I am not a fascist!

The word fascism literally means bundle.  The idea is that a bundle of sticks is stronger than each individual, and thus harder to break.  This is certainly true but of course you can still peel off the sticks one at a time and break each individually, which is pretty easy.

Fascists are genocidal, though their target group can be anything including race, religion, nationality and even political belief.  Sometimes they are cannibalistic – attacking themselves.  Also fascists like to rape and plunder – this is a big part of the appeal.

We are all fascists.  A few people are overt fascists but most of us are in denial.  What type of fascist are you?


This is a white nationalist fascist who supports Trump.  They oppose muslims, illegals and blacks.  They scream in delight when he says, “Bomb the hell out of them” and “Build the wall” and “What do you have to lose?”


This is Jew Supremacism and a militaristic theft cult.  It takes its cues from the Bible which they believe instructs them to conquer the land of Israel.  They have raised their sights to the entire Middle East, which is why they are instigating a fight with Iran.  They fan the flames of ‘antisemitism’ around the world to scare Jews to move to Israel, though this can result in genocides like the Shoa.


This is Muslim Supremacism and is modeled after Zionism.  Their core belief is that “You are a good person so trust your conscience”.  Of course the irony is that they are fascists-in-denial, like the rest of us.  They are a foil for the Trumpkinists and the Radical Bombisists.


This is the prototypical fascist.  Their primary target is the Jews but they will attack anyone.  Like most fascist groups they blame the Jews for ‘corrupting the blood of our youth’.


This is the soft fascism of laziness of corruption.  Their core belief is that the US ‘hacked’ their country to make them sad and alcoholic.  They spend their days spewing ‘Whataboutism’ on internet message boards but are easy to identify due to their signature: receipts denominated in rubles and a ‘spoofed’ IP address.

Polish nationalism

Poor Poland has been targeted and oppressed by both the Nazis and the Russians.  As a result they espouse a relatively pure and simple oppositional fascism: “We Want God”.


This fascism is based on the drug war with the help of military aid from Uncle Sam.  Their doctrine is a mix of “Killing is Fun!” and “I think I seen him doin’ drugs!”

North Korea

This fascism is based on propaganda by their Dear Leader, who is propped up by Russia and China to extort the West for trade concessions and IP.


This Jewish fascism claims to be anti-Zionist to throw you off their true purpose: to establish a ‘democratic’ theocracy in Israel in which they can sexually abuse their own children and insist that this is ‘holy’.  Also, we will all be their slaves upon the return the Messiah.


Under their leader Narendra Modi, Hindu nationalists in India attack Muslims for disrespecting ‘sacred cows’.  They also partner with the Israelis to create a police state and vow to align with Netanyahu and Trump against Iran under the leadership of Nikki Haley.  Also, Pakistan.

Fascism need not be nationalist.  There are also ideological forms of fascism.


Socialists hate their own grandparents for reasons you don’t want to know.  As a result, they renounce any responsibility for them and demand the government take care of them.  Any taxpayers who balk at this are accused of ‘murder’ (ironically enough).


These fascists are united by their admiration for Bill W, who prowled 12 Step meetings in search of young women to harass.  They also enjoy exploiting their own members for labor and sex and bullying newcomers to suicide, whose deaths they then tout as ‘proof’ of their dreaded disease.

Chemical Imbalancism

Their core doctrine is “You’re a good kid with a good conscience (that is not at all fascist).  So if you massacre school children it’s because you forgot to take your pills that morning!”

Common Sensism

Having failed to teach their children right and wrong, these people are now terrified of them.  They also believe that a War on Guns will reduce violence and death.  “It’s just common sense!”™


The core doctrine of the Western Secular Caliphate is: “Our right to drone those with core doctrines is not our core doctrine.”


Believing that Russia ‘hacked’ the election, these fascists insist: “They used our freedoms against us! To corrupt our minds and poison our blood!  We must restrict our rights or we’ll end up like them!”


