You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny

You learned that your defective, obsessive, and diseased mind is bent on its own destruction: that is simply the nature of alcoholism, your newly diagnosed affliction.  Ruin is inevitable.

They exploited the desires, fears and sins you revealed during “Step Work” to exact obedience and stifle doubt.

Then they sent you out into the world to proselytize for them: to convince others they are similarly defective and obsessed even if they don’t realize it, insisting that their claim to drink just because they want to is a lie, even as you deny trying to convince anyone they are alcoholic.  And you do it, because it’s an essential part of the only known cure.

Now they sit back and laugh, waiting for you to self-destruct because one day you you wake up in a good mood and forget to beseech your Higher Power for protection from your own mind’s lethal obsessions and at the end of the day when you suddenly remember and reach for the phone to call your sponsor, it’s too late because the combination of vodka you picked up on the way home to commemorate a successful day (an old habit you assumed was long since broken), and a nearly full prescription of vicodin left over from a previous surgery (whose longevity you and your sponsor recently agreed was sure proof of progress even while you wondered why she didn’t demand that you flush it immediately), has already shut down the nerve signalling pathways controlling the muscles in your extremities, thereby rendering a maligned and abused but normal brain truly and hopelessly powerless, for the first time ever.

That’s the most common modus operandi of Alcoholics Anonymous, the brainwashing cult of powerlessness that doubles as a drinking club (oh you thought AA was a treatment for alcoholism? Gotcha haha!), and it happens many times every day in this country. They thirst for your blood because it makes them stronger; your expiration increments the obscene statistic that stands as this year’s testament to the fearsome power of the same affliction that now threatens the life of tonight’s featured speaker even as he stands here before us: a humble Christian, and at one time not so long ago another certain victim of the disease, were it not for his discovery of a simple but powerful program, which worked when nothing else did, and which not only rescued his poor and admittedly imperfect soul from certain death but offered it abundant life; the initiation of which requiring only a willingness to admit the power of an undeniably deadly disease; and for its maintenance his continuous vigilance lest it return. The disease withered as he advanced in the program in which he learned to exercise rigorous honesty in all his affairs; and finally the infernal malady receded, though it left behind in its wake a shameful trail of sin, which he regrets and for which he has made amends, as our program requires. He then proceeds to recount the harrowing details. We listen and much to our surprise he is laughing and we are laughing! The recovery from our condition has strengthened us and made us resilient, and we are able to find humor in the midst of the suffering and hardship it created for us and the ones we care about most. Indeed, we are not a glum lot.

You chuckle along with the group at the stories of mischief, unaware of the high cost the cult has incurred for them, or that this obligation can be satisfied only by the blood of its members. Who will die for this man’s sins? That question never occurs to you. For now you are focused on your recovery, while you relish the warm welcome of the fellowship.  Their eager hugs and knowing smiles suggest a genuine appreciation of your suffering, even if the repeated demands for ‘rigorous honesty’ about past mistakes left you demoralized.  They say you’re making progress.

You recommit yourself to the Steps as our speaker advised and wait your turn for the promised miracle, wondering if you really have admitted utter powerlessness to your disease as he did, and trying to remember what he even said about that.


The Real Alcoholics of AA pour their drinks and take their seats, laughing about their new disciples. Who will be first to attain true knowledge?  The bets are placed and the curtain is lifted.  The demons settle in to watch an eloquent apostle of our “cunning and baffling” condition start her day in a good mood and conclude it in silent vindication.   The curtain falls and the room erupts in raucous cheers: the old prank remains as young as the blood that affords it.  The winner of the pool soaks in the accolades and starts to plan her merry escapade, which will only wax more lurid in its retelling. Brew sloshes and spills from a goblet raised jubilantly in its own honor.


My advice is to get out now and don’t look back. Maybe stop by your local church on the way home and see if they have any openings for service work.

And for gosh sakes, don’t mix alcohol and drugs!

AddictionMyth gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Dr. Drew Pinsky for this article.

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1,168 thoughts on “You Are So Brainwashed It’s Funny”

  1. I’d rather go through life sober, believing I am an alcoholic, than stumble through life drunk , wondering if I might be.

    1. amen to that. As a professional drunk since the age of 12( I am now 62) and sober for 44 days today. I only know that the cravings for drugs and alcohol do not go away magically, you have to work at redesigning your life and retraining your mind, to find other avenues of mental and emotional relief besides drugs and alcohol. I can certainly understand how AA appears to be a brainwashing cult,but better to have loads of friends who encourage and help me stay clean and sober, than to be at home sloppy drunk and stoned out of my mind,and wondering where my money is going. Also the members of AA have never hounded or told me I MUST go to meetings. It is always MY choice to go, my choice to stay sober and my choice to drink and use. No on can ever take that choice away from me including A.A.

  2. I have been sober for over 30 years. It’s through the saving grace of Almighty God and the fellowship of AA that has kept me sober.
    Meetings,service work,sponsorship ,fellowship and reading.You get out of your sobriety what you put into it. I’ll pass with that.

