I am now honest about most things….”
How many alcoholics will die believing this anti AA crap. The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil.
I used to write articles like this when I was drinking……
I made the same though
I hear your drunkalog addictionmyth & Trish your lover. I have help bury a few over my years of soberity. My God the father of Jesus Christ removed the obsession to drink 27 years ago. A.A. is not my religion nor do I worship it as some do. I used there principles. I go to meeting that are so full there standing room only. I hear your cry for help, I hear a lot of people cry for help. I’m attacked verbally in meeting for what I say. But that is okay, I have only retaliated one time in the meetings. Just say what you mean, don’t say it mean. I’m told to keep my religion out all the time. When they see the light they will admit it. Peace be with you and my God Bless you.
Never met Addiction Myth, and am happily married. I just like the website.
Ok, so let’s put the “evil cult” reference to the acid test:
On November 18, 1978, 925 people including Congressman Leo Ryan and 3 journalists died at the Peoples’ Temple in Guyana on the direct orders of the cult’s leader, Jim Jones.
On April 19, 1993 83 members of the Branch Davidian sect under the guidance of their leader, David Koresh perished in the confrontation with Federal Agents in Waco, Texas. 4 ATF Agents were killed by the Davidians during the 51 day siege.
And on March 26, 1997 spurred by the presence of the Hale-Bopp Comet in the skies, Marshall Applewhite convinced 38 of his followers of his Heavens Gate cult to join him in a ritualistic suicide.
In the 77 year history of AA and in the 27+ years I’ve been in the Fellowship, I am not aware of a single fatality attributed to an individual following the 12 Steps of recovery. I have seen too many who have died by trying to do it their own way.
Even Dr. Drew, the “Doctor” on “Celebrity Rehab”, had at my last count, at least 5 of his “Alumni” who died in the throes of their addictions, because they subscribed to his “Cure” rather than the 12 Steps of AA.
Bash away all you want, and I’ll be happy in my recovery, while you can exist in the misery of your “cure”.
Dr Drew is a stepper. They say “It’s all just suggestions. But if you die you’re not doing it right.” Please decide how your suicide cult works. AA has killed millions.
I have been in and out of AA for five years now and it DOESN’T work for me. I am now using Naltrexone and self-help methods to stop drinking. I am researching science based treatments for my compulsion to binge drink. I don’t have a low moral character and I don’t need to make a list of every wrong deed I have ever done and confess it to another human being to stop drinking. Reliving the negative past transgressions only makes me want to drink. As a woman, I am already suffering g with low self esteem and guilt. I don’t need need more if the program doesn’t work for me. I am not the failure…the failure is in believing that AA is the only way. For those who have stopped drinking and are happy in AA, congratulations! To me, every meeting and rehab facility I have attended never explored any other options for recovery. That makes me angry. Why are we not reaching for Naltrexone to stop the cravings and then we can focus on what method is best for each individual. The meetings don’t stop the cravings. Medication does. Once the cravings are gone, so is the obsession and then healing can start to take place. Why “white knuckle” it? I hate AA…makes people feel like failures…if it is a disease then treat it medically and scientifically like a disease. I do believe in God and I believe he is leading me to the best treatment for me and it isn’t AA.
Thank you for your comment. I support medication as long as it’s consensual. If it is a mandatory condition (e.g. probation, social services) then I strongly oppose it. Why? Because this medication works only for those who want to stop drinking. (And btw the efficacy is hardly greater than placebo despite heart-felt testimonials like this one, but I believe people should be allowed to use any drugs they want but should never be coerced.)
Your claim that AA has killed millions is 100% pure lies. You have no proof of that. You are in essence baring false witness which from what I understand from your bible is a sin. Go to your pastor, bishop, priest whatever you call them and repent you sinner.
I went to my pastor and he said you are satan and I should just ignore you and your lies, even though you are free to spout them (welcome to America, he said).
AddictionMyth is a minion of Satan.
