Category Archives: > Main Blog

Here’s a list of the main blog entries.

We’re Safe Now

American Jews renounce birthright citizenship in Israel

Birthright citizenship in Israel – the Law of Return – is used as an excuse by both neo-Nazis and Zionists to expel us and worse.  However we have freedom of speech and religion and can therefore protect ourselves here.  We’re safe now and must renounce birthright citizenship – for the sake of Jews around the world who don’t share our freedoms or safety. Continue reading We’re Safe Now

Next Fall

By the sweat of thy brow shall ye toil in sorrow all the days of thy life until ye beg for death.

If you commit a sin at the Kotel such as not wearing a kippa or praying too loudly, a black hat may approach you with a reprimand. If they persist, a simple “Go away” usually works and if not then yelling at them will do the trick.  They are actually pretty timid and will scatter at any sign of disturbance.  Nevertheless, the secular Jewish community is terrified of them because their children will give them a vicious side-eye and may even call them blasphemous names and this could quickly escalate to getting stoned to death in the center of the plaza.  Therefore secular Jews are going directly to the government to demand that the IDF crack down on these religious extremists who are more dangerous than ISIS. Continue reading Next Fall

The Road to Utopia

People in the defense and private security industry are frightened because they think: if war and crime are resolved, then they’ll have nothing to do and will be out of a job.  While this is true, this bodes very well for the economy overall, as well as the standard of living.  Because instead of destroying people and lives and property, these people can focus on BUILDING lives and property and making people happy.  Of course there is less money in such endeavors – but that’s ok.  Because they will have a lot less to worry about and can sleep easy at night. Continue reading The Road to Utopia

Bing, Bang, Bongo

I’m not sure why I’ve never written an article on the causes of terrorism, as I’m the world’s foremost expert on the subject.  But I haven’t.  I’ve written a million and a half comments on internet articles, though never extensively as a blog post.  Perhaps because I could go on forever.  I’ve written about Omar Mateen and Elliot Rodger in my blog, so maybe that’s why I didn’t feel the pressing need. Continue reading Bing, Bang, Bongo

The Convergence is Nigh

  Socia lism Putin Bibi Assad Trump Terr ism Addi ction Free
Adx Myth bad bad bad bad bad fake fake yes
Oz bad bad bad bad real  no
Eli Lake bad bad good good real  ?
Prop OrNot bad bad ?  bad bad no
ENB bad bad bad ? yes
Charles good bad  ? bad bad
High-Minded good bad bad bad ?
Antony good bad ?
Max good good bad good ? fake
Eli Valley good bad bad  bad bad yes
Adx Myth bad bad bad bad bad fake fake yes

I was hoping to do a complete circle with only one degree of separation between each person.  I don’t think that’s possible, but hey it was worth a try!

Foiled Again

Scooby Doo – where are you????

Israel is awash in foreign funding and Trump just promised to increase the budget of the Palestinian Authority even as he slashed foreign aid to all other countries.  Israel is addicted to foreign aid.  They receive about $4B a year for their ‘defense’ budget to protect them from the Palestinian ‘terrorists’ among others who are funded by the US and the UN and other countries, even as they use the money to incubate ISIS to attack Europe (and which recently apologized for accidentally attacking Israel).   Continue reading Foiled Again