      1. You remind me of some of the gifted students I’ve taught: Intelligent but can’t function on a normal social level. Think Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. So we should be done here trying to help you. . . Zzzzzzzzzzzz to your reply. Lilian



      3. I would like to test this jerk with the MMPI to confirm whether his personality disorder is Borderline or outright Antisocial (better names sociopathy before.) Of course, the obvious idiocy is easy to see just by reading his rants. SULPHEROUS???

  3. Unfortunately, this almost, could have been written by my mother. She is a Mormon. Makes the rules up as she goes along, expert on everything. Drugs, alcohol, homosexuals. People like this are toxic. Speaking of things which they have no experience and treating their knowledge as gospel. I am a recovering alcoholic. As is my Dad, as is my brother. We are examples that the AA program works if you work it. People with the attitude of this author, (and my mother, poor thing) kill people through their arrogance and ignorance. So sad.

      1. I will take a double shot of that amen. A A works. This passing church dribble. Not to do his inventory or work his program. But usually those who know all. Fear all.

    1. My web site saves people’s lives by inoculating them against AA brainwashing propaganda and warning them about people like you, who try to destroy them by demanding ‘rigorous honesty’ on their sins so you can exploit them and protect your franchise on mischief. Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself. Your family’s embrace of pagan AA is just a pathetic rebellion to the judgments of your mother, who still works you like puppets even though you despise her.

      Of course, you will not post your drunkalog, as these simple facts will be made immediately obvious, and you will run away crying. Run pagan, run.

      1. Blah, blah, blah. Hi, my name is aDickMyth, and I am powerless over sounding like a broken record. I am also powerless over my writing, just can’t get past sounding like an eighth grader with a learning disability…
        Anything new or fresh, or are you just going to go on spewing the same old tired crap??

    2. one question,why do a majority of meetings end with the lords prayer? i wonder what kind of response one would get if they pulled out their mats and faced mecca to pray ?

  4. I don’t understand why anyone even pays this person any mind. their like a child seeking attention. without getting anymore insulting I’ll just add that anyone in recovery shouldn’t feel the need to prove what we know to be true. ignore stupidity and it loses its audience, it’s platform and it’s life force. don’t keep giving life to something that lives off of you. AA..N.A…ETC.. STAND UP BY JUST WALKING AWAY FROM THIS FOOLISHNESS..Then we’ll see how much it has to say when nobody bothers to listen…

      1. To the Addicktion myth….YOU can’t handle truth!!! I and countless others on this so-called blog have posted many facts. You only reply to the name calling…I wonder if theres a 12 step program for the weak n lonely…those addicted to dishonesty n insane behavior distorted by other substances…having the lack of will power to control your bs attacks against reality…oh wait…there is! Its called AA/NA…so AdDicktion myth dude….before you drink that beer, pop that pill, smoke that pipe or froth at the mouth with distorted reality….ask yourself am I powerless over fact?

      2. This is the first and last time I will be viewing. While you are obviously entitled to voice your opinion (repeatedly), it is clear that you are far more interested in inciting a debate than finding any truth. I would encourage any interested persons to find out for themselves what AA is about instead of letting this poor, misguided and bitter soul stop you from finding something that could change your life for the better.

      3. Man, I hope that’s true. I’ve been reading some really scary things about this cult. ( on other rites and books, as well) thank you for trying to expose it.

      4. These posts display in a weird order. When I said I hope that’s true, I was referring to your contention that human beings are addicted to the truth. Truly hope others find out and are saved from this cult.

    1. Unseeninja, I think we write here because we have found the truth and want to be emphatic about AA’s success in our lives.

      A newly sober or still drinking alcoholic does not need to read this drivel without our cautionary words.

      This guy is like the asshole at meetings who causes fights because of ego. We want our meetings a place of peace just like we want the information about the SOLUTION to our disease on the internet to be correct.

      We wish we could not entertain this freak’s ego, but our mutual combative efforts should disway anyone from actually believing his drivel.

      Hey…”Addiction Myth” why don’t you tell us your real name and real address. I’m sure we would not have a hard time finding some folks to 12th step you.

      Happy sober day, everyone!! Lilian

      1. Amen to all fellow AA family!! I love the example of the power of truth. We see and live the truth every day. Blessings overflow in our lives.
        Its unfortunate that it isn’t long before utter stupidity like this crops up. (Like a nasty little strangling weed trying to choke out what is truly beautiful,) It simply wont flourish. I looked at this for a laugh and now I am simply embarrassed by the ignorance. AA; Strong and beautiful; God blesses us!

      2. So creepy that that woman wrote god blesses us. “Chosen people.” I thought like that too once, that we were chosen and better. Shewouldprobaly deny that, saying, no I don’t think we AAs are better than anyone else. But they really do. They always say subtle arrogant things like that. “I can’t hold it against him. He’s just a civilian. He doesn’t have a program of recovery like I do.” Translation: he’s not as good as me. He’s not saved like me.