AA message is very clear in that- We do not hold the monopoly in getting sober but we have found a way that works. There are a lot of people who slam or disagree with the steps and that is ok. One thing the stepwork does is reactivate the academic part of the brain. In doing so we can then start to exercise those neural pathways that were once operational. Why is this important ? We start to see the world of possibilities emerge once again. Hopes and dreams become possible. Problem solving skills develop to handle everyday life instead of drinking them away. Life just gets better and better. Anyone who thinks that just going to a meeting will achieve this had obviously not read the literature or applied this particular program of recovery. Again AA DOES NOT HOLD THE MONOPOLY IN SOBRIETY. Find a program that helps you rebuild a productive life and apply those principles and you shall surely find freedom from chemical dependency. By the way I’m new to this site and just curious what your prescribed plan of action was for your own sobriety. I personally am open minded to all programs of personal success in sobriety.
You are absolutely right. And there is no cure there is however a solution.
36 years in AA and never met any of those cult members. Just a bunch BS trying to make money
I guess I should thank satan for my almost 19 years of sobriety…
19 years of brainwashing newcomers into powerlessness and suicide. Yes you do satan proud.
Brainwashing? What in the name of creation do you think you are doing?
You are a fool. I atempted suicide 4 times before AA. I am now almost 28 yrs clean and sober. You are pathetic and should be ashamed of yourself. Trying to drumm up more business by slanting this fellowship…I do believe it is close to time for you to grow up alittle………….All people have the right to pursue freedom from their problems in any way they see fit. Get over yourself…..
try a little prayer and meditation…. It works for me.. Oh, but then I have been brainwashed…lol
And you are trying to brainwash people into hate. Why? Just because AA didn’t work for you?
AA has never claimed to be the solution for everyone…. My Grandfather got sober and stayed that way through the Church. Was he brainwashed as well?
You sir, are a nutcase! We will save you a seat and welcome you when/ if you decide you want help. To think your idiotic rants will stop a fellowship that has saved countless lives and continues to do so is absolutely delusional!
And obviously your wife’s name is Trish! I can’t believe I stumbled upon this nonsense! And I noticed you keep requesting that people”post their drunkalogues”. Is this YOUR way of EXPLOITATION? AA is here to lend a hand and lift sick drunks up and help them restore their lives! I’m not sure what YOUR purpose is, but I AM sure that it’s created by your own sick twisted ego.
Thank God for AA! It saved my life, brought me back from the suicidal mayhem I was living in, and allowed me to clear my mind returning me to God, his son Jesus Christ, and a restoration of my family.
Get there behind me Satan! (And your wife Trish! )
You have no power. can’t stop a fellowship that is God given!
Peace out!!
Trish is not my wife, though I will admit to a bit of a girl crush.
Aww, and I might have a little girl crush on you.
But as far as I know, we have never even been in the same state at the same time.
No opinion on this. I am recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. Thank you AA
Dude you are so confused. I know God and Jesus Christ and have for years. You are truly deceived. Leave AA alone before you have something seriously go wrong for you. If it is wrong then God himself will conveal it and you don’t have to say or do a thing. You are just making yourself out to be a lost soulless fool. I will pray for you.
After 30 years of being clean and sober in AA, this is another example of what belongs in a 4 th step. I’ll just keep working on my side of the street. Too funny. That’s a lot of work for no reason.
“However, the claim that AA is evil because it’s satanic is met with a furious spewage of insults and abuse characterized by atrocious spelling and grammar as demonstrated in the comments below.”
Um, bro, YOUR spelling is rather poor: “Argentium Astrum” is not how to say “Silver Star” in Latin. A first year Latin student could tell you that. I am not going to bother reading the rest of your article
Addiction Myth: are you for real, or just have a cup on your shoulder, or one hell of a troll with too much time on your hands?
What, it’s not possible that people have criticism of AA?
Fortunately, we live in a nation with freedom of speech as the first of our constitutional rights, and everyone is allowed to voice their opinions, as well as question popular claims and report facts.
Addiction Myth even makes it possible for people who disagree to post right here – just by typing in a comment: no joining, no Discus, no collecting personal information.
As an American, I think this is a great thing.