This group is composed primarily of community college associate professors.  Their rallying cry: “Kill the fascists!”

4 thoughts on “I am not a fascist!”

    1. Fascist for Jesus:

      But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts. – Malachi 4:2

  1. “Addiction”, The Great Lie!

    The Great Lie ? You ask. Yes, The Great Lie.

    No one is addicted to anything. Addiction is a symptom of fear, fear is the dis-ease. When the mind is not at-ease it is in dis-ease.

    When the fear is eliminated by understanding that there is NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF, the insane behavior, drugs, gambling, etc.. goes away on its own. We ‘do addictive stuff’ TV even, to occupy the mind.

    By quieting the mind in meditation we See why we did what we did not want to do.

    I will explain this in a way that if you want to understand you will. If you have the ears to hear this please hear this:

    It’s one thing to say I AM an alcoholic, or I AM a drug addict, or I AM an over eater. Then on top of that we have been taught to believe that we are “powerless.”

    Please stay with me here,

    So, now what we are saying and thus “believing” is that; “I AM” a drug addict and “I AM” powerless.

    WOW, what a LIE that has been perpetrated on the people. But the biggest lie of them all and Jesus calls this the unforgivable lie or blasphemy, is when as we are taught and told to say, ” God help me accept these two lies.” “Help me God to “accept” these things I can not change.”

    Only the Truth sets us free not lies.

    Whatever we say “I AM” too, we are! So if you say, ” I AM happy” you will start to smile and become happy. TRY IT! If you say I AM not happy” you will, yes, you got it, NOT BE HAPPY. This is the “God within” Jesus calls the “Father” telling you whatever you believe is true, is true to you. Why? because as Jesus told us so long ago, “ye are gods.”

    If we live the lies of addiction, telling ourselves we “are addicted” (1st lie), “we can not change” (2nd lie), and the worst one (3rd lie) “God help me accept this.” We have to suffer the consequences and the consequences of believing these three lies is to never be FREE! When we believe lies we are bound by them. The “truth” sets us FREE!


    It’s blasphemy, Blasphemy is irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless, etc.: Example; He uttered blasphemies against life itself.

    Remember YOU ARE THE LIVING TEMPLE OF GOD, “Himself.” You are “held sacred” and you are “priceless” in the eyes of God.

    Please see the lies and mind control in it all and begin the walk back to the “Father” by telling and affirming to yourself:

    “I AM not an addict I Have the power to make my life what I want it to be and GOD help me to do this by giving me strength and wisdom that only comes from You, You who is “WITHIN” me.

    When you start to see yourself as God sees you, you understand that addiction even the word addiction is blasphemy before God. It is just not true. When you tell yourself I AM not addicted YOU WILL NOT BE. The lure, if you will goes away. You get your power back! O MY, please listen, get you power back.

    You are loved, I love you and God loves You. I will close by telling all who read this that I AM available to speak (free, no cost or obligation) to any pastor (one on one) group or gathering. I speak on Fear and how to eliminate fear and how to live the “life of God” through what Jesus has taught. I AM a follower of Jesus I do not align myself to any church or religious organization. I AM love and I AM here to share the love found in the Words of Jesus. I AM spiritual not religious. I AM a seeker of truth.

    Seek and you will find, when you find you will be disturbed, after this you will marvel, then you will rest in the Love and Truth that God offers through the Words and teachings of “our brother” who so long ago gave up being a carpenter and allowed himself to be humiliated and killed so that we may live the truth. A truth that has been hijacked and kept secret from most of us for many years.

    They Killed Him because he started a revolution. The revolution was so profound and life changing that the pastors and leaders of Jesus day saw that they were losing “their” followers to God!

    Yes, to God, The Greatest “I AM.”

    Love and Light,


  2. Every time I finish an article I think, “Every time I finish an article I think, ‘This is the last one.'”

    “But this is the last one.”

    The Singularity is nigh……

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