      3. God through AA saved my life. I will pray for yo because sick people don’t need vehement criticism, they need our prayers. Cults don”t allow you a life of freedom and happiness. They don’t even allow you a family life. You believe what they want you to believe. Free thought is not allowed. Not so with AA. I got the wife back who by the way sat back for quite a few years praying for my return to sanity. 5sons and 2 daughters who did the same. Not only did i get them back but the mother who agonized over her sons addiction. my wife and i had breakfast with mom this morning. i will not spend my life in guilt for what i did to them but i will spend my life repaying the debt of love they gave me. my present is heaven compared to what i put them through. we had visitors over for memorial day to enjoy with my huge family and my sons got compliments about how happy we are. love can overcome your past. not always but with GOD in it, you have the life you seek. Honesty willingness and open-mindedness are the keys to a freedom one experiences in AA. I did a lot of damage in my past but through the grace of GOD i got back more than i deserve and not without a lot of work. I have not had a drink or drug in 11 years. “The problem has been removed. It does not exist for us anymore.” AA taught me freedom of choice because when you are obsessed with drugs and alcohol there are no choices. i have over 30 sponsees and i found out if i give them GOD and our book as written their is freedom from anything addicting. they have had very few relapses. Why. Because i pray for them and me.

    2. Sooo, your telling others to walk away and not listen but you yourself could not accomplish that…Interesting !

  5. Yeah I agree with pretty much everyone…that you are very sick mentally. Your anger is blinding you :/ man you’re in one of the most dangerous positions I’ve seen people be in. God isn’t kind to those who lead others astray.people please pray for this person. Seriously…pray for those who persecute you.

  6. I’m 61 and over 4 months sober. I attend AA meetings because I am hard core committed to be alcohol free. While I am not doing the steps, I am doing a lot of reading/research/self-educating about it.
    I’m entertained by the article and the back and forth views here. I hope you guys are just having fun with your pop shots. AA is ‘take it or leave it’ with no pressure. Nothing’s perfect. I like the fellowship and the ‘drunks keeping drunks sober’ attitude.

    1. Rantings about AA aside, I believe Addiction Myth is probably a high I.Q.’d Mensa Member, “Free Thinker” with high functioning Asperger’s Syndrome who probably hasn’t been laid in like…ever. This is likely the only social interaction his delicate psyche can take. I’m picturing the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons. We should be glad he sticks to this endeavor instead of going on a killing spree like so many others. Of course if he would like to take on a real cult, check out the OTO and “Do as Thou Wilt.” Or may be you’re already a card carrying Member?

    2. It is funny to see a different take on AA. I always say it is a cult. But it is our cult. It has truly rescued me from my rationalized way of thinking I was living.

    3. It’s only been four months. They’re still acting like there’s no pressure. But there will be. And it won’t be obvious. It’s like the old frog in warm water analogy. At first, the frog is all comfy, but someone keeps turning the heat up. Because it’s gradual, he doesn’t even realize it’s happening. Until he’s in boiling water and then he’s dead.

      Anyhow, if he stay in AA which I truly hope you don’t (you can do it on your own . You ARE doing it on your own now actually, no other way it can be done. It’s Alwyas been your choice, Dorothy.), if you DO stay in AA, you will probably start talking more and more about your powerlessness, maybe embellishing your drunkalogue a little as the years go on, “working” the steps. You’ll start to become indoctrinated. If you don’t , you’ll see hat warm and fuzzy fellowship you crave start to cool.
      Check out SMART or RR for an alternative. I lost years of my life to this program. I wish I had found out about what it really is sooner.

  7. Hey Agent Orange, you’re a creepy troll. I see you comments you make about AA every once in a while. Fact is, I can’t understand why people pay any attention to what you say at all. It’s obvious you’re addicted to trolling. I personally think you’re an idiot and I have no respect for your kind whatsoever. Are you an atheist, is that your problem? Because atheist are known for taking and holding positions based on nothing but simple abstract possibilities that are 100% intellectually indefensible. Come to think of it, I believe you are worse.

    AA has been around forever basically and has saved the lives of millions. It doesn’t matter what you say, facts are facts. It seems you do a lot of research on AA, like you will read a whole book and take one thing from that whole book that supports your idiotic position. I have read some of your material shaking my head at the balls you have to just out and out lie about AA and the fellowship.

    Whats the matter, do you want to achieve some sort of fame? Is that your problem? Do you feel like a nobody and you want to make a name for yourself, to have that five minutes in the spotlight for yourself? You’re a buffoon and like I said it soesn’t matter what you say at all. AA will be around forever and there is nothing you can say or do to stop that. The only thing you might be doing is harming the newcomers, maybe even killing them.

    I’d like to know if you have another authority you would recommend to help the people who appear to have some sort of problem with drink and drugs. You know, the people who have never heard of AA and go out and drink and can’t stop and stay stopped, the ones who lose jobs, families, homes, reputations, etc.. the ones who end up with delirium tremors in mental wards or end up with alcoholic paralysis. Who, in a drunken fit of rage, beat their families, you know, the wife and kids both? The ones who swear to God that they will never drink again and a short time later their in the bar drinking slamming their fist on the bar and asking themselves how it happened again. Do you know them? You’re an out and out liar, you creep.

    How come no one ever hears of a possible solution from you? All we hear is your tired old 1970’s style cult watch theories. Man are you boring. It baffles me to no ends, why people like you do what you do. Whats the point of it all? You’re never going to be taken seriously, EVER! I’ve wasted enough of my time on you.