It is a great thing and I am grateful too. In some European countries claiming a group is a ‘cult’ is a crime:
This is more than disagreement. This is stretched and unfounded AA Bashing. Where is any evidence offered of worshiping Satan anywhere in the history of AA?
AA is a spiritual based recovery from Alcoholism program that at worst harms no one and at best promises sobriety and a relationship with a spiritual higher power (o God) as the member understands Him IF the member should decided to follow the SUGGESTED steps.
Members sum up the program with Trust God, Clean House and Serve Others. It should be taught in schools..not criticized.
AA is a drinking club and suicide cult. It is blatant idolatry of booze (“King Alcohol”) and G.oD (“Group of Drunks”). Why is everyone laughing about stories of drunken debauchery? What do you think “self-will run riot” is supposed to mean?? If you don’t believe it, just post your drunkalog and see for yourself!
You call that article criticism? Sounds more like self-serving slander to me and that is NOT protected by the Bill of Rights.
Trish criticism is one thing but out and out lies is another. You have no basis in truth to the bullshit you are printing about AA. If you want to have an opinion then have it but don’t claim it as fact when indeed it is not. What you and your friend addictionmyth are doing borders on libel.
Articles like this were not even being written when I first entered the progam back in 1975. Sadly, people like Oprah Winfrey and other journalists made the progam much more visible in the late 70’s and early 80’s. As a result the program of A.A. has come up for much ridicule in the time since. The author of this diatribe probably had no working knowledge of A.A as far back as say the 70’s or 80’s. This is a magnificent example of why A.A. has no opinion or dealings with outside issues. What is sad about a misinformed article like this is that it could sway a person from the progam that really needs it and what it has to offer. Lastly, this article is laughable and that is all of the weight I care to give it; it does not even have the weight to justify a debate; and after all that is not what A.A. is out to do; something the author fails to mention. Stay sober and have a nice day.
I guess I am surprised I’m even giving this article the time of day. The writer is grossly misinformed and probably has some resentments he needs to take car of. I have always consider the big book as a path to God for dummies! Its one of the greatest God inspired books every written that has given freedom from bondage to so many. Thy will not mine be done!
Thank you Brian. I agree . I also agree in freedom of speech , but I worry that this article may claim lives for those who believe his lies. Alcoholism is deadly. Shame on the author of this article.
Thank you, Brian… I agree! 19 years sober and AA was indeed a gateway to God for me. Of course it’s not perfect – it is comprised of imperfect humans. But for this article to bash it is irresponsible. If you’re going to attack an organization, why AA? Certainly more heinous groups abound. Weird. And I’m not sure why it’s author falsely assumes everybody relapses and/or justifies their drunken debauchery. Simply not true.
You are so right! The Author of this article is selling something AA is not. AA is the ONLYU thing that has EVER worked for me.
Do you know that one of the most important features of good science, peer review, involves trying to poke holes in a claim? Scientists who come up with a new discovery, observation or method are happy to see other people try to tear down their work because if their work survives this process, it demonstrates the accuracy – and truth – of their work.
On the other hand quacks and cranks don’t put like scrutiny of their methods or claims. Quacks and cranks want to promote their methods to people who will go out and say “this works for me it will work for you too!” – in other words, customers who will turn into recruiters.
The problem with AA/NA is that when it comes to government funding for addiction programs (including federal agencies like NIDA, and part of SAMSHA – mashing up “addiction” and mental illnesses), TV commercials convincing people to be scared about alcohol/drugs, using courts (criminal courts regarding drunk driving, and “drug” courts for black market drug transactions), and making private for-profit insurers, as well as publicly financed insurance, pay for treatment programs – then AA/NA is all about sick people having a disease that they need treatment for.
But when someone questions the claims and methods of AA/NA – that alcoholism and addiction are a “disease”, that AA/NA are a viable treatment – then all of a sudden, AA/NA isn’t something you can test – it’s something you have to trust. Even though, for all other diseases, there has to be objective data about what the disease is and what treatments actually work.
Oh, and a little history for you – There has been criticism of AA since the Big Book was published. The AMA panned it in their journal.
BTW, I wouldn’t use Oprah as an authority – she believed and televised James” Million Pieces of Bullshit” Frey (It only took 2 pages for me to see he was full of it)
Very well put sir! If he really wants to go back to the roots of Oxford group then perhaps he or she should have kept digging a little further and maybe they would have realized that all of that came from the four absolutes or standards taught by Jesus. Lmao wow just wow, laughable at best is this rant of an article.
I spent 6 years in a convent school and I never heard of Jesus teaching “four absolutes” or “four standards”. As far as I know, those come from the Oxford Group/Moral Re-Armament.
well said, Jeff
I agree with your comment that an article like this could dissuade an alcoholic from seeking the fellowship and being afforded the opportunities that the program unselfishly promises. I believe this is its intent. Deception is the tool being used here. An obvious direct affront to the essential individual principle and foundation of A.A. – honesty!
I have no problem with freedom of speech… But I always thought you needed to be at least a little educated regarding the topic you are speaking on. I agree with Mr. Wilson 🙂 and this article made me laugh at first, until I realized the author may just have killed an alcoholic who could have been so desperate, but turned away from AA because he read this article. It seems as if the author perhaps attended meetings, but was too sick to actually understand anything? Often newcomers have a difficult time actually listening, or they are so mentally stressed from their addiction, their mind hasn’t really cleared. “Take the cotton out of your ears, and put it in your mouth”. That does mean shut up and listen! I also agree, it sound as if you acquired a resentment somewhere and this is the outlet you chose to make you feel better. You have no working knowledge of how the program works, but a lot of speculation and some things I think you actually made up?? As of January 10, I will have 19 years of sobriety as well, with not a single relapse that you feel is required. I stopped drinking at 26, which is well before your middle aged requirement. I believe in a higher power, which I happen to call God, but no, we do not all feel that way, and we have the freedom to do so. That is a major benefit of AA. We do not get involved in public controversy, and I’m not sure why I felt the need to respond to something like this. We do not promote AA. Alcoholics are attracted to the program because it works. I truly hope you find whatever it is that will give you peace, and I pray you become more informed about a topic before you go public. I hate to see anyone embarrass themselves publicly like this…. Truly. Happy Holidays, stay sober and keep coming back!
The middle age requirement is for men. Women tend to stop drinking in their 20’s when mommy is no longer willing to be held hostage to the threat of getting drunk and impregnated by a creep they met at a meeting if they didn’t cosign their car loan. This article has saved many lives. I wonder how many people you brainwashed into powerlessness over 19 years, and how many of them are still alive?
Just the fact that you open with the words “I have no problem with freedom of speech” proves that you do.
1. Freedom of speech does not have a prerequisite of agreeing with Soberwench’s opinion, absorbed from 19 years of hanging around with a group of people who all have to agree with certain propositions to belong to the group.
2. Perhaps if you think it’s good for people to educate themselves you might try educating your own self about what a disease actually is – not pretend that behavior is a disease to get certain benefits (a group to belong to, an excuse for failures, a life path charted by other people that can be adopted wholesale – btw, outside the U.S., nobody believes that drinking too much is a “disease”) and the actual results of what happens to most people who go to 12 step meetings (hints: according to AA’s own numbers, less than 5% stay one year. According to George Valliant, a Harvard MD & at the time he did his study a board member of AA – AA doesn’t cause people to drink less, but rates of death of AA attendees are higher than death rates for people who do drink and don’t attend AA)
Just this month the CDC released a study in which they found that 90% of heavy drinkers did not qualify as “alcoholics (according to the definition the study used).
So telling everyone to “keep sober & keep coming back” is perhaps not a very helpful admonition.
Excellent post soberwench. The problem with the religious “elite” is that they feel the have the corner on salvation. If religion was so great at “curing” the alcoholic then why was AA ever needed? They aren’t talk about organizations that promote guilt and shame. Religion is but one way to effect positive change and to be honest I am not so sure it really does. Look at the crusades during the dark ages; religion effectively murdered millions of people who just wanted to live their lives to the best of their abilities. Religion ushered in the dark ages and we can thank it for creating the likes of ISIS and Al Queda.