    1. Yes I know them very well. You can find them at AA meetings crying that they can’t stop drinking and then they go out and drink and get drunk and beat their wives and kids because they can’t stand them and then cry and apologize the next day that they’ll never do it again and then they go back to AA and declare their powerlessness to whiskey and do it again because they despise their family for whatever reason and hope their wives will kick them out so at least they’ll have a good excuse to roam like their hero Bill Wilson.

      Please post your drunkalog and this will be obvious. Or just go to your local AA meeting and see for yourself. They lay it all right out in front of you.

      And then they say ‘keep coming back’ because people are addicted to the lies. Except you. You are addicted to the truth and despite yourself you keep coming back here, and then cry and say you won’t come back and then here you are again! I suspect that infidelity is the least of your sins. But I know that you can be forgiven. Your secrets make you sick, and your secrets keep you sick. Repent NOW!!

      1. Oh my. I hear a crybaby at the family counseling session complaining that mommy and/or daddy still drink and come home and beat/neglect me. So I’ve become a tyrannical verbal bully to “get back at them.”

        Are you mad at AA because “they” didn’t get sober? AA does not make people sober. I’m sorry you have suffered so much because your pain is like a mental infection blocking your ability to be sane, let alone assimilate into society.

      2. I would never purport to be an expert on what keeps you sane in your world, whether it be a Christian God or any other faith. I have never walked in your shoes. That’s why I can’t and won’t criticize you or your faith. Why do you criticize a program that has helped millions and continues to help millions all over the world? How is this a bad thing?

    2. What takes years to build can be attacked and destroyed overnight. We AA’s have the courage to build anyway. ;

    3. Actually he gets some of his facts from those of us who tell him. He took one of my fact informing posts and started another blog…of course he twisted the wording to fit his sick needs…

    4. I’m not agent orange. I’m a woman in her thirties with a husband and kids, who just realized she lost years of her life and almost died, thanks to this program of recovery.

      If you want alternatives, though I’m thinking that was rhetorical, try SMART RECOVERY or RR, etc.

      You will of course say, that’s not for REAL alcoholics, that’s for problem drinkers. To which I will say, that’s all made up!

  8. This post reminds me of the “manifesto” of Elliot Rodger, the psycho in Santa Barbara who thought he was a victim of pretty women. What AA says is, IF you want what we have AND you are willing to go to any lengths to get it THEN you are ready to take certain steps. AA also says if you can “make the right about face and drink like gentleman our hats are off to you.” Anything beyond these statements is your victimization fantasy.

    1. What AA says is do the steps or it is jails, institutions and death which amounts to psychological hostage taking.

      1. No, just the facts of life…if you can’t face that, that’s your problem.

      2. Nope. Most people who drink to excess moderate their drinking over time, and eventually become normal moderate drinkers. Which is a healthy behavior. AND for the remainder, AA is no more successful than no treatment at all. This is proven scientifically. The only thing AA does is create a cycle of abstinence and bingeing (“failed attempts at controlled drinking”) that can last until middle age. This is very unhealthy behavior.

        Bottom line: stay away from AA. (Or if you really want to go, just remember that it’s a drinking club and Lie like the wind!)

      3. Exactly! The tactics are all there. Ad if it’s not spelled out loud and clear enough in bill Wilson’s sick book, then you’ll hear it at meetings. “These are suggested steps… Just like it’s SUGGESTED you use a parachute when you jump out of a plane.” Followed by sick chuckle.

      4. AM,
        “The only thing AA does is create a cycle of abstinence and bingeing”
        This idea, aka LIE, almost killed me when I left. Thank goodness I was finally able to deprogram my head and get out of that cycle.

  9. I am a sober alcoholic who has heard the cult argument from my brother . He is 51, still lives with my parents, has had countless DUI’s and other convictions and almost choked on his hidden hooch and died when I showed him my one year coin. He believes AA is a cult because his obsession with substances is so powerful he cannot admit this so he negates the one avenue he knows will save his life. I, on the other hand, know that AA is an amazing solution to a disease I really didn’t plan on having, but since I do, I am going to do my best to continue this journey on Earth sober. And AA provides me with some options for survival. If it were a cult, it would not have helped me because I’m too damn opinionated and critical, which many alcoholics are: some of us just don’t want to keep lying to ourselves.

    1. Kudos, Lilian, agree totally. Some people can’t get beyond self-delusion. The gibberish on this website proves that. Remember how exhausting living a life of lies was? We should pray for this fellow.

      1. Lol your such a douche Mr anonymous. Keep your big book close cause your too weak to stand on your own two feet u little fucking crybaby

    2. Dear Lilian, I have been sober by the grace of God for almost 18 years, and with the help of AA. It is so sad to watch people tear down AA when it has in fact saved our lives. These people that attack AA are the ones that play God and can not surrender. Not all people will ever get sober and most will die. I lost count of the people that have died because they could not get honest with themselves. My advice, do not waste the time on people that choose to stay sick. My sponsor always told me to move on to somebody that does want help. It is very rewarding to watch peoples lives change with the help of AA. It is NOT a cult. Find another meeting! LOL! We will pray for them. The bible tells me if you are not saved you will parish in hell! There are many people that view the Bible the same way as AA. I choose life everyday and am grateful for the people that have helped me on my journey! Praise Jesus! We are free to choose our Higher Power, it is a choice , whatever works for you! We all have a choice! Blessings to you!