AA does not require you to choose any certain higher power at all. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. (That means you kind of have to be an alcoholic or be a problem drinker.) The big fat lie is believing that the alcoholic can solve his problem by sheer determination and will power. If alcoholics wanted to follow Satan they would simply continue on their bleak journey without any supplemental help from AA.
Well exactly. AA is idolatry of alcohol/satan. Until middle age when you’re tired of the hangovers and suddenly have a ‘desire to stop drinking’ and go to AA for an exorcism and say “Looking back on my wasted youth it seems I was unable to stop on my own willpower.” That’s the big fat lie as proven by your drunkalog in which you recount your conquests without a hint of alcoholic cravings – just post it here and see for yourself!
Not exactly, Step One says that, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives were unmanageable.” That’s hardly an idolization of alcohol or Satan. But if one were to come from the view that any spiritual organization that does not claim Jesus Christ as the one and true God, and therefore practices idolatry and is Satanic in nature, then AA would clearly fit in that group.
I had cravings all the time once i already started to drink. Once alcohol cleared my system i never had a craving. What i had was an obsession to drink which overcame rational thought in light of my past experience. My craving is a physical reaction to alcohol. The obsession is a “broken” thought process.
Thanks Greg but admitting you are powerless to alcohol is blatant idolatry of alcohol. Otherwise, what is idolatry in your expert opinion? Also, you are reciting the Craving Lie: “We are without defense against the first drink.” “Alcoholism is an allergy in which the taste of alcohol triggers a craving for more.” The Craving Lie is the central principle in your satanic cult because it leads to “self-will run riot”. Don’t believe it? Just recite your drunkalog and see for yourself. Wow your denial of your satanism is monumental. The irony is that you demand others admit being in denial of alcoholism!
The most ridiculous claim of the addiction/recovery industry may just be the “allergy” that makes you want to consume more.
As someone with allergies to seafood and beestings, I can assure everyone reading here that if I accidentally consume seafood (as in shrimp in guacamole I was served once at a party – who does that?) or get stung by a bee, my only impulse is to get medical treatment, certainly not to put more seafood into my already puffed-up mouth or to get another beesting and risk my airways closing and risk cardiac arrest hours after the airway swelling is treated.
This is what *Real* allergies do. They don’t make you want more. period.
Thank you for replying to my comments. I have enjoyed the interaction and find your site fascinating and stimulating. May God be with you. G.
Addiction Myth, your posts are pitiful to call AA a cult. GO ahead folks buy their crap, and when you are ready to stop drinking get a hold of AA, The only requirement is a desire to stop drinking, There are no fees or Dues, but we are self supporting through our own contributions. I put $2 in the basket when its passed. small amount compared to what I spent drinking on ANY give night
Alcohol dependency can have psychological overtones. As “How it Works” chapter 5 says “there are those who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders”. Because you have never claimed a single overindulgence (drunken stupor) and purport a higher ground than everyone else (save your wish wife Trish), you have no position to argue from. You are an outsider looking through a window and trying to make sense of something you wish you knew. Keep coming back! There is hope for you too if you can be be honest.
I’ve had more than my fair share of drunken stupors and all the things that go along with that. The difference? I don’t blame my ridiculousness on a disease. I blame only my silly little self. You? You still blame all those mornings waking up next to a loudly snoring fat chick on a ‘disease’. Well I’d probably be on the brink of death too if that kept happening to me. Still, not a disease.
Right On. AA is not selling anything, the Author of this sad and misguided article is. If a person chooses satan as their higher power so be it…What exactly is MY higher power? I really don’t know. I am just able to see the hand of something or someone bigger than me.
Letter to Trish
Your comparison of alcohol allergies to bee stings and shrimp are, in my opinion, at the opposite ends of the scale. Bee sting and food allergies, like yours, are immediate physical reactions that your immune system has difficulty or an inability to counteract.
Alcoholic allergic reactions are usually much less apparent to the alcoholic; hence the cunning, baffling and powerful attributes we alcoholics lend to our disease. Our allergy is progressive in nature; during consumption and in the long term effects it has on our physical, mental and psychological health.