    3. Lilian,
      “I’m too damn opinionated and critical,”

      That’s what I thought about myself too. There’s NO way I could ever end up in a cult. I’m still incredulous. But I did. I was. And it is. I hope you can get out. I really think the 12 steps are particularly damaging to women.

      In fact, I already see you doing what I used to do, listing those character defects. Are you really too damn opinionated and critical? Or are you discerning? Use your good intelligence and good sense to research what’s really going on. This program was beyond damaging to my psyche. It took me eight years after I left to realize that that was why I spiraled into the darkest depression of my life. People told me when I was going to meetings, but I, like you,didn’t belive them. What are they talking about? They just don’t understand. This program is saving my life. No, it was sucking the life out of me, slowly, But surely.

      All those years thinking I had a disease. Such a waste of my youth.

  10. The light must come on, and in my lifetime of experience with addicts, THE ONLY SUCCESS STORIES, are those that flioped the switch, got the message of Aa, worked the steps and NEVER quit. All my other beloved addicts had or have attitudes like yours….some for their lifetime, even through horrendous illness caused solely because od drugs and/or alcohol. And let ua not

    1. The light came on for me too. The switch got flipped. And I am FINALLY free. Thanks to (leaving) AA. It took 13 years of my life in total, but I found a way out and you can too.

  11. This cat addictionmyth is way fucked up…..
    I feel sorry for this one it almost seems that hes an alcoholic himself and he keeps looking at himself in the mirror and does not like what hes seeing and is not ready!!! I have been sober for the last 5 years this September by the grace of God and Greatfull for it.
    I was ready for it then and still am now. So i will keep him in my prayers and all of you my brothers and sisters in the program GOD bless

    1. Let me guess. You almost died from your drinking. Now you try to convince others that they’re gonna die too: “You don’t like what you see in the mirror? Well that’s because you’re an alcoholic. Admit it or you’re gonna die!”

      1. Not that we will die with certainty.
        But more likely if we keep on drinking and drugging. And I don’t tell others what to do, just share my “experience, strength and hope.”
        Beyond your irrational and poorly backed claims, what do you have to offer another human being?
        Go on with some more ignorant and disingenuous ranting, I’m sure you’ll feel better.
        Better yet, get back on your psych meds…

      2. Another classic aDickTionMyth answer: “I know I am, but what are you?”
        Let us all know when you get out of your Huggies and we’ll chat…

      3. Man, where do you get this crap?? Apparently not from research and/or actual EXPERIENCE. We do not “go out into the world and try to convince everybody that they’re alcoholics”. AA is not a temperance movement, (so don’t worry… We don’t care if YOU want to drink) and it’s CERTAINLY not a cult. There are no charismatic leaders, no rules and no financial requirements, All they ask is that you drop a buck in the kitty every now and then to help pay for coffee and hall rental… and that’s completely voluntary… as is EVERYTHING ELSE in AA. Nobody has the authority to forces you to work the steps or do anything you don’t want to do.,, if you knew anything at all of what you’re talking about, I wouldn’t have to explain this to you.

        Why you would want to waste your time and energy disparaging an organization that has helped countless millions recover from alcoholism for the last SEVENTY NINE YEARS is beyond me… I won’t speculate on whether or not you’re a closet alcoholic in denial (only YOU can make that determination), but you certainly seem to have too much time and unfounded spite on your hands.

        Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own FACTS. I suggest you get your facts straight before you start spreading your ignorance for all the world to see.

      4. Anonymous,
        “Why you would want to waste your time and energy disparaging an organization that has helped countless millions”

        Not sure that those numbers are correct, but in answer to your question:

        Maybe because it’s also an organization that’s killed countless millions by implanting the idea that once they have a sip of alcohol they are out of control?
        Maybe it’s because this cult is so unquestioned by most of the country, so culturally accepted, even government mandated, that people , myself included, assume it’s a helpful organization, when it’s anything but?

        I only wish I’d seen this website when I was 21 and researching addiction. I wish I’d seen it then and had some other idea, something other than the diseases model, which is frightenly and dangerously accepted as truth…

        Hopeful that these ideas will reach young people of the next generation and bring AAs to light.

        My youth was wasted there.

  12. Wow what an idiot. AA has kept me alive and I’m not brainwashed. I’ve been in the rooms for awhile and have seen many miracles and promises. I haven’t been in jail or had a hangover for at least a decade. This guy is stupid.

      1. Ignorant is the correct word! This guy should go and check out the stats. The AA model is proven to work by science and has been one of the most effective models used to date ( to help people over come their disorder). So, why focus on the negatives, and add to the confusion and disinformation.?

      1. Again, we see there is no point anyone makes here that doesn’t just sail over aDickMyth’s head. We don’t do drunkalogues because we try to live in the solution, not the problem.
        The blogger on the other hand, is an almost totally negative person who only sees the downside of things.
        The point “farmdoc” was trying to make is that his life is better now that he is sober. aDickMyth can’t countenance that because then his precious “raisson d’etre” would be seen for the null point it is.

    Here is a study which elucidates a mechanism for blackouts. It also discusses that early studies were only done on alcoholic populations, but modern studies show that younger “social” drinkers share the same form of anterograde amnesia caused by rapid intake of ethanol. It appears to interfere with integrative functions of memory, transfer from momentary to short-term and then long term memory. This appears to be an effect produced at the hippocampus.
    I just love a good research project!!
    How about you?
    I am just getting started. I will dump so much good data from lots of independent, peer reviewed sources on here, it will become obvious to everyone who reads this compost you publish what a pathologically lying individual you are.
    Before we get rolling, would like to say that I respect your right to have an opinion on these matters. I simply do not respect the outrageous and nasty lies, fabrications and childishly written fantasies about AA that you try to sell as truth here. It is not the claims you make, it is the lies you tell that offend.
    If you were capable of engaging in a civilized debate, you would not receive the kind of vilification you do. I suspect you do it to draw fire from enemies you would portay as unhinged. Well, I am going to make posting all the evidence I can find that counters your garbage a personal mission.
    I will tell the truth about any personal anecdotes I choose to share. No exaggerating, no hyperbole. I will only refer to peer reviewed studies on point.
    I challenge you to do the same.
    Personally, I am not going to hold my breath hoping you will. Why don’t you give us all a pleasant surprise and show us you can engage in reasoned debate rather than bloviating, nonfactual attacks?
    Up for it?

    1. Yea Powerless!! I doubt tho that addiction myth has the brains or the balls to participate in a REAL debate. I challenged him a few weeks ago with facts and never, ever got a response. Seems he is only capable of acknowledging foul language and put downs. God forbid he grows up.

    2. Hey Addicktion myth started a new attack against AA in his latest blog “powerlessness as a religion”…couldn’t handle fact attacks on this blog….

      1. I like you, SobrnSexy!!
        You have hit the crux of my problem with the fellow writing this garbage.
        He lies, and all you can get when you present him with facts or personal experiences countering what he says is him repeating those lies. Tedious.
        Everyone please be nice, but lets keep whacking him with the truth and see how long until he implodes!!

      1. As usual, an irrational response. If you were in a schloarly setting you would receive a failing grade for responding and only having a reference to yourself. Especially a whacked out “convo”‘with you talking only to yourself.
        Please note, the quoted study has many references at the end. You weakly attempt to dispute Mr. Whites’ methodology, but yours only rises to monkey poo throwing level.
        ‘Nuff said…

      2. And, this makes me suspect we will be getting many more of this type of answer. The conspiracy theorists’ “mantra.”
        “The people you quote don’t agree with my psychotic and poorly reasoned conclusions, therefore are just part of the great conspiracy.”
        Get some help….really!!

  14. Should rename “This Article Is So Unclear, It’s Funny”

    Thanks for this convoluted venture into the bargaining mind! Reminds me and reinforces why I got sober in the first place.

    I remember the unhappy days, rationalizing and lashing out at everybody..

    The real problem is, A LOT of people who actually want to find happiness in sobriety find it in AA and you don’t seem to be finding it anywhere.

  15. I am truly sorry you feel that way. The only people i have known that 12 steps dont work for arent working the steps. A.a has saved alot of my freinds lives.

    1. That was the answer I was given and time and time again in program. Wrk the steps, it’s in the steps. No matter what the problem… So like the good girl I was, I did it and I am not being dramatic when I say that it all damaged me. How could it not, I had to get rid of my SELF and turn everything over to some scary higher power who would only rescue me when he was good and ready (in gods time, not mine, right?) and might leave me hanging and suffering for years. Pretty scary stuff! As if that weren’t enough,I had to stay on top of the worst things I could think of about myself. Gotta constantly ask this dick of a higher power to remove my character defects lest one of them run amuck and drive me to drink again.

      I happen to think the steps are particula damaging to women, but maybe that’s because I’m a woman and they’re really damaging to all.

  16. You have no idea what your talking about ! This is contempt prior to investigation and your a idiot . AA saves lives and has for almost 80 years .

  17. A.A has saved my life, and millions of others. im sure this is spoken from a true normy. A.A has no opinion on outside issues... but i can... says:

    A.A has brainwashed me right into a much better way of life. A.A has no oppinion on outside issues… but i can… go… urself!!! See? Im getting better. Progress, not perfection. Thank god for that one. 😀

    1. Actually AA has killed millions. Don’t believe it? Just post your drunkalog and see for yourself. Here let me help you get started: “Hi my name is ___ and I’m an alcoholic. I’m also a born liar.”

      Well you can take it from there.

      1. Alcohol kills people. Guns kill people. Drugs kill people. AA, NA, CA, etc. Are Spiritual programs offered to those who want a different way of life. I have notice that Addiction myth only replies to those who don’t mention Facts….goes to show that the old saying “opinions are like azzholes, everybody has one” fits perfectly.

      2. Actually WE are all born innocent. It’s our upbringings, peer pressure, and society that change us. We all start out knowing right from wrong.

      3. Yep, “Point” this guy is a pathetic lying bastard who can convince himself of anything.
        If he ever runs out of lies, he’ll collapse like a Brazilian soccer stadium.