Many of us find that through abstinence from alcohol, and only through abstinence, are we able to address the exact nature of and impact the progressive and usually detrimental effects alcohol has played in our lives.
I know alcohol affects my body and mind in ways that I cannot control. When I drink, I crave more. When my body has processed the alcohol out of my system, I want to drink again. The remnants of the elements in it’s chemistry becon me to consume more.
I don’t know if it’s the yeast, sulphites, additives or what that cause these cravings for mor, I only know that I have had them and that, like you, only by not introducing them into my system can I prevent the reaction that leaves me wanting more.
We alcoholics have cycled through these periods of disease, sometimes with continuous frequency (functional alcoholic), sometimes sporadically (binge drinker). Both types present dangerous potential consequences to ourselves and others.
I am grateful that AA has afforded the fellowship through which I have been able to abstain from alcohol. That is my bottom line as I am certain others in the fellowship will “wholeheartedly” agree.
It is not *my* comparison of allergies to beestings and seafood, the claim that it is “allergy” to alcohol comes from The Big Book.
It’s really not that difficult for people to convince themselves of things that are not true – for example, that there are humans who are unable to control how much alcohol that they consume or what behavior they engage in when they do consume alcohol. Same thing with claims that sugar makes kids hyper and misbehaving. Double blind placebo studies show that when people think they’ve consumed alcohol (even when the drink actually has no alcohol, they will behave in stereotypical ways – and when given alcohol they don’t know they’re getting, the do not exhibit the “trigger” reaction. When parents are told their kids have consumed sugar, the parents will report their kids are more hyper and unmanageable – and when sugar is given to kids without parents’ knowledge, the parents do not notice hyper and unmanageable behavior.
People will live up to, or down to, the expectations of others that they have assimilated into their self-image.
No Shit!!! Sinful “defects” lie dormant only if each day I greet and thank god and ask to be shown how best to act in accordance with god’s will, rather than my own. AA teaches us, quite effectively, how to avoid “sin”- that is, avoid doing further harm to ourselves and others by taking responsibility for our sinful urges: acknowledging as they arise and praying for god to remove them. We practice this in sobriety. We know we can’t avoid further “sin” if we drink again, and we practice responsive acknowledgement of our imperfections (sins), in sobriety, to ensure we don’t succumb, once more, to possession by these selfish demons.
It is a program of abstinence from drinking and avoidance of sin. We become better friends, spouses, and parents because for the first time we understand that love is selflessness directed. Twelve steps to bring god into our life, ask god’s help to remove our sinfulness, so we may be of service to god through selfless love and service to our families and our peers.
LOL thanks for that explanation. I’m sure the newcomer will be riveted by your techniques for how they too can select a higher power to rescue them from the kind of naughty ‘sin’ that you engaged in for years under cover of drinking. Let me guess, you pray to Salt Peter?
Trish- I believe you generalize on the study aspect. Where those type of studies are suspect are the variables and conditions surrounding both control groups. Your same argument is the same one used by those suspicious of the study; that the desirable outcome wanted by the conductor is guided by the variables and conditions.
Oops! Sorry Greg! There are those, and more than we in AA will ever know, who have been able to stop drinking (were/are alcoholic) alcohol without the assistance of our program. I know a number of them. We may call them “dry drunks” because they haven’t changed their thinking and hence adopted the life we have come to know and love, but they are no longer drinking. They exhibited many and/or the same behaviours as us, but they don’t help anyone combst their alcoholism and rarely interact outside of their immediate circles. Just want to be accurate. Trish and AddictionMyth might appreciate it.
This author really does not have a clue, to what getting sober is all about. He can call the organization what he wants, AA works if you work it. It will keep a person sober, and make them a better, more honest person.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, the author “AddictionMyth” is a Satanist. Lies and deceipt are tools of Satan’s disciples.
Your Blog is Absurd Ignorance.
Remember that we deal with alcohol—cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is
too much for us. But there is One who has all power—that One is God. May you find Him
Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection
and care with complete abandon.
But for The Grace of God there go I.
Enough said.
The author has clearly never spent any time around the rooms of AA. He or she clearly has an ax to grind. I forgive you dear author. Thanks to living the AA program I’m clean, sober, and serene for a little more than 20 years now and I take many men through the Steps. I’m saddened by your bitterness. I’m a sober, Catholic, Republican, Conservative, happily married, male member of Alcoholics Anonymous. So what else can I do to piss you off?
You forgot closet homo. Newcomers beware: ‘We practice being more affectionate with each other’ is not one of the steps.
Well, I have had my eyes opened by this article. You see, sometimes, I will read an article and think this person has done some research and appears to have had some personal experience with the topic, therefore entitling him to an opinion. And while these claims may seem overblown and downright ridiculous, they must be true, right? I stand corrected. I now see that even if an article articulately states the writers case, it could still be the biggest bag of hogwash! I will read with a more discerning eye and certainly not take the only article I read on a subject as the final word.
“The newcomer is instructed not to date in the first year and is subjected to sexual and financial exploitation. ”
“Cravings are rarely mentioned at AA meetings. Go to your local meeting and see for yourself!”
I hope one does go to a meeting and they’ll see this is an absolute lie. I talk about my cravings all the time! I have never been been subjected to sexual and financial exploitation. You don’t even make sense in this article. Your points are disjointed and do not prove what you are trying to say. You are just rambling, making up shit as you go. Ranting and raving about things does not make you a good writer.
Your days of exploiting and abusing others and lying about your ‘cravings’ are coming to an end!
And yes I encourage people to attend their local AA meeting to see this dynamic for themselves. Hint: If the drunkalog starts with “I was a born liar” then you don’t have to believe every word out of that person’s mouth.
Amazing how you quote yourself,
“I was born a liar”. Prophetic! It’s difficult facing ones demons! There is apparently a lot going on in your soul. And yes! You DO have a soul! Regardless of what your demons are telling you. Hear the third step prayer, say it when you rise each day! There is hope in surrendering! YOU TOO CAN SEE! All you have to do is open your self, your will to the care of a power greater than yourself! Just TRY wrapping around that concept. Can you?
really??? the spiritual principals of AA and other spiritual fellowships , have saved the life and souls of millions, including mine…… the only thing the writer is trying to do satisfy a sick need to bring something down that apparently he could not get a handle on ,to make himself feel better….. everything in life and on this planet has the potential to be used for good or evil ,it is up to the person using it and what kind of guidance he or she has. And speaking from the perspective of a recovering addict ,prior to finding the 12 steps there are many things that I did that some would consider evil (lncluding me) . eventually all of that led me to AA and ultimately to my BIBLE …..remember writer all things serve The Lord ,and Jesus sought out sinners to save, to carry a message of hope to other sinners (which means everyone) , not condemn or to twist things to serve the human ego
Lol thanks for confirming everything that was said in the article. I think it’s hilarious you don’t see it. You will!
final response is this , all of that may be true or not, what I said was that recovery programs led me to my Christian beliefs, which come from my King James bible , its your EGO that leads you to believe that we all are blinded , misled, or can’t see the truth of what’s really happening on earth or the true nature of the battles going on today, and we all have a part to play in it. Being the perfect Christian that you seem to be claiming , remember that pride comes before the fall and your Ego and arrogance will be your undoing if you don’t learn true Christian values … and once again everything serves the Lord whether you happen to like it or not
Lol if that were true you’d be preaching the 10 Commandments not the 12 Steps!
The only thing satanic I see is the nut case who wrote this article. He is one of those who thinks he is most Godly and has the answers for all mankind…..I like his sober then drunk , sober then drunk as if all AA members do this which is stupid…..He thinks when people get drunk they do crimes and other sins they can just blame it on alcohol and it’s over. Talk to the ones in prison who don’t remember doing the crimes they were convicted of……..You forgot Overeaters Anonymous , Smokers Anonymous , Narcotics Anonymous , Sex Anonymous and others which seen to work for millions of people. I am a Christian and member of AA for 36 years and have worked as an alcoholism counselor ……By writing garbage like this he telling people that AA does not work and therefore a lot of people will die from alcoholism reading this . Ignorance Can Be Corrected But Stupidity Last A Life Time
Actually this article has saved many lives by keeping them away from your satanic cult that teaches that drinking causes crimes. Quite the reverse: criminals have a drink/drug then go on crime sprees thanks to AA doctrine that tells them they don’t have to remember all the details.