      4. Personally, I don’t understand why anyone gives people like you any attention at all. Its obvious that you are a little troll. It really doesn’t matter what you say. AA works and it has saved the lives of millions of people. Are you an atheist? Is that your problem little troll? Because atheist are know for holding illogical and irrational debates based on on nothing but abstract possibilities. They take and defend 100% intellectually indefensible positions. You say AA doesn’t work, that addiction is a myth. Show me your reputable scientific evidence. Get a life little troll. You’re an idiot.

      5. No ones taking you up on posting the drunkalogue, are they? Wish they would. I think you’re right.

    2. That’s why I think there’s no getting through to these people once they’re in it (I guess that’s the definition of a cult). The defense will Alwyas be the same: you’re just a normie. You couldn’t possibly understand the diseased mind I have. And you’ll never be able to.

  18. I’d bet that if the day comes when an alcoholic or addict driving impaired slams head on into a vehicle carrying the bloggers friends or family and kills one or all of them, this ever so insightful blogger may not be so self righteous anymore . Hey…AddictionMyth, don’t think it could happen to you or your loved ones? Think that kind of tragedy only happens in the newspapers?
    Guess again genius;
    The CDC report calculated that fatalities due to drunk drivers and more than 50 other alcohol-related causes of death are responsible for wiping out about 2.5 million years of potential life each year. Americans between 20 and 64 were victims in the majority of alcohol-related deaths, so many of them would have lived for many more years if alcohol hadn’t killed them (either directly or indirectly). (March 2014)

    1. I was hit by an alcoholic many years ago. He was driving drunk because he went to AA and learned he was powerless to his cravings to drink and drive. So guess what? He went out and drove drunk. Gee, thanks AA!

      1. Sorry for your loss. Doctor told me I was blind and shouldn’t drive but I CHOSE to anyway and killed someone…darn doctor, its all his fault. The bible tells me I should’nt kill, covet thy neighbor or steal but I CHOSE to kill your wife so we could continue our love affair…therfore I stole her man and her life…darn bible/religion its all your fault….you see if I put the blame on others then I dont have to take responsibility for my actions….my choices…I am POWERLESS over people, places and things…therefore its the world’s fault that I am so f@#*ed up…thanks Addiction myth for being on my side.

      2. Drinker: Hi I was sent here by the judge because I was caught driving drunk. Can you sign my card?

        AA: Sure. But consider this: you are powerless to your cravings for alcohol and you are not responsible for your own behavior. Don’t believe it? Fine. Go out and keep drinking and don’t come back until you do.

        Drinker: OK I got into a fight while drinking. I think I’m ready to admit I’m powerless. I’m not responsible for my own behavior while drunk, plus I have intense cravings to drink while sober that I can’t control. I’m an alcoholic!

        AA: Good! Now you have to choose a Higher Power to direct your life. Not ready to choose a HP? Fine. Go out and keep drinking and don’t come back until you are.

        Drinker: OK I did as you said. I got a DUI. I think I’m ready to choose a HP. I choose Adelle the singer. I hear she’s making a comeback.

        AA: Good. Now confess your sins with RIGOROUS HONESTY. Not ready to confess ALL your sins? Fine. Go out and keep drinking and don’t come back until you are.

        Drinker: OK I did as you said. I got another DUI and spent another weekend in jail. I think I’m ready for this brutal honesty thing.

        AA: Good! Now ask your HP to remove your character defects. Not ready to turn your life over to your HP? Fine. Go out and keep drinking and don’t come back until you are.

        Drinker: Oops. I think I just killed someone.

      3. AA: WE were powerless OVER( NOT TO) alcohol, that our lives were unmanageable. Aka irresponsible. WE have no control over our actions under the influence of alcohol. If you don’t think you have a problem with alcohol, WE suggest (meaning its YOUR choice) you go out and try some controlled drinking. Go to the nearest bar, have a couple drinks and stop. If you can stop and don’t have anymore problems, our hat’s are off to you. If your a REAL alcoholic, and the mental obsession kicks in….you know where to find us.

        Drinker: Ok I’m powerless OVER alcohol and my life is unmanageable…I understand that the cravings will go away if I don’t drink, trust God and help others.

        AA: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves (me) could restore US to sanity. This is a WE program…you are NOT alone
        Drinker: I am having a hard time with this higher power thing.

        AA: thats ok. Use G.O.D. (Good orderly direction) AA is not affiliated with any sect, denomination, or religion. It is a SPIRITUAL program of action. Don’t drink and keep coming back.

        Drinker: So all I have to do is dont drink, go to mtgs and take it one day at a time…

        AA: The steps are suggestive only. Step 4 suggests WE make a searching and fearless inventory of our lives and to the best of our ability be honest TO OURSELVES. You only need to be willing to make an honest effort. Keep coming back and don’t drink inbetween mtgs.

        Drinker: Not sure I’m ready yet.

        AA: Thats ok. Remember the ONLY REQUIREMENT for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Keep coming back…it works if YOU work it.

      4. Were powerless not are powerless. AA is a program one has to engage in. Anyone can make excuses to care about nothing. AA did not make this person get into the car and drive. Logic it is a beautiful thing!

      5. lol, Are you serious little troll? What a moron you are, a complete babbling idiot. These kinds of statements are what makes you look like you are either a young child or a mental defective.

      6. Batia,

        Smart recovery.

        Or just not drinking anymore if it’s making life so unmanageable.

        But I can’t

        Yes, you can.

        No I can’t. I’m an alcoholic. I have a disease.

        No you don’t.

        I WISH I had gotten this 13 years ago.

    2. The man who wrote this is a educated fool,and needs a twelve step program!! I have been going to meeting for 35 years and haven’t drank for 28 yes,,…victor E

  19. Principles before personalities. Why argue with this person? Everyone has a right to their opinion. AA works for me but not everyone. Take what you need and leave the rest.

    1. I would guess it is the lies, distortions, half-truths and fabrications on this pathetic little blog that make people argue with this person. If he had a legitimate point he could argue it on the merits. Instead, he has to come on here with a bunch of insults and garbage.
      I suppose you are right, though. We should practice acceptance, see him for what he is, know we don’t want to act like an angry child like he does, and move on

      1. “I would guess it is the lies, distortions, half-truths and fabrications on this pathetic little blog that make people argue with this person.” If this person has the power to “make” people argue can he “make” me lose weight? Can he “make” my penis bigger too? People come here and they form opinions based on what AAs on here say. We should tread very lightly in my opinion.

      2. Don’t mind him. He keeps saying he’s leaving then he comes right back. He just can’t control himself. He’s powerless to AddictionMyth!

      3. Anonymous, arguing semantics here, really.
        A…DickMyth: people are generally powerless over each other. In your case all who visit here are particularly powerless over getting you to start telling the truth.
        Farewell, liar…

  20. There are those who choose to die a long, slow painful death because they refuse medical, mental or spiritual treatment for their disease (cancer, diabetes, alcoholism, depression, etc. Etc) and there are those who choose to uitilize the help that the world has to offer. And if you were current on your history, you would know that there are at several types of alcoholics..not two.

  21. There are only two types of people who go to AA. Those who condition themselves to stay, and Those who condition themselves to leave.

    1. That is so profound!?!
      It is sort of like saying there are two types of people who go to ballgames.
      Those who stay and those who go!!
      What is your point?

  22. Fact: AA has been around for 75 yrs. Fact: AA is self-supporting…no fees…no blood or brainwashing Fact: The Big Book is in the top 10 of the most read book in the US….the Bible is #1. Fact: AA is NOT a religious program. It is suggestive only. Fact: the members are encouraged to find their own conception of a Higher Power….whether it be Jesus, Buddha, Great Spirit, etc. Fact: alcoholism has been proven to be a disease and is in the DSM-V medical books. Has been since the 80s. Fact: most people who have a piss poor attitude towards something THEY cant explain or don’t understand are usually close minded and negative towards spirituality and life itsself. When its against AA, it usually means YOU tried and YOU failed. Some of us are TOTALLY INCAPABLE OF BEING HONEST WITH OURSELVES.

    1. Don’t waste time people on following his interview with Dr. Drew….its all one-sided…likr he’s talking to himself. Just goes to show that some of us are sicker than others.

    2. I felt the same way about A.A. when I was unwilling to be honest with myself. I tried every way known to mankind to change on my own. Hurts me to hear someone speak so negatively about the greatest gift in my life.

      1. AA saved me because I stopped lying to me. I know I can not consume alcohol safely. Thanks to all in the fellowship, and God for making me live when I did not want to. Freedom!!

      1. Alcoholism is not listed as a disease in the DSM IV. Again, wishing I knew that years ago. Was brainwashed by our culture into thinking it was a disease years before I was further brainwashed in AA.

  23. AA isn’t a successful method of quiting. The first thing they tell you is I. 1 in 10 people will succeed using their program. I’d wager money that the odds are much better trying to quit on your own.

    1. Well, you should fit right in with “DickMyth” here, then. He can’t give any real, peer reviewed studies that show what the success rate is in or out of the rooms. And you, with your “wager” don’t have anything other than opinions either.
      Anyway, is this based on your personal experiences, rumor, crystal ball, hearsay, “they” said, internet, what?
      I suspect you ate just more blah, blah, blah BS from the compost purveyor who runs this site.

      1. So, is it just your opinion? I wager it is.
        That is actually what makes you seem like the guy who writes this blog. He won’t answer reasonable questions either.
        So, what about it? Why the defensive reaction to some questions?
        Ego attachments?

    2. You spelled quitting incorrectly. And, yeah, only a small fraction of alcoholics that get started in AA stop drinking for good. But I have. For 22 years. A LOT less alcoholics stop drinking on their own. I know MANY people, some of them relatives, that have died from failed body functions caused from organ failure due to over-consumption of ethanol, whether brief or continuousover many years. You don’t know what you are saying.

  24. Along with everything which appears to be developing within
    this subject material, all your viewpoints are relatively radical.
    On the other hand, I appologize, because I do not subscribe to your entire idea, all be it radical none the less.
    It would seem to everybody that your remarks are not completely rationalized
    and in actuality you are generally your self not really wholly confident of the point.
    In any event I did take pleasure in reading through it.

    I do enjoy the way you have framed this specific

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