If you were wondering why your meetings have been so empty lately, now you know. 🙂
I don’t even know where to start…
No one ever said AA was for everyone, but certainly it has and does work in keeping a fair number of people sober and healthy without driving them into the arms of Satan (!?!). People are complex beings and each is individual. Some things work and some things don’t.
This reminds me very much of people in meetings who struggle with letting people define their higher power as they see fit and as it will help them.
No one ever said AA is for everyone?
Then why do courts routinely send people to AA meetings for say – their first DUI with that one episode as the only evidence the person has a “problem” with alcohol?
You’d rather they sent you to jail??
A fine plus community service would be much more effective on a first offense.
If I had a choice between AA or jail, I wold choose jail. That’s how offensive I find AA to be.
Perhaps that question is best directed at the courts rather than AA. As a long-time AA member I would rather that courts would not stipulate offenders to AA. Most of them aren’t serious about getting sober and they are generally a source of unnecessary distraction and discord.
People like this author, who washout or find it “too hard” to reign in their gigantic egos and “me” centered lives go on to post articles just like this. If they cant do it-the program must be flawed. Wrong.
Fiddlsticks asshole
If this person has been at 100’s of meetings, then, he must have been at open meetings which do not completely reflect the power of closed meetings. He also must not be an alcoholic-where he must quit or die. He has not known the loss of his sanity, family, livelihood, nor home, or he would not be making such unfounded statements.
Bill Wilson was one alcoholic who contacted another alcoholic who happened to be involved in the Oxford Group. If this writer would have thoroughly researched the Oxford Group, would have found that it was founded on Christian Principles.
The statement that Bill Wilson “exploited” any members of AA is totally unfounded and, quite plainly libelous. Again, if this writer researched his information, he would have found the exact opposite to be true.
Frankly, this writer doesn’t know what the flock he’s spewing.
I’ve been to many closed meetings as well. They are even more satanic. The Oxford Group invented “god as you want to understand him” which is pagansim. What is paganism other than that? Many satanic organizations were founded on ‘Christian principles’. So what? No Christian sect recognizes the group as Christian. Just because you say you’re Christian does not make it so. As for Bill, he was a notorious 13th Stepper. Just go to any meetings. The Old timers brag about it. It’s included in many of his biographies. Easy to find proof of it from many first hand witness account, including his own friends, and in fact it caused schisms within the church.
Typical Stepper you tell lies just to get people into the rooms so they won’t know they’re being brainwashed. Sorry but your lies have been exposed.
That’s why AA had to create the distinction
“spiritual not religious” – so that they could recruit people who already had religious beliefs (at the time that distinction was made up, the concern was that Catholics might see AA as a religion and be like, “No thanks, I have a religion already”.
Ur opinion is ridiculous. May God help u!
aa is an occult practice whose steps no man or women can
understand let alone practice. 26 yrs. without a drink proves
something. God gets the credit not me. aa is occult practices turn upside down. The only answer is Jesus Christ,the only way to God.
If God gets credit when you don’t drink, does God get credit when you do?
Think ‘upside down’ cross. That’s who gets the credit.
Yes, I absolutely give Yeshua credit for a couple of beers and some awesome prayer.. Praise God!
You are ridiculous
A God of my understanding.
This has made AA the most successful program for fighting the disease of alcoholism.
Has made AA the most successful pagan religion for protecting decades of mischief and sin. (Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself.)
So do you think AA, or any other program that is not Christian based is bad or wrong?
No I think ‘addiction’ is a religion not a disease.
I think you need to stop drinking..
I think that AA is a belief system that appeals to people – and is wrong – in the same ways as phrenology. Tell people you have a method to tell them something that is about them as a person as an individual, and they’ll believe it – even if, as in the case of addiction/alcoholism-&-recovery, the something about the person as an individual is not only not true but not very